How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

One of the most widely sought after “bucket list” items is the ability to play the piano. Piano is considered to be the kind of all instruments. A child as early as 2 can begin touching and playing the notes, feeling the musicality, and understanding rhythm far beyond what would be capable if he were to choose another instrument. Likewise, the piano can be played into our 90’s, even 100’s and beyond because of its ease of use.

Yet for many people, traditional piano lessons have done anything but help them learn the piano. Why? Is there a better way? How Is Your Child Learning The Piano?

Studies are now showing that a more traditional way of approaching lessons may do more harm than good, especially for the very young.

A child must learn how to crawl before he can stand, stand before he can walk, walk before he can run. Each skill level builds on the other, giving you what’s necessary to move to the next level.

Piano lessons are no different.

To develop fine motor skills in playing the piano, a child must move through various stages:

  • Find the correct keys using any finger
  • Fined the correct keys with proper fingering
  • Play the keys with different rhythms
  • Play in consideration to the tempo of the music
  • Play in consideration to the quality of the sounds

If you push beyond the capabilities, it will simply have no meaning to the child. For instance, if you try and teach rhythm before the child has an understanding of the proper finger placement on the keys, he will have no understanding of the lesson and will soon grow frustrated and bored.

A newfound skill is clumsy and awkward until its perfected. Only after trying and trying again does it begin to make sense and become almost routine. When its second nature, only than can we move on and upgrade our skills and our desire for a more complex level.

If your child is feeling frustrated with piano lessons, how has he been approaching it? It may be time to consider a new approach. We can help you find the perfect piano instructor to suit your needs. Give us a call today.

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