Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Every child has their own outlook on life. Every child excels at what matters most to them. But finding what that is can be challenging at best for a parent. 

So, like any good parent, you plod along signing them up for classes and teams, hoping something will stick. 

That changes when your child has learning disabilities. If they have trouble concentrating, if they can’t read or write in a manner a traditional classroom asks, it’s up to you to find what helps. 

Music might be the solution. Music builds up the muscles of the brain – audio, visual, and motor skills. This is what controls language, reading, comprehension, math, problem solving, focus, concentration, and attention to detail. 

Studies show that some children with learning disabilities can benefit from starting up the piano. Especially where background noise is a problem for learning, music helps build up attention, focus, self-esteem, and self-expression. 

What can you do to enhance this skill?Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Follow the rhythm. We each have our own unique circadian rhythm – it’s your biological clock that helps control your sleep/wake cycle. This clock is attuned to our heart beats – thump, thump, thump. It’s a natural rhythm that allows us to focus and stay on task. Focus in on this. Play music with distinct rhythm. Your child can also clap their hands or tap out a simple beat to feel the power of the beat. 

Dance. Movement is especially helpful with certain types of learning disorders. As a child moves, it helps them tune in on both physical coordination and the ability to concentrate throughout every move. 

Listen. You can easily bring in different types of music right through your home music system. But take it to the next level too. Attend concerts. Watch for special evenings with your local symphony – many have special programs just for kids. 

Sign up for group lessons. This can be something as simple as a dance class when your child is a few years old. It doesn’t have to be formal or with purpose – just a basic class to start feeling the rhythm. 

Private lessons. Piano lessons can help tremendously with focus. Just be sure you find the right instructor that understands the issues your child is facing and has the experience to work with them each week. 

Playing The Piano May Help Curb Depression

Playing The Piano May Help Curb Depression

Have you ever had a stressful day, retreated into your home, and put on your favorite tunes to relax? There’s a reason for that. 

From the dawn of humanity, music has been a part of the healing process. With nothing more than drums and simple instruments, people used songs to communicate and find ways to articulate and express all that was happening in their lives. 

Music therapy was first recognized after World War II when musicians began visiting veteran hospitals to help those suffering from both physical and emotional tolls of war. When nurses and physicians started seeing responses, they began to hire musicians to play. Playing The Piano May Help Curb Depression

Today, the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is the largest music therapy association, and serves communities around the world by promoting and educating people on the benefits of using music as a part of a therapeutic process. 

Music therapy has been proven to:

  • Decrease stress and anxiety
  • Increase motivation
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Provide emotional release
  • Enhance relationships

Music therapy works by using music to help with physical, emotional, and social needs of an individual. While listening has been proven to work, adding in physicality can help even more. By playing and participating, it has been found to stimulate the senses, help calm a person down, reduce heart rate, slow breathing, and reduce physical attributes of stress. Participation is everything. 

With many instruments, it takes a high level of skill to create a good tone. It takes even more skill to be able to play a song. With a piano, you press a key and the note is there. Even the most musically challenged can sit down and within minutes, be plunking out a simple tune. You can have fun from the moment you sit down. 

Want to feel better? Maybe it’s time to pick up a new habit this year. Why not choose to learn to play the piano and see how it helps you change your outlook on life. 

Music Boosts Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Music Boosts Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Want to boost your child’s self confidence and self esteem? Maybe it’s time to introduce music into their lives. 

Many studies exist showcasing just how important music is in our lives. 

One study allowed participants to create in an open studio for 45 minutes, then provide brief comments about their creations. In all cases, the creative process improved positive self efficacy.  

Another study showed that when participants engage in music therapy, they are more open to experiences and ways to explore and perceive themselves and others in different ways. 

Still another study showed that the more time a child spent on music activities, the deeper they moved into training and learning, the more self esteem grewMusic Boosts Self Confidence and Self Esteem

Whether your child takes piano lessons one on one, or uses their knowledge in a group setting either in school or in a private setting, you’ll be teaching your child many lifelong skills. 

Real World Skills

Children that engage in music regularly improve critical and creative thinking, hand-eye coordination, motor skills, as well as social skills. They learn persistence, problem solving, and learning how to work hard on a project until it’s completed. 

Become A Better Student

When a child builds self esteem, they try harder in the classroom. They feel more confident in their answers, and are more likely to engage in team and individual activities. They provide a well-rounded education. 

Increase self expression

When a child has higher self esteem, they are more likely to express themselves in a variety of ways. They develop their “voice” by playing music, and use that in all activities they choose to take part in. 

Increase their sense of belonging

Playing music introduces them to a variety of people in their community. They work one on one with music instructors, work together as a team to play a song. They learn performance skills and how to interact with an audience. They also develop interpersonal skills and create lifelong friendships in the process. 

Is your child ready to make music a part of their lives? 

How To Find The Right Seller Before You Buy Your Piano

How To Find The Right Seller Before You Buy Your Piano

Today is an interesting time in history. When you’re ready to buy something new, you go into heavy learning mode. Thanks to the internet, that’s easier than ever. 

You open up a browser window or shout out to Alexa with one simple goal in mind: what do I need to know about buying a piano? 

Of course, you go into overdrive. There’s a lot to learn. 

One of the quickest things you’ll pick up is not every piano is the same. Just like not every piano seller is the same. 

If you really want to select a high quality piano for your home, one that will bring years of joy, you have to think of quality first. And that takes a little work to find in both the instrument and in the seller. How To Find The Right Seller Before You Buy Your Piano

We all want to find a credible, trustworthy person to buy from. We all hope they tell the truth and provide accurate information about the piano we’re looking to buy. But it doesn’t take more than a simple home finance class back in school to teach us that is rarely the case. 

How do you find a reputable seller you can trust?

Referral – still the best way to find a credible seller is going old school – get referrals from those around you. Luckily the ways you get a referral have expanded a bit. Start with neighbors, family, and friends. If they don’t play, talk to the music teacher at your child’s school. Or use the internet. As you find possible sellers, do a little search online. It won’t take you long to start building a picture in your mind. 

Ask questions – you don’t have to buy a piano in the first few minutes of meeting someone. Ask questions and see how they respond. If they keep pushing the sale, that’s your reason to step away. A reputable seller will never push you too quickly. They want to ensure all of your needs are met. They are in this for the long term. 

Avoid the “yeses” – you can tell when someone wants to “dump” their product on you when they give you “yeses” to all of your questions. Yes, this is the best. Yes, you’re going to love it. Yes, there isn’t anything else out there like it. And that’s when it’s time to walk away. 

When you find the right seller, you’ll know it. They are there simply to take care of your needs. You’ll feel good about your purchase. You’ll know you got the best deal for your money. You’ll feel confident that you made a selection that will last for a very long time. 

And when you sit at your piano and listen to the music, you’ll be happy with your purchase. 

How To Stick With Your Resolution Of Learning To Play The Piano

How To Stick With Your Resolution Of Learning To Play The Piano

Three. Two. One. Happy New Year!

What’s on your resolution list this year? 

For most, people list out wishes and dreams. They want to lose weight, get healthier, destress, and pick up a hobby. While playing the piano might not help you with your weight loss goals, it can help you with the other three. 

People often add learning to play the piano to their wish lists. And with good reason. Making music is a part of our culture. It’s a universal language that every human on earth has, no matter what country you’re from. And once you learn to “speak” it, it stays with you forever. Ever sat in an audience of a choir or a band from half a world away? It doesn’t matter if you speak English or French, Russian, or German, the beat of the music is there within you, speaking to you. How To Stick With Your Resolution Of Learning To Play The Piano

If you want to learn an instrument as an adult, the piano is one of the most logical choices. It’s the only instrument that plays both harmony and accompaniment, and can play every range. Solo or with a band, you can fully enjoy playing the piano any time. 

Not only does learning to play the piano expand your brain power, but it also helps you relax and unwind too. If you fully concentrate on your practice, you don’t have time to worry about what’s happening at work or a family issue keeping you up at night. You breathe deeper. You roll your shoulders to destress. You flex your fingers to help relax. And you listen … And feel the music vibrate through you. 

Playing the piano has also been proven to help keep your brain active. It takes a lot of thought process to work both hands together to play a song, while reading the music set up before you. Add in pedals, and you have your entire body active in the process. Music therapy is now growing in popularity to help all kinds of conditions, from depression, ADHD, and even Alzheimer’s. Listening may work, but taking an active role is even better. Why not take an active role in keeping your brain healthy and start learning now?

So what’s on your resolution list this year? Is it learning to play the piano? 

The Best Stress Management Tool Is The Piano  

The Best Stress Management Tool Is The Piano  

Tired of feeling frustrated, angry, tired of everything in your daily life? 

Looking for a way to destress and get rid of some of those negative feelings?

Maybe it’s time to look at playing the piano as a stress management tool. 

Studies show that musicians are some of the least stressed. When you create music, you get emotional with your work. And by releasing your emotions into your work, you learn how to express your emotions in a variety of ways. The Best Stress Management Tool Is The Piano  

If you hold back those feelings, and release them in ways you don’t like, sitting down at the piano may just give you the release you need. Don’t yell and scream at traffic, turn up the tunes and listen to some of the best piano players in the world. Then take what you hear and put it to good use when you get home – play the piano and let the stress go. 

As you bang out a tune, you can direct your emotions right into the keys. Feel the energy dissipate and direct your focus into the notes. 

Of course, you may be thinking that learning to play will only increase your frustration. What if you can’t get a song right? What if you try something over and over again, and you just can’t get past what you’re trying to learn? 

That’s where lessons come into play. 

You don’t learn to play soccer all by yourself. You sign up for a team. This allows you to receive training from a coach, and put your knowledge to good use with others around you. 

The same applies to learning to play the piano. By signing up with an instructor, you can learn how to do what you do better. They can provide hints to help you get past the frustrating parts, and advance to increase your abilities even more. 

Want more of a challenge? Play with a band. It might only be one or two other instruments, but working together can teach you a lot more than you’ll learn by yourself. It challenges you in new ways. It helps you grow even more. 

Looking for new ways to destress this year? Give the piano a try. 

Need Piano Purchase Advice?

Need Piano Purchase Advice?

Looking for a lifelong skill to give your kids? Why not give them piano lessons? The gift of music will benefit them in many ways. 

If you’ve decided this is the year to add a piano to your home, there are many options available for you. Used pianos are often a great choice – if they are gently used. 

Buy used – not overused

This is one of the biggest mistakes a person can make. They look at an ad on Craigslist, or get a “good deal” from a friend of a friend. Too often the “good deal” turns into a nightmare, and they spend a whole lot more trying to make it playable again. Need Piano Purchase Advice?

Set your budget

Understand the costs of purchasing a piano before you begin. It’s not just the piano itself; there are other costs to bring it into your home. You may find a good deal on a piano, but how much will it cost to move it into your home? Sure, you can push and pull, but one mistake could spell disaster. A mover ensures it’s moved without cause. You’ll also need to bring in a tuner to ensure the sound quality is at its best. Need a new bench? These are all things an independent seller won’t tell you. But as a piano dealer with decades of experience, we ensure you get only the best when you select a used piano from us. 

Work with a professional

If you’ve never played piano before, it’s difficult to select the best for your child. But if you make the wrong choice, they may not have the proper tool for the job. 

Does it create music that sounds good to the ear?

Is it at the right pitch?

Does each key operate the way it should?

You might not understand that. And an independent trying to get rid of his only piano won’t share that kind of information. 

But a dealer will be able to show you what to look for, and what to consider. You can try out multiple pianos to learn the differences. 

And only after you’ve chosen the right piano for your situation will you bring it home and give your child the best advantage for making music. 

You can also ask yourself how much the piano will be worth down the road. If you select a good starter piano now, can you upgrade when your little one falls in love with playing? With a piano dealer, it’s possible. We frequently work with clients who upgrade as their desires change. Want a better upright for better sound? Or maybe a grand piano when you upgrade your home? 

We can help you no matter what your desires or what piano is right for you. Digital or acoustic, upright or grand, we have the right piano for you. 

Cheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

Cheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

So you want your child to learn the piano. You’ve heard how important music is to their development. Now it’s time to find the right piano. 

With a few searches, you might be intimidated by the prices. Why not find the cheapest one you can? With a quick search, you find a cheap piano for sale. Act fast and it might be yours. 

But is that a good idea? 

Many people jump into a purchase like this, only to be disappointed from the moment they get it into their home. Because cheap pianos can have a lot of problems.

They aren’t in tuneCheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

Have you ever heard a singer miss a note? You cringe as they continue on out of tune. The same can happen with a piano. Play a scale and it sounds fine … until you hit “the note.” And then another one. And another. You can’t play a piano that’s out of tune; if it doesn’t sound right, you can’t create music. And if it requires several rounds of tuning just to bring it to an acceptable level, how “cheap” is that cheap piano really going to be?

They aren’t tuneable

You can bring a tuner to work on your piano. But in some cases, a piano simply isn’t worth tuning. If it sits for years, decades, without being properly maintained, there might not be a way to fix what no longer works. 

They don’t have musicality 

Have you ever heard an instrument that just doesn’t sound right? The notes are tinny. It just doesn’t have the right voice. Think that instrument is any fun to play? Part of the joy of learning how to play is to create beautiful music. If you can’t do that, you’re more likely to give up. 

They aren’t worth the investment

Ever settled on something you thought was a good deal, only to have to put a whole lot of time and money into it to bring it back to any kind of workable condition? You lose interest very quickly. The same holds true for any type of investment, from a bike, to a car, to a piano. Sometimes it’s worth spending a little extra to know you have a good deal. An individual with one item to sell has one goal in mind: selling that one item. When a dealer has multiple items to sell, they are more interested in getting you into the right option. They know to keep you happy, they have to give you the right information. And that means helping you make the right choice for you. 

Want something cheap? Or are you ready to purchase the right piano for you?

Don’t Include A Portable Piano On Your Christmas Wish List

Don’t Include A Portable Piano On Your Christmas Wish List

Parents have a lot of opinions on the best way to teach their kids. But I’ll bet you’ve never heard these:

Learn to read, and I’ll buy you a book. 

Learn a sport, and I’ll buy you the proper gear. 

Why? It’s pretty obvious. In both examples, parents realize that you have to have the proper tools to excel. And as a parent, it’s our job to ensure they have what it takes to succeed. 

That’s why it’s funny the approach many parents take when it comes to music. Don’t Include A Portable Piano On Your Christmas Wish List

They want to push their kids to be musically inclined. They may have even read about the advantages of kids who play music. Yes, they often have better organizational skills. And yes, they often do a lot better on tests. But then they head out and price a piano and freeze. Can they really afford that?

So they look for alternatives. And it’s easy to find a cheap alternative to a piano in your favorite big box store. Why not get a portable piano as a gift and see if your child takes to it? If they seem to like it, you can always upgrade later. 

And that’s where the problems begin. 

Interest alone can’t help your child become a great musician. You have to have the proper tools to ensure she gains the proper skill set along the way. 

Those cheap imitations can’t compete with the real thing. They don’t sound the same. They don’t play the same. And when you can’t hear proper intonation or feel the way a piano is designed to feel, it can throw your skills off as you learn and grow. 

It’s also important to treat it as a commitment, not as a hobby. And when you buy a portable piano, you often treat it as a toy. Lessons and practice take commitment. You have to ensure it’s built into your week. If you’re not committed, your child never will be. And they’ll lose the skill long before they ever gain it. 

Are you committed to giving your child the gift of music? Invest in a quality piano today. 

Give Your Child The Gift Of Discipline – Play The Piano

Give Your Child The Gift Of Discipline – Play The Piano

Parents struggle with a lot of decisions on how to raise their kids. They push them in all kinds of directions to develop a happy, healthy life. 

That’s the reason many parents push their kids into sports. Sports teach a variety of skills, from coordination to team building, to sportsmanship. 

But for others, they’ve learned the benefits music has on success. And unlike sports that can only be a part of a child’s life for a certain number of years, the arts can last a lifetime. 

Learning to play the piano sets your kids up for a lifetime of success. Here’s why. 

The Piano sharpens concentration

Playing the piano brings many different skill sets together. You have to pay attention to what both hands are doing. You have to focus on the music. You have to focus on the notes you’re creating and the rhythm of the music. Every time you sit down to play it’s an exercise in multi-level concentration. 

The Piano teaches perseverance Give Your Child The Gift Of Discipline - Play The Piano

Playing the piano isn’t something you accomplish in a few weeks. It takes a lifetime to master. And when kids set certain goals for themselves, they can see their skills developing over time. To learn to play favorite songs takes patience, something they can take joy out of when they finally reach playing to their own level of perfection. 

The Piano increases memory

Piano playing is one of the most effective ways to stimulate the brain. It takes a lot of skill to put hand-eye coordination to play music with both hands while reading music. A lot of the skill comes from memorization. It also comes from understanding deeper levels of thinking. It’s also been noted to help people as they age, keeping the mind healthy. 

The Piano teaches discipline

Each new song, each new level of learning to play the piano has its own series of challenges and rewards. Students quickly learn that by reaching towards more challenging music, and understanding that the only way to get better is through practice. They also learn that the more they get involved in the process, the better they’ll sound, the better they’ll feel. 

Make this the year you give your child the gift of learning to play the piano.