Piano Accessories for Improving Your Piano Performance

Piano Accessories for Improving Your Piano Performance

Playing the piano takes a lot of practice and dedication. With patience and time, you can greatly improve your piano performance. However, you need certain accessories in order to accomplish your piano playing goals.

Here is a list of some piano accessories you will need in order to improve your piano performance and protect your investment:

Bench– While consumer-grade pianos usually come with their own benches, performance-grade pianos are usually sold separately. If you are looking for comfort, padded benches are a good choice. Benches will solid tops last longer, but they are susceptible to scratching. Bench cushions are also available for solid tops. You can also purchase an adjustable bench if multiple people in your family will be playing on a regular basis.Piano Accessories for Improving Your Piano Performance

Lamp– Playing the piano requires lighting that allows you to read the music without shadows. This is when a piano lamp comes in handy. You can get a floor model or a desk version, and of course there are all kinds of sizes and styles. Fluorescent lamps will result in a softer and less harsh light that will suffice for your piano playing.

String covers– These are highly recommended for grand pianos, and come in many different colors. Wool string covers protect the strings from dust. Simply place the fabric over the sound board and strings when not in use.

Cover– Have a lot of action in the area where your piano resides? You’ll want to protect your investment by covering your piano. There are many piano covers available to protect its finish. They come in many sizes to fit your particular piano, and are available in water-resistant fabrics.

Caster cups– Placed under the wheels of grand and vertical piano, caster cups protect your carpeting and floor. They are available in plastic, wood, and in clear acrylic that allows the carpet or hardwood floor to show through.

How To Polish A Piano

How To Polish A Piano

When your new piano first enters your home, is shiny and bright – the perfect addition to your home. Yet very quickly it becomes like many other pieces of furniture throughout your home. The fingerprints start showing up. Dust accumulates.

But a piano isn’t like the table in the corner or the hutch you store your dishes in. it’s a moving, fully functioning instrument that you have to protect in order to keep it in top condition at all times.

How do you polish a piano?

Start by discovering the finish your piano is made from.

Typically a piano is finished with polymer or lacquer finishes.

Lacquer is most common on North American pianos, and will resemble most other wooden pieces of furniture in your home. You can usually see the wood grain under the finish. And with the shiny surface, it will seem like its easily scatchable.

Polymer is actually a polyester finish, and is hard, dark and reflective in nature, Its difficult to see the wood grain through the finish, but fingerprints stand out immediately.

With a lacquer finish, the most important thing to avoid is a waxy buildup, which overall will soften the varnish. Lacquer is also a soft in nature, and will dry out very quickly depending on the room conditions and the method of cleaning you use regularly.How To Polish A Piano

Polymer finishes provide protection under spills, dents and deep scratches. However, the shine that gives it its unique finish will also allow hairline scratches to quickly duplicate and take over the pianos surface if you utilize improper cleaning.

With a lacquer finish, beware of certain ingredients in the cleaning products you choose: silicone can seep into the wood and cause costly damage; lemon oil can weaken the finish and cause sticky buildup over time. Steinway makes a line of furniture polish, or speak directly with your dealer to find the ideal product.

With a polymer finish, avoid high gloss products as they can highlight scratches and make otherwise unseen flaws more apparent. Likewise, Steinway makes polish specifically for polymer finishes to help restore their natural glow. Check with your dealer for the perfect product for your situation.

How Piano Can Change Your Life

How Piano Can Change Your Life

Walk into a room with a piano in it and you’ll instantly find something that attracts just about everyone. Invariably someone will know how to play and soon everyone will be caught up in the beauty of the sound and music. No other skill or hobby has quite the same affect.

You Can Learn Piano In Your Own WayHow Piano Can Change Your Life

Many people learn the piano as kids – their parents realize the importance and start them on the path of piano lessons from an early age. Still others begin to take up the piano in their 70s or even 80s, looking to fulfill a lifelong dream.

You don’t have to be born to play the piano. You don’t have to change the world with your songs. Piano is about appreciating music and enjoying the interactivity that comes from playing the piano and entertaining those around you.

An Entire Orchestra In One Instrument

It takes an orchestra to create a song. Well, maybe not when it comes to the piano. The piano takes on every role, every voice, and can provide an entire symphony all on its own accord. When people see a baby grand or grand piano in a room, it instantly commands attention.

The greatest composers of our time wrote music exclusively for the piano. Add in voice and you have full gratification. Many of the songs written hundreds of years ago are still popular for the simple reason they are classics. When you sit down to play them, one instrument says it all. The piano. It is its own orchestra.

Piano Can Be The Ultimate Hobby

Certain hobbies have a short timeline in your life. Playing basketball is entertaining and great exercise, but is it something you can carry into your 70s, 80s and beyond?

