Can Your Love Of Piano Turn Into A Career?

Can Your Love Of Piano Turn Into A Career?

A child takes up piano playing because her parents feel it would be a good investment of time. It improves math skills and can help you do better in school. It seems like the perfect activity for a young, budding artist.

Slowly she works at her skill and finds she loves the piano. Her parent improve her ability by giving her more lessons and buying her the grand piano she’s been dreaming of. She begins performing throughout the state and is recognized for her ability.

Can Your Love Of Piano Turn Into A Career?As she approaches college, she announces her love for the piano continues to grow. She wants to continue her love for piano beyond college and make it a full time career.

Is this possible? Can someone in today’s world turn their love of the piano into a career that won’t leave them on your door step as a starving artist?

The answer is overwhelmingly a yes.

If your child has expressed interest in continuing their love of piano playing and make it a full time career, before they head into college, have them do a little research first. With the Internet its easy to find all kinds of people and career potential with just a few clicks of the mouse.

An easy way to start out is to have her find 10 different people that all use the piano to make a living, and contact them for a little more information on how they go about it. Keep in mind that career potential isn’t always sitting on center stage and performing in front of an audience. It can be everything from the manufacturing side of things to the education side of things, and of course as an entertainer as well.

Once she has done her research and has a long list of career potentials, have her define her own desires and wants. This can help her discover what type of education is the most appropriate for her.

For instance if she loves the piano and likes the concept of teaching as well, she may decide to double major in piano and in early education. Or a double major of piano and business may help her turn into a budding entrepreneur.

By seeing her potential early on, it will help her focus on what to do and where to apply in the coming months and years.

Buying Used Pianos In Memphis Tennessee

Buying Used Pianos In Memphis Tennessee

Depending on the style of piano you are looking for, a used piano may be a perfect option for you.

But if you don’t understand the process for buying a used piano, you may wind up with a piano that is anything but quality.

We know. As a piano dealer in the Memphis Tennessee area with over 50 years in the business, we’ve experienced just about everything when it comes to pianos. We truly do know the good and the bad.

Buying Used Pianos In Memphis TennesseeWhen you come into our store, we have a large selection of new, used and vintage pianos. And if you’re looking for something particular, we can help you find it. With more than 50 years in the business, we know the places to look and the people to call when it comes to finding the perfect piano for you.

Typically when people its time to buy a piano, they make two mistakes.

1. They shop by price.

2. They shop for today.

And its easy to fall into both of these traps. Maybe you have a child that expresses interest in playing piano. You don’t want to make a huge investment until you know whether he will continue or not. So you look for the “cheapest” piano you can get with the intention of “upgrading” when he practices and decides he likes the piano over time.

This is the quickest path to failure.

The cheapest piano you can find may be of poor quality, out of tune, and overall difficult to gain musicality from. A piano that isn’t designed to improve and have quality performance as your child expands limits his abilities right from the start. If your child can’t hear the music and tone he’s making, he won’t want to continue.

There is another way.

There are many used pianos that are excellent quality and offer you options when helping your child be all he can be.

We only purchase quality used pianos when we know the story behind it and can refurbish or repair it to an excellent condition. When you take home a used piano, rest assured it can provide you with years of top quality service. And give your child the opportunity to be the best musician he can be.

8 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Piano In Memphis Tennessee

8 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Piano In Memphis Tennessee

Ready to buy a piano? Then you must know the most important questions to ask the person you are considering buying the piano from, right?


8 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Piano In Memphis TennesseeBefore you head out shopping for your next piano here in the Memphis Tennessee area, keep these questions close and be ready to listen for the “right” answers.

How long have you been in the piano business?

Is there a difference between someone selling a used piano because they no longer want it in their home, and someone who has been in the piano business right here in Memphis for over 50 years? We think so. It all comes down to trust and making sure you get the best value for your money.

What do you know about pianos?

In order to sell you the right piano for your needs, we believe you should talk to someone that understands everything there is to know about pianos, from digital to acoustic, from new to used.

What do you know about this piano?

How old is this piano? Has it been maintained properly over the years? Just because a piano hasn’t been played in awhile doesn’t mean it doesn’t need proper maintenance and upkeep.

How does this piano compare to others like it?

Do you know the difference between digital and acoustic, uprights versus grand pianos? Many private owners don’t either. If they have one piano or a very limited selection for you to choose from, they can never give you the pros and cons of every type of piano on the market today.

How often has it been tuned (if its used or vintage)?

In order for a piano to play properly, it needs routine tuning. Does the person you are buying from have a journal to show you the maintenance schedule? Was it tuned by someone who knows how to tune?

How do I move the piano from this location to my home?

Once you decide on a piano, how will you move it from the location you are purchasing it from to the final resting spot in your home? Do the people moving it know how to move a piano properly?

How should I maintain my piano once its in my home?

This question can give you insight into how well the piano has been kept up until now. If you are dealing with a private owner or someone with only a small selection of pianos, they might not have the background needed to understand maintenance. If they can’t tell you how to maintain the piano in the future, chances are it hasn’t been maintained properly until now.

How can you support me in the coming years?

A reputable piano company understands that things always change. Your piano needs tuning and repair as the years pass by. At times you may want to move your piano from one room to another, or even from one home to another. If they know pianos, they can offer help with tuning, moving, even finding the perfect piano teacher for you.

Why A Piano Bench Matters To Your Piano Playing

Why A Piano Bench Matters To Your Piano Playing

A piano can be a rather large investment.  Between the purchase, moving costs, and tuning charges; the size of your financial investment can quickly grow.  With all these costs, you may consider waiting to purchase a bench.  This, however, would be a detrimental decision.  A piano bench is actually very important to your piano playing.

Why A Piano Bench Matters To Your Piano PlayingA piano bench is vital for proper form.  We are all aware of the discussions revolving ergonomic work stations for computer usage.  Studies show if you frequently use a computer without the proper support you could suffer physically.  The same is true with a piano bench.  A bench (situated properly) will provide the proper alignment of core, arms, hands and piano for the most ergonomic playing position.

A piano bench helps with stamina.  If you have ever attempted to play the piano standing, you know it requires a great deal more effort than playing sitting.  Having a bench allows you to save your energy and channel it into playing rather than position.

A piano bench aids the psyche in committing to your task.  Anyone can walk by a piano and play a few notes as they pass.  You may even pause for a moment to work through a measure or two before you continue on your way.  However, if you pull out a bench and sit down, you are mentally preparing yourself for a longer session.

A piano bench helps you take piano more seriously.  Sitting at a piano bench helps get your mind and body in gear for what you are about to do.  Proper form and psychological prep allow you to get in the mindset of playing piano.  While this isn’t enough to make you Chopin, it will definitely help you be able to set your mind to the task at hand.  This in turn can help you make greater progress than a more nonchalant approach to playing.

The Benefits Of Piano Playing For Your Child’s Intelligence

The Benefits Of Piano Playing For Your Child’s Intelligence

We all want our children to be well rounded, well educated members of society.  For this reason we rush between cheerleading practices, football games, girl scouts, and the like.  All in the quest for an experienced and excellent child.  As you race around choosing extra curricular activities for your child, you might want to consider piano lessons.  After all, piano can do a great deal for your child’s intelligence.

The Benefits Of Piano Playing For Your Child’s IntelligencePiano playing can improve focus.  We have all heard the phrase: “Practice makes perfect.”  That much practice requires focus and commitment.  If your child is going to excel at playing the piano, they will also become much better at channeling their attention, they will learn to build their focus.

Piano playing has been proven to impact the analytical areas of the brain.  Much of the foundation of music is numbers.  Notes and rests are divided and combined in a unique way to create rhythm.  This focus on counting appeals to (and strengthens) the analytical portion of your child’s brain.  Studies have even shown children demonstrating marked improvement in mathematics and science, the academical areas most impacted by analytical thinking.

Piano playing improves your child’s ability to understand and express emotion.  Aside from the Baroque era, most music requires some form of emotional expression for a full, rich, and musical experience.  Playing the piano can aid your child’s emotional development as they explore the wide variety of emotions expressed by composers throughout the ages.  In turn, this will help your child have a better grasp intellectually and experientially of their own emotions as well as the emotional variances of those around them.

If you are seeking a well rounded child, consider giving them piano lessons.  Among the varied benefits and pleasures you and your child will experience, you can look forward to a furthering of your child’s intellectual abilities as a result of tickling the ivories.

