How Long Will A Piano Last?

How Long Will A Piano Last?

When you think about a piano, you probably think about longevity. People pass down pianos from generation to generation, right? They are more than a simple instrument – they are actually an item of décor that you build your room around.

How Long Will A Piano Last?Whether you have a piano that’s been in your family for a long time, or you’re thinking about buying either a new or used one to bring into your home, how long will a piano last?

Yes, pianos are among the most durable of personal possessions. They have beautiful cabinetry and elegant design. They produce beautiful sound. And you may even have a room in your home especially designed to showcase its quality and abilities.

While pianos will last a long time and be a part of your family for a long time to come, remember, they are just large machines made of wood, felt and metal. Any change can impact the quality of the piano. How often the piano is moved. The conditions of the environment in which the piano exists in. Daily use and abuse. All of this and more will impact the quality of your piano.

While all of this has an impact, overall you can look at a piano by the year to determine how long your piano will last.

First Year

The first year is where most changes can occur. Pitch will change and drop as the new strings stretch and settle in. Make sure you stick with the manufacturers recommended three to four turnings during this first year to keep things in equilibrium. Without these first important tunings, a piano will be more unstable in the future.

Two to Ten Years

During the next few years, pitch stabilizes, assuming regular tunings and few moves and changes in environment. Your piano will continue to settle at a much slower rate than during the first year. Periodic tuning and maintenance will make sure the piano’s responsiveness and tone continues to stay in top working order.

Ten to Thirty Years

The action parts of a piano continue to wear, depending on the extent of use and abuse. If the piano suffers wide temperature and humidity swings, deterioration will occur quicker. While tuning is important, its also important to focus in on correcting loose pins, replacing rusty strings, fixing soundboard cracks, and working on improving finishes.

Thirty to Fifty Years

After years of playing, hammers and action parts become worn. Strings may provide dull sounds, and tones may lose their clarity. Eventually adjustment loses its potential. Instead, parts may need replacing to keep tone quality in how the overall piano works.

Fifty Years and More

From this point forward, full maintenance can mean different things. Should the piano be replaced? Should it be reconditioned or rebuilt?

Sound quality is what is impacted most. Its hard to enjoy playing when tone quality is compromised. Good performance requires a piano to be in good condition. If your piano means a lot to you, staying in touch with a quality piano maintenance contractor will be your best course of action.

Eventually, it becomes less practical to continue maintaining a very old piano, unless it reaches rare or antique quality. However, that’s a long way off, right?

No matter what piano is currently in your home – or which piano you are considering to purchase – a piano will enrich your life for a long time to come.

Why Should I Hire A Piano Mover?

Why Should I Hire A Piano Mover?

Why do I need a piano mover?

When its time to move from one home to another, it seems just as easy to hire a moving company to move everything at one time. Should you really hire someone specifically for moving your piano? Yes. Piano moving is a specialty in itself. The Why Should I Hire A Piano Moveraverage vertical piano can weigh anywhere from 400 to 900 pounds. A grand piano can start at 650 pounds and go to 1300 pounds and more, depending on the size. Pianos also vary in value, depending on the make, model, age and condition of the piano. A regular mover is all about speed. They work hard to move all of your furniture in a timely manner. Therefore a coach or entertainment center would be treated the same as your piano. Yet pianos are completely different objects and need care to make sure they or the person moving them aren’t injured. There is a right and wrong way to move a piano.

How are professional piano movers different from a standard furniture mover?

If you hire a furniture mover to move your piano, they will usually do so with brute force. They will manhandle the piano using 4, 6, 8 people or more to move it from its location into the truck. There they may or may not secure it in the truck. And of course the 4 to 8 people will manhandle it back into its new location.

A professional piano mover typically uses 2 or 3 people to move the piano and uses piano skids, moving pads, ramps, slings and of course the knowledge of how to move the piano effectively. They know the “secrets” to getting it from point a to point b in as safe a way as possible both for the instrument and for the people moving it.

Are all piano movers equal?

Are all moving companies created equal? The answer is obviously no. And likewise, the answer is no when it comes to all piano movers created equal. Like any profession, piano movers have different levels of experience. Some are better equipped than others. And some simply care more than others. The best way to choose is to interview a potential piano moving company to find out about their experience and knowledge in the area.

Are all piano movers insured?

While it seems like a logical quality that all piano movers would have, unfortunately its not always true. A reputable piano mover will always be insured. Others – well, not always. When finding a piano mover, make sure you understand and ask these three questions:

1.Is the company insured against damage to the property or vehicles?

2. Is the company insured against damage to the piano?

3. Is the company insuring its workers against injury?

Never assume any of the three, or you could end up with problems throughout the process.

What should I know about the cost?

Piano moving is usually billed as a flat rate depending on the type of piano, the distance its being moved, the difficulty of the job (stairs, tight turns, etc), the number of people required for the move, and the waiting time for the entire job.

Before you book a piano move, have all of your facts together. Know when the move will take place, how quickly you can move from one location to another, and how prepared you will be for pickup and delivery. The more you know up front, the easier the entire job will be.

A Basic Guide To Tuning A Piano

A Basic Guide To Tuning A Piano

What does tuning a piano mean?

Have you ever watched a guitar player tune his guitar before he plays? He adjusts the strings to make sure they are perfectly in balance and create harmony while playing. That’s the same concept with tuning a piano. Tuning consists of adjusting the tension at which the internal strings are stretched using a tuning hammer. They are tuned to vibrate at a pleasing harmony to match in accordance with other instruments and to give it aesthetically pleasing sounds when played.

How often should my piano be tuned?

Tuning a piano is really determined by a variety of things. First, how sensitive to the sound are you? Some musicians are automatically attuned to notes and can instantly tell when a piano is out of tune. Depending on your environment, a piano is sensitive to climate and the humidity and may need adjusting in highs and lows. How much do you play? For most people, one to three times per year is adequate. For a professional musician or an instructor, more frequent tuning is necessary. Concert pianos are generally tuned before every performance.A Basic Guide To Tuning A Piano

Why does a piano need to be tuned after being moved?

When you move, a lot of changes and stress occur during the process. Your piano may experience bumps, thumps and impacts as it makes its way from your old location, into the truck, and into your new location. There may also be a change in climate and humidity. Vertical pianos may be affected by unevenness in the level of the floor, or differences in the level between old and new locations.

Should a piano be tuned immediately its in its new location?

There is an art to moving a piano and tuning a piano – they usually aren’t performed by the same person. And in most cases a piano adjusts over time to its move and its new location. A piano may sound fine when its placed in its new home, yet a week later sound out of tune. Its best to move a piano and let it settle in. Then a week or two later hire a piano tuner to bring your instrument up to its full potential.

Is there a “best” location for my piano in my home?

The best location for your piano is in an area where temperature and humidity will remain as constant as possible. Try to keep your piano away from big drafts, open windows and direct sunlight. You should also place your piano away from heating registers, radiators, windows or doors that will open and close on a consistent basis.

Can I play a piano that is out of tune?

Of course any piano can be played. Depending on your ear, you may not like the music that comes from the instrument. All pianos go out of tune continuously. If your child is trying to learn on a piano that is out of tune, she may not practice at the same level as if it were in tune. When she “hears” the way its supposed to sound at the instructors location, and has trouble making the same sounds in her home, frustration can soon set in. Quality does matter when trying to master individual pieces of music.

Is there anything I should do before a piano tuner comes to my home?

In order to tune your piano, the technician will probably need access to the entire piano. Remove sheet music, knickknacks, plants, decorations – anything sitting on any piece of the piano so access is quick. You may even vacuum underneath a grand piano, as the technician may have to lie under it to make an adjustment. Make a list of anything you’ve noticed. And make sure the surrounding area is quiet and well lit to allow the technician the easiest time possible to complete his work.

Why Kids Hate Practicing The Piano And What To Do About It

Why Kids Hate Practicing The Piano And What To Do About It

Every parent wants what is best for their child.  For many parents this ideal childhood includes instruction in several types of activities: speech, sports, the arts, or instruments.  For many families, instrumental instruction begins with a very foundational instrument: the piano.

Why Kids Hate Practicing The Piano And What To Do About ItWhile these families mean well, many of them end up fighting a loosing battle between the need for practice and the child’s obvious dislike for it.  So, what makes a kid hate practicing and what can parents do about it?  Here are a number of potential reasons to consider as well as a few solutions that might help resolve the situation.

  1. No challenge – It can be difficult to gauge a child’s ability levels, especially if they don’t exert themselves.  If a child is presented with too little challenge, they may find practicing to be a drudgery, a pointless exercise providing little stimulation.  If this is the case, than parents and teachers can work together to provide the child with a selection of music that stretches and stimulates the child’s ability.
  2. No interest – Let’s face it: most beginner books are filled with classical music.  While these are excellent pieces to learn, they typically are not the type of music your child wants to listen to.  If your kids are finding the musical selection to be a bit old fashioned, you might want to consider incorporating some music that is more their style.
  3. No goals – Without clear goals in mind, there is little motivation for a child to press on in their practicing.  Goals, when met, give a sense of accomplishment and personal gain.  If your child hates practicing, perhaps all they need is a goal and an incentive to reach it. Make them stretch to be able to read and play a certain song they love. Or if motivated by performance, tantalize them with a performance date
  4. 4. No heart – Sometimes the main problem with piano lessons is the fact that the child just doesn’t like the piano.  This does not mean if you meet with a bit of resistance you should give up.  But if your child seems to consistently despise all things piano, perhaps you should consider a different instrument.
What Is A Used Piano Worth?

What Is A Used Piano Worth?

If you are in the market for a piano, but cannot afford new, or you simply are not sure if you are ready for that type of investment, the used piano market is the place to start shopping.

What Is A Used Piano Worth?However, all used pianos are not equal.

Just as when you shop for a used car, you have to use your good judgment and do your research before buying a used piano. Knowing what a used piano is worth before you start negotiating with a seller may be the advantage you need to get a fair price.

The first thing you must remember about a piano’s worth is that the name really does say it all. When shopping for a used piano, steer clear of unknown brands. Stick with the trusted brands, such as Yamaha, Baldwin, and Boston.

Next, do your research ahead of time. When you find a piano you want to look at, spend some time on the internet researching that particular piano. Just because a seller wants a certain price does not mean the piano is worth that price. Research the market value to give yourself a starting point for negotiations.

When it is time for you to take a look at the piano, pay attention to its appearance and sound quality. Make sure each key on the keyboard works. If the piano is extremely out of tune, it may be an indication of poor maintenance. Pianos require tuning and other forms of maintenance to ensure their longevity. Make sure you have the piano examined by a professional before taking the final plunge and making the purchase.

Finally, remember that you have other options besides private sellers. A visit to a used piano retailer may garner you the ideal piano at a price you can afford. Best of all, you will already have the peace of mind of knowing that piano has been certified for resale.

How To Buy Sheet Music

How To Buy Sheet Music

There are two ways to play the piano.

The first is to play by ear. By listening to a song or a selection of music, a person “hears” the notes and can sit down at the piano and pick out the notes. The song comes together simply by playing around with the notes until you get it right.

How To Buy Sheet MusicThe second was is to use a tool – sheet music – to determine what notes should be played in what order. By incorporating the knowledge of written notes and converting them to notes on the keyboard, you can quickly interpret any music out of the piano.

While most of us will never be geniuses when it comes to playing by ear, most of us can learn to play the piano by learning how to read sheet music and turning that into a melody on the piano.

Sheet music has been used my composers for well over a thousands years. To ensure songs and music compositions were passed down through the generations, people developed musical notes and notation in written format. Each piece of music was transcribed by hand until around the 1400s when the printing press was invented and put into use throughout the world. From the 1500s forward, sheet music has been circulated and now allows people to share their musical compositions with anyone so musically inclined.

Sheet music as a whole comes in a variety of different formats. You can find individual songs printed in specific instrumental renditions. Or you can find sheet music in books based on instrument and theme. Its common to find music in a variety of genres, from classical to orchestral, from modern to musical or film soundtracks.

Piano music is different than other instrumental music in that piano sheet music will have two staves connected by a space. The music to be played by the right hand is on the top staff, called the treble. The music to be played by the left hand is on the bottom, or bass staff.

Sheet music can be purchased in a variety of ways. Come in and select your favorite sheet music – we have a variety of options available.

Do you have regular piano lessons? Different piano instructors prefer working with different types of music. They can easily provide you with sheet music both for practice and for entertainment, to keep you playing long after your lessons are through.

And if you enjoy collecting, sheet music can be quite a valuable collection. Autographed books of sheet music are common among collectors. Autographed sheet music that comes from films or theater productions are often signed by the composer and performers, making them valuable in a variety of ways.

Have a specific need? Let us know and we can work to get you the music you are looking for. Another great option is to search on Google the precise music you are looking for, especially if it is older, out of date and print, or even falls into the collectible line.

7 Tips To Buying A Piano From A Reputable Dealer

7 Tips To Buying A Piano From A Reputable Dealer

If you have decided that you want to learn how to play the piano or that you want your child to learn, the first step in the process is you will have to buy the actual piano.

7 Tips To Buying A Piano From A Reputable DealerBuying a piano may sound easy enough – classified ads are often a go-to source for people searching for affordable, used instruments. However, a piano is different than a used flute or clarinet. A piano is an investment and should be treated as such.

Here are 7 tips for buying a piano.

  1. Always buy from a reputable dealer. You can use the Internet, as well as word of mouth, to find a reliable, dependable dealer that only sells quality instruments. Pianos must be maintained for quality – do you really want to buy a piano that has been stored in someone’s garage for a decade?
  2. You get what you pay for, so if you go cheap on your piano, you will wind up with just that – a cheap piano. Cheap pianos do not have the same sound quality as higher quality, more expensive pianos. And while that may not seem like a big deal to a beginning child who is just starting out, if they can’t pick up tones during practice, they may get frustrated and choose to quit. Quality matters.
  3. Avoid online shopping. This is a piano, not a purse. Such a large instrument and investment should not be purchased online. You need the chance to see and hear the piano before you purchase it. It is also important to note that you never know exactly whom you are dealing with over the Internet.
  4. Quality materials create quality pianos. Choose a trusted, reputable brand name when shopping for your piano to ensure that you receive a quality instrument.
  5. Consider the design of the piano before you purchase. Grand pianos produce some of the finest, richest tones, but you may not have room for such a large piano in your home. Upright pianos are the next best option.
  6. When you choose the brand name for your piano, make sure you choose one that backs up their craftsmanship. This goes beyond the actual building of the piano and includes partnering with reputable dealers and tuners to ensure that your piano stays in great shape.
  7. If ever in doubt, contact an expert. Utilize the Internet to find someone who knows about pianos and can advise you on your purchase.
10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano Lessons

10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano Lessons

There is something so sweet and pure about the music created by a piano. The rich, strong notes ringing out a familiar tune – it is enough to warm your heart and strengthen your soul. 10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano LessonsHelping your child acquire the same appreciation for the piano involves more than just playing some music on your stereo. Teaching your child to play the piano is the ideal way to make him/her grow to love the piano. If you are thinking about investing in piano lessons for your child, here are 10 secrets to help your child learn to love taking those lessons!

1. Invest in a piano. Make sure you choose one that is of a better quality and let your child experiment with it.

2. If possible, have your child exposed to a piano for several years before ever starting lessons so your child is not intimidated by the piano. Show them it is a welcome and entertaining part of your home.

3. Encourage your child to explore the piano. Let him/her get familiar with the piano on their own terms.

4. Make sure that you keep your piano tuned. Once the lessons start, the music will never sound right if the piano is not in tune.

5. Invest in a bench that is appropriate for your child’s height to ensure that he/she is able to comfortably sit at the piano and complete lessons.

6. Don’t put the piano in an isolated location. Choose a room that will allow other family members to sit and listen – but make sure there are no distractions, such as a television.

7. Talk about the piano and the different parts as your child learns about it. Discuss the piano long before lessons start, and once lessons begin, discuss the things your child learned.

8. Make sure your child understands right and left. If you start a child too early on piano lessons, you may be setting him/her up for disappointment. Make sure they have basic knowledge to help with the transition into lessons.

9. Make sure your child knows the letters of the alphabet and is comfortable with the letters. Again, your child must have basic knowledge skills in order for the lessons to be successful.

10. Make piano lessons a part of the routine. Never force a child to practice; instead make it a part of the daily routing. Five scales and three tries at a new song before dinner time is a perfect routine to get into. Your child learns when to put his/her new skills into action, and you can listen while you are preparing dinner.

Do Today’s Pianos Have Ivory Keys?

Do Today’s Pianos Have Ivory Keys?

Chances are you’ve heard the old stories about ivory being used for the keys on pianos. And when pianos were first developed, ivory was the resource of choice for the 88 keys that make up most piano keyboards. Ever heard the phrase “tickling the ivories”? Yes, it came from the idea of playing a piano with ivory keys.

Do Today's Pianos Have Ivory Keys?Ivory is a substance that comes from tusks of elephants and a few other types of animals, such as walrus. When ivory was considered a precious material used in all types of trade, including pianos, elephants were hunted down exclusively for their tusks. As the problem was exposed and the plight of the elephant came into consciousness, manufacturers quickly made the decision to change the materials used in production.

When keys were made out of ivory, they were not solid blocks of ivory. Instead, they were a thin veneer covering laid over a wooden key.

In today’s world, ivory is a banned material, and has been banned in the U.S. since the 1970s. All keys made for today’s pianos are created from plastic. Talk to us today about the best piano brand choices.

Most pianos made up until 1956 have the potential for ivory veneer on the keys. After the CITES Treaty, use of ivory was tracked and lessened until the U.S. officially banned use altogether.

Ivory does not increase the value or add to the rareness of an antique piano. Any piano with ivory keys must maintain a permit showing the details of origination and all that has occurred with the piano since its creation. If you move a piano from Europe to California, for example, you will have to be able to prove what type of animal and scientific name of animals as well as age – when the keys were replace, date and what manufacture date the ivory was made. If you don’t have proper documents, your piano may be confiscated.

If you do have a piano with ivory keys, you cannot remove the ivory veneer and use the ivory for something else. Fashioning veneers into jewelry or inlays now is considered manufacturing a banned material in the eyes of the law, and will base the new product on the date of creation – which means you can be charged if you get caught.

While there is a possibility of replacing old and broken keys with pre-ban Museum stockpiles of tusks, it’s a very expensive process. A more likely choice is to replace keys with simulated ivory or plastic key covers, which wear better and will increase the uniformity of your keyboard.

If you have old ivory keys, remember to use a natural cleanser without water, bleach or chemicals. Water will cause ivory to curl, and chemicals can hurt the quality of the ivory.

What Is An Electric Piano?

What Is An Electric Piano?

“My son has announced he would like to play the electric piano. What is an electric piano, is it a good quality instrument, and should I pursue this? How is an electric piano different from the traditional piano I learned to play on?”

What Is An Electric Piano?In today’s world, most of our activities have turned to technology. And in the case of pianos, technology has definitely made its influence.

An electric piano is simply an electric musical instrument.

The earliest electric pianos were invented in the late 1920s. Their popularity began growing in the 1950s as more music celebrities began including electric piano in their hits. Think Duke Ellington’s big band era, or Ray Charles’ famous hit What’d I Say.

Electric pianos began reaching their peak in the 1970s, and began declining as we moved into the new digital era. Digital pianos are a modern form of an electric piano, designed to serve primarily as an alternative to a traditional piano both in sound and the way it feels to play.

When your son announced his desire to play the electric piano, chances are he is interested in the benefits of what comes with today’s digital pianos.

Most digital pianos can be connected to a computer. With appropriate software, the computer can handle many things, including sound generation, mixing of tracks, music notation, musical instruction, composition tasks, and more. They can also be used with headphones – meaning your son can play to his hearts content no matter what time of the day he has “inspiration”.

There are many choices when it comes to purchasing a digital piano. New, used – the options are many. Stop by today and find the perfect piano that will make both you and your son smile.