Piano can be fun, relieve stress, work areas of your brain on a new level with each new phase you conquer, and expand your social circle as well.

It can also deepen your appreciation for music as a whole. Would you enjoy concerts more when you recognize the notes and the instruments producing the sounds?

And if you thoroughly enjoy the art of playing the piano, there may even be opportunity for you to play and entertain right in your own community. Try the local shopping mall. Or maybe start up a band at the local rec club on Saturday nights.

However you choose to look at the world of piano, it has a place in your life. But it all starts with making the first move, buying a piano and learning to play. Let it change your life today.

What’s The Difference Between Grand And Baby Grand Pianos?

What’s The Difference Between Grand And Baby Grand Pianos?

One of most prized possessions in many homes across America is their piano. And usually when a home is ready to showcase their piano, they move to the grand piano class.

The most obvious difference between what we call a baby grand and a “regular” grand piano is the size. Sizes typically range like this:What’s The Difference Between Grand And Baby Grand Pianos?

Concert Grand – 9 to 10 feet

Semiconcert – 7 to 8 feet

Parlor – 6’3” to 6’10”

Professional Grand – 6 feet

Medium Grand – 5’6” to 5’8”

Baby Grand – 4’11” to 5’6”

Petite Grand – 4’5” to 4’10”

With size change also comes a variety of other changes as well.

A grand piano’s voice comes from the strings, soundboard, and the quality and workmanship of these parts. The longer the string, the more frequency to resonate from a larger surface area, the more balanced and full bodied the tone.

The smaller the grand piano, the more exaggerated the voice can be, with varying dynamics from octave to octave. For tonal superiority, most pianists look for a full grand, 5’7” or greater when making their final selection.

Cost is often a deciding factor when it comes to selecting a grand piano. Remember, grand pianos are an investment that holds value over time. New and used grand pianos tend to stay in the same price range because of their longevity. Talk with a reputable dealer to find the perfect piano for you.

If you opt for the baby grand because of price, aim for the longest model possible. Some baby grands are mass produced because of the strong desire, and therefore won’t provide the overall sound qualities you are looking for.

Make sure your piano room will have desired moisture and room temperatures. These elements are especially dangerous to grand pianos because of their revealing lids.

And finally, remember that grand pianos take up a large amount of space – around 63 square feet. Make sure you take into consideration doorways and stairwells when measuring your room. And don’t forget to add another two to four feet of space for the bench.

Shopping For An Electric Keyboard

Shopping For An Electric Keyboard

Whether you’re an experienced instructor, or brand new to the world of electric keyboards, there are many things to consider before you invest.

Do you need the latest technology? Shopping For An Electric Keyboard

In many ways, electric keyboards are a lot like the latest in computer or tablet design. The manufacturers add all kinds of “bells and whistles” to make their products stand out from the year before.

Do you need this latest technology?

If you’re experienced and use every new sound and option available, then you’ll probably be anticipating the newest release. If however you’re new to the keyboard world, you my not have enough experience to appreciate all it has to offer. And in many cases, it can be a huge distraction to trying to learn all that even a basic keyboard has to offer.

Work with an experienced piano dealer to choose a keyboard that matches your abilities, without leaving you in complete overwhelm.

What keyboard size is best for you?

A standard keyboard has 88 keys. However, electric keyboards come in three different sizes.

76 keys – A good choice for a beginner as you won’t need the full 88 keyboard

61 keys – Another good choice for a beginner, a great practice piano for all skill levels

49 keys – The smallest standard size, and not ideal for everyday use. May be a good place to start, though you will probably outgrow its features within the first year

Do you need extra speakers?

While most of the keyboards on the market today have speakers built into their bodies, its good to check out the sound before you leave the store. Does it provide you with good enough sound quality for your practice sessions? If not, investing in an external set of speakers may give you higher quality sound and make your practicing more enjoyable.

Do you need foot pedals?

Why are you learning piano? If you ever hope to play a full sized piano some day, you should begin training your feet as well as your hands now.

Many keyboards can connect up to an external pedal source. By investing in the standard three pedal platform, you’ll be able to learn all functionality of the piano right from the beginning.

How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

One of the most widely sought after “bucket list” items is the ability to play the piano. Piano is considered to be the kind of all instruments. A child as early as 2 can begin touching and playing the notes, feeling the musicality, and understanding rhythm far beyond what would be capable if he were to choose another instrument. Likewise, the piano can be played into our 90’s, even 100’s and beyond because of its ease of use.

Yet for many people, traditional piano lessons have done anything but help them learn the piano. Why? Is there a better way? How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

Studies are now showing that a more traditional way of approaching lessons may do more harm than good, especially for the very young.

A child must learn how to crawl before he can stand, stand before he can walk, walk before he can run. Each skill level builds on the other, giving you what’s necessary to move to the next level.

Piano lessons are no different.

To develop fine motor skills in playing the piano, a child must move through various stages:

  • Find the correct keys using any finger
  • Fined the correct keys with proper fingering
  • Play the keys with different rhythms
  • Play in consideration to the tempo of the music
  • Play in consideration to the quality of the sounds

If you push beyond the capabilities, it will simply have no meaning to the child. For instance, if you try and teach rhythm before the child has an understanding of the proper finger placement on the keys, he will have no understanding of the lesson and will soon grow frustrated and bored.

A newfound skill is clumsy and awkward until its perfected. Only after trying and trying again does it begin to make sense and become almost routine. When its second nature, only than can we move on and upgrade our skills and our desire for a more complex level.

If your child is feeling frustrated with piano lessons, how has he been approaching it? It may be time to consider a new approach. We can help you find the perfect piano instructor to suit your needs. Give us a call today.

How Music Affects Your Brain

How Music Affects Your Brain

March is Music In Our Schools Month, and as a way of promoting the benefits of music in your child’s life, we wanted to share with you how music affects your brain. Studies consistently show that music has a major impact on our lives – more then we even realize. So as you’re planning your young child’s daily activities, and are contemplating the benefits of adding a sport versus a musical class, keep these ideas in mind.

Music improves our creativityHow Music Affects Your Brain

Kids today always seem to be attached to a pair of headphones. From listening to music, to playing games, portable units make everything possible. But when it comes to doing some good, music may be the way to go. A moderate noise level has been proven to be the sweet spot for creativity. When a moderate noise level is going on in the background, it actually increases your processing levels, which in turn will lead to increased abstract processing. In other words, if you approach a subject in a normal way with a moderate level of music in the background, your creative juices will kick into play and you’ll be able to find more solutions to your problem. Yes, there may be a very good reason why you should allow your child to study with music on … within reason of course.

The type of music listened is influenced by your personality

Think you can find a friend by determining if your music choices are in line with each other? Yes, it may actually be true. Studies have shown that the type of genre of music you prefer can tell the world what type of person you are. For instance:

  • Blues fans have high self esteem, are creative, outgoing and gentle
  • Jazz fans have high self esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease
  • Classical fans have high self esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease
  • Country fans are hardworking and outgoing
  • Rock fans tend to have lower self esteem, are creative and gentle, but not hard working, not outgoing
  • Pop fans have high self esteem, hardworking and outgoing, but have lower levels of creativity

While this is all generalized, the sooner you introduce various types of music to your child, the better appreciation they will have for music, and the more influence music will have in their lives.

Music can significantly improve our motor and reasoning skills

Playing music has its benefits; the studies continuously show that. But studies also show that the more influence music has in your life, the more significantly your motor and reasoning skills will be. A child with three years or more of practice and playing on a musical instrument will show more auditory discrimination abilities and fine motor skills. They will also test better on vocabulary and nonverbal reasoning skills. Which means they will have a higher understanding and be able to analyze visual information better, such as identifying relationships, similarities and differences in patterns and shapes.

Music can make you more active

When its time to get active and put exercise into our daily routines, music will help you along the way. Listening to music competes for our brain’s attention, and can help override the signals of fatigue we may have from a busy day. Not only can we exercise longer and harder when we listen to music, but it can also help us use our energy more efficiently. Different genres affect us differently – that’s why you’ll always find upbeat music during dance, rumba or even aerobics classes that help you stay with the beat and keep your energy levels high.

Climate Control For Your Piano Room

Climate Control For Your Piano Room

When you buy a piano, you are making a big investment. A piano, when taken care of properly, can last for many years. It can bring joyful music to your life and even the lives of your heirs.

One of the key factors in taking care of your piano goes beyond maintaining the actual instrument. It involves controlling the climate of the room in which you store your piano. Here are some helpful tips for climate control in your piano room.Climate Control For Your Piano Room

  • You want to maintain a temperature of 70-72 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature for a piano. If your temperature goes lower or higher, you can damage the wood, the glue, and other components of your piano.
  • You need to store your piano away from drafty areas, windows, and even the vents of the climate-controlled room. This will ensure that the actual temperature of the piano stays within the right limits.
  • If necessary, add an area rug beneath your piano to shield it from the cold floors. This is especially important in rooms that lack the best level of insulation.
  • The humidity level of your piano room should be between 35-45 percent. However, it can be all the way up to 55 percent, and your piano will still be fine. The key to humidity is keeping it constant. It is the fluctuations in humidity that can be damaging to your piano.
  • One of the best things you can do for your piano is to limit its exposure to the elements. This includes direct sunlight, condensation, dust, and smoke. Treat your piano like you would a child and keep it away from elements that can be harmful to it.

Providing the perfect room for your piano will help ensure that your piano has a long and healthy life ahead of it.

Music In Our Schools Month: Why Every Child Should Play The Piano

Music In Our Schools Month: Why Every Child Should Play The Piano

Every March since 1985, schools put an extra focus on music. And for good reason. Sponsored by the National Association of Music Education, Music In Our Schools focuses in on the benefits of quality music programs for all grade levels, and the overall impact it has on raising a happy, healthy, and highly educated child.Music In Our Schools Month

Studies show that introducing a child to music early on can have a profound impact. Yet even with all the studies and statistics that exist, when it comes to budget cuts in the school systems, music is almost always on the chopping block.

What are the benefits? Once you understand them, its easier to go into your local school and work with them to keep music as a curricula that gets attention every single week. It will also give you even more reasons to introduce music in your home – and the piano isn’t something just for your kids, the whole family can enjoy.

What does music do?

Music isn’t just one instrument or one characteristic. A music rich experience involves singing, listening, playing and moving. It develops listening skills, eye-hand coordination, develops large and small muscle groups. Music supports learning; it integrates different learning comprehensions together to help stimulate different portions of your brain to work together in unique ways.

When you look at young children – ages 2 through 9 – one of the benefits is language development. It helps kids decode sounds and words, and reinforces how syllables are put together. Music has been shown to help develop the left side of the brain, which invovles language processing. Because music helps make the brain’s circuitry stronger, it can also develop a stronger sense of communication, making it easier to communicate with peers, friends and teachers.

Many studies have also shown that the average IQ increases when music was integrated weekly into the lives of a child. Your brain works harder, and therefore transfers to the way you handle day to day situations. Because of the fine motor skills involved in playing and reading music at the same time, your brain is more active in the process. As it learns to be in a more active state, it provides the user with a higher level of concentration. Which means a child can get more out of everything he or she works at.

This continues on for life. It transfers to higher test scores overall throughout the education process. It transfers to higher scores on college entrance exams, such as the ACT or SAT. And it also transfers into a higher level of students moving on to medical school.

Formal music has an impact with all forms of cognitive strengths. So why aren’t we pushing music more than we are?Music In Our Schools Month: Why Every Child Should Play The Piano

As a parent, you can take a stand. Help us celebrate Music In Our Schools month by bringing up all of this and more with your local educators. Then give your child the gift of music both in and out of the classroom.

One of the best ways of introducing music into your child’s life is through piano. We can help you bring the gift of music into your home today. Give us a call or stop by; we’re here to help.

Piano Lamps – A Simple Way To Improve Your Piano Playing

Piano Lamps – A Simple Way To Improve Your Piano Playing

When you sit down to play the piano, do you find yourself squinting at the sheet music? Are the notes harder and harder to see?

It might not be your eyesight that needs adjusting. It may in fact be the way your sheet music is lit.

One of the quickest ways to improve your piano playing is by investing in a high quality piano lamp. And with so many choices available to you, you’ll find the perfect one that lights up your music, your keys, and adds to the overall décor of your room.

Piano lamps come in all different styles, shapes and sizes.Piano Lamps – A Simple Way To Improve Your Piano Playing

A vertical piano lamp can extend from the floor up, sitting adjacent to the piano itself. It can be moved to a variety of positions, accommodating multiple players in one household.

When most people think of piano lamps, they think of the most popular style, they type that sits on top of the piano and shines down from above. They can be large or small. They can be ornate or simple. Overall, piano lamps are hooded to provide directional light where its needed most – the music and the keys – and to avoid direct light in the eyes of the player.

A piano lamp comes in a variety of sizes, styles, shapes and colors. Its not a one size fits all type of décor. Instead, select one that matches your tastes, your décor, and the overall ornateness of your piano. Brass, chrome, and other enameled finishes are all popular choices.

The shelf style piano lamp is usually more popular than the floor lamp because of its functionality. Many feature a weighted base to increase stability, or a counter weighted arm which allows for easy adjustment while preventing accidental falls during your practice session. Still others offer clip-on features that allow you to attach the light where you need it most.

You’ll also find piano lamps in both electrical or batter powered format. If you’re near an outlet, electric may be your preferred method. Surrounded by ambiance in the middle of your room? A battery powered option may be more preferred. In either case they are normally designed to accommodate one or two light bulbs of 40 watts or less. Making them the perfect way to light up your source without overheating the area around you.