Make Piano Playing The Top Of Your New Years Resolution List

Make Piano Playing The Top Of Your New Years Resolution List

Imagine playing the same music over and over again. You may not like the music, but you have to do it again and again to improve the way you play. Boring, right?

For many people, practice is the most mundane of tasks. And eventually, it’s the number one reason most people quit. Why continue doing something when it does nothing for you?

Make Piano Playing The Top Of Your New Years Resolution ListIf piano playing was at the top of your New Year’s resolution list this year, and you want to give yourself the best chance possible of succeeding, keep these tips in mind.

Start with a positive lesson

Instead of making it a requirement at a certain time of the day, make it something enjoyable to look forward to. If you sit down to play with dozens of tasks racing through your mind, waiting for your attention, the last place your mind will be is on the piano. Think of piano playing as your relaxation for the day – a way to enjoy and unwind. Make sure you have the time to play at your leisure and focus in on what you’re doing, not on what to have for dinner or what errands you have to run in just a few moments.

Hold mock recitals

When you learn something new, its fun to show it off. Play a song you learned at family night. Play holiday tunes at family gatherings. It doesn’t have to be a full blown concert; just share one or two songs to showcase your new talent. You may even motivate others in your family to want to learn the piano as well.

Make music a part of your life

Have you ever been to a symphony? Do you attend concerts regularly? There are many opportunities in your local community to be exposed to great music. Piano is used in every type of music imaginable; from classical to rock. Focus in on attending events that interest you and begin to understand more of what music is all about. With greater appreciation comes more desire to build up your own talents. Its fun when there is a purpose in mind.

Proper Posture When Playing The Piano

Proper Posture When Playing The Piano

Think you need a different piano or more practice when it comes to playing the piano better? Think again. In some cases it may be your approach to playing the piano that matters most.

Proper Posture When Playing The PianoPlaying the piano well is only possible when you’re comfortably seated at the piano. Therefore its important to spend the first moments of a lesson or practice session making sure your piano seat is adjusted to the correct height and you are the proper distance from the piano.

The best height is one which allows your elbows and upper arms to fall freely from the shoulder, and allows the forearm to be parallel to the floor.

The best distance is one which allows your elbows to rest slightly in front of your center line when your hands are placed in a neutral position on the keyboard.

Keep in mind that this is your starting position. Because piano playing is fluid, you will always be moving from place to place; good posture is simply the point your begin with.

In order to achieve the desired position, its important to have access to a proper piano seat or bench that allows you to be comfortable. Sit on the front of the bench; your torso needs the ability to move at the hip joint while you play. Sit far enough back that you feel stable; forward enough to allow the hip joint to move freely. If too much of your thigh is on the bench, you struggle with movement, meaning your arms aren’t positioned properly.

Because there may be many different sizes of people playing your piano, you may have a piano bench that isn’t proper size for all players. Instead of getting multiple benches for each player, you can make some simple adjustments that will give you the space you need.

If you need to add height to the floor – a child may not be able to reach the floor with her feet – look for small benches for her to rest her feet on. Or use telephone books to the appropriate height to give her the proper posture.

If you need to add height to the bench, there are a few tricks to add space. Instead of pillows, which can be squishy and cause too much movement, try carpet samples or small interlocking gym mats to build height. They won’t move as much as pillows, and will give you an easy way to add and take away height as your child grows.

Does Wood Matter When Selecting A Piano?

Does Wood Matter When Selecting A Piano?

Ready to buy a new piano? What should you look at when making your final selection?

Since the majority of any piano – 85 percent – is made up of wood, its one of the first and best places to begin. Tone is created by the construction of the piano. And since that comes down to the type of woods and how it was finished, looking to the wood first will give you a good feel of the overall quality of the instrument.

Does Wood Matter When Selecting A Piano?Maple is a very strong wood that can be moulded to form the intricate action parts within a piano. It has a tight, straight grain that gives a piano shape retention and durability. It also gives a vice-like grip on things like tuning pins and bridge pins.

Spruce is one of the most commonly applied woods in creating the piano sound board. Because of its design and structure, it is considered one of the top tonal woods, and is often used in both pianos and acoustical guitars. Spruce is also often used as the braces for a piano because of its longer fibers.

Beech wood is typically used to manufacture the pin block or wrest plank. Pin blocks have up to 240 holes, one needed for every string within the piano. Pin blocks need to have a tight fitting placement to allow the turning pins. This tight fitting is what produced sound quality. Beech wood is both ridged and responds well to drilling and retaining its shape throughout the process and stress.

Bass wood is lightweight and easy to work with. Because it can be easily cut and crafted, its often chosen to create the piano keyboard.

Miscellaneous woods are used for many of the other production processes. For example, walnut makes an excellent choice for the cabinetry of a piano, including the architectural work and the decorative panels. Spruce makes a good choice for soundboards, keybeds, and upright back posts because of its lightness in weight and strength across the grains of the wood.

Does wood matter? In many ways it does. Start your searching process by asking what the piano was made from, and how it will impact the final sound and performance. You may be surprised at the answer.

Why Do They Prop Open A Grand Piano?

Why Do They Prop Open A Grand Piano?

When you think music, pianos are the most common instrument that comes to mind.

And with good reason.

Pianos are the most popular acoustic instrument. With a 300 year track record, they have an incomparable tone, and a sound producing mechanism that has been refined to match and produce just about any kind of music possible. Very few instruments are as versatile and show up in as many places – from jazz bands to orchestras to rock groups – you’ll always find a piano as the center point.

Why Do They Prop Open A Grand Piano?And when it comes to pianos, the top piano in everyone’s mind, the one piano that piano players desire to have more than any other, is a grand piano. Its their look, their style and their tone. Nothing says class quite like a baby grand showcased in your living quarters.

Grand pianos themselves are large and take up a lot of space in your home. Ranging anywhere from 5 to 7 feet and beyond, the aren’t something you buy without taking into consideration its final location. (You wouldn’t buy one for a 900 square foot apartment already stuffed with furniture.)

Add into it a grand piano goes beyond taking up horizontal space; it also takes up vertical space. The enormous lid is the one feature that gives a grand piano a further unique look and quality.

But have you ever asked yourself why? Is there a reason you prop open the lid to the piano?

Actually there is.

By propping open the lid, you can see the metal strings and other mechanical components. The look alone can be fascinating to those enjoying. But there’s more.

Because the sound of a piano starts inside the instrument with all of those strings and mechanical parts, you’ll get a louder, more resonant sound when you leave the lid open. It allows sound to project off the wooden soundboard. And in the grand piano, the strings are horizontal, which means they are parallel to the ground. Sound travels upward, meaning if the lid is left open, the sound moves from the ground up towards the ceiling, filling the room.

Whether you simply play by yourself, or love to entertain on a regular basis, a grand piano is truly an experience you’ll treasure for always.

Giving The Gift Of A Piano

Giving The Gift Of A Piano

Are you looking to buy a piano for someone this year? Well, you still have time to buy one and get it tuned and ready to play before the big day!

Here are some tips to help you buy a piano for someone special:

First, remember that your recipient will be playing, looking and enjoying their piano for a long time. Since the average lifespan of a piano is about 40 years, they are sure to enjoy this beautiful gift throughout much of their life. Make sure it fits their needs, and is something that can be incorporated into their current lifestyle and surroundings – a grand piano may not be the best choice for an urban dweller with 900 square feet of space.

Giving The Gift Of A PianoPianos hold their value for years to come. A used piano built 10 years ago and maintained well will cost almost as much as a comparable new piano. Keep this in mind when choosing a piano for someone.

Price and size do not reflect tone and quality. Each piano is unique and will give you different results. What are your expectations for the future? Will the recipient be playing classical music for the symphony, or writing pop music and using technology to its highest degree? Be sure to talk with the sales team and express the recipients interests before you make your final selection.

Buying a piano is only part of the process. Where will the piano be placed? Rely on professional movers to place the piano in its final destination. And once its in place, it will need to be maintained on a regular basis, which means tuning as it settles in to its new environment.

Not sure how to give the gift of a piano? There are actually several ways to go about it.

  • Work with the recipient to determine the best piano for his or her situation. You can present the gift, then come into our location to help them make the final selection.
  • Surprise them with a purchase. We can set it up anywhere you choose.
  • Or somewhere in between. Keep the surprise in place, and visit our location after to choose the best piano for the recipient.

Which ever way you choose, your gift will be treasured for a lifetime.