How To Polish A Piano

How To Polish A Piano

When your new piano first enters your home, is shiny and bright – the perfect addition to your home. Yet very quickly it becomes like many other pieces of furniture throughout your home. The fingerprints start showing up. Dust accumulates.

But a piano isn’t like the table in the corner or the hutch you store your dishes in. it’s a moving, fully functioning instrument that you have to protect in order to keep it in top condition at all times.

How do you polish a piano?

Start by discovering the finish your piano is made from.

Typically a piano is finished with polymer or lacquer finishes.

Lacquer is most common on North American pianos, and will resemble most other wooden pieces of furniture in your home. You can usually see the wood grain under the finish. And with the shiny surface, it will seem like its easily scatchable.

Polymer is actually a polyester finish, and is hard, dark and reflective in nature, Its difficult to see the wood grain through the finish, but fingerprints stand out immediately.

With a lacquer finish, the most important thing to avoid is a waxy buildup, which overall will soften the varnish. Lacquer is also a soft in nature, and will dry out very quickly depending on the room conditions and the method of cleaning you use regularly.How To Polish A Piano

Polymer finishes provide protection under spills, dents and deep scratches. However, the shine that gives it its unique finish will also allow hairline scratches to quickly duplicate and take over the pianos surface if you utilize improper cleaning.

With a lacquer finish, beware of certain ingredients in the cleaning products you choose: silicone can seep into the wood and cause costly damage; lemon oil can weaken the finish and cause sticky buildup over time. Steinway makes a line of furniture polish, or speak directly with your dealer to find the ideal product.

With a polymer finish, avoid high gloss products as they can highlight scratches and make otherwise unseen flaws more apparent. Likewise, Steinway makes polish specifically for polymer finishes to help restore their natural glow. Check with your dealer for the perfect product for your situation.

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