Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Every child has their own outlook on life. Every child excels at what matters most to them. But finding what that is can be challenging at best for a parent. 

So, like any good parent, you plod along signing them up for classes and teams, hoping something will stick. 

That changes when your child has learning disabilities. If they have trouble concentