10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano Lessons

10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano Lessons

There is something so sweet and pure about the music created by a piano. The rich, strong notes ringing out a familiar tune – it is enough to warm your heart and strengthen your soul. 10 Secrets To Helping Your Child Love Piano LessonsHelping your child acquire the same appreciation for the piano involves more than just playing some music on your stereo. Teaching your child to play the piano is the ideal way to make him/her grow to love the piano. If you are thinking about investing in piano lessons for your child, here are 10 secrets to help your child learn to love taking those lessons!

1. Invest in a piano. Make sure you choose one that is of a better quality and let your child experiment with it.

2. If possible, have your child exposed to a piano for several years before ever starting lessons so your child is not intimidated by the piano. Show them it is a welcome and entertaining part of your home.

3. Encourage your child to explore the piano. Let him/her get familiar with the piano on their own terms.

4. Make sure that you keep your piano tuned. Once the lessons start, the music will never sound right if the piano is not in tune.

5. Invest in a bench that is appropriate for your child’s height to ensure that he/she is able to comfortably sit at the piano and complete lessons.

6. Don’t put the piano in an isolated location. Choose a room that will allow other family members to sit and listen – but make sure there are no distractions, such as a television.

7. Talk about the piano and the different parts as your child learns about it. Discuss the piano long before lessons start, and once lessons begin, discuss the things your child learned.

8. Make sure your child understands right and left. If you start a child too early on piano lessons, you may be setting him/her up for disappointment. Make sure they have basic knowledge to help with the transition into lessons.

9. Make sure your child knows the letters of the alphabet and is comfortable with the letters. Again, your child must have basic knowledge skills in order for the lessons to be successful.

10. Make piano lessons a part of the routine. Never force a child to practice; instead make it a part of the daily routing. Five scales and three tries at a new song before dinner time is a perfect routine to get into. Your child learns when to put his/her new skills into action, and you can listen while you are preparing dinner.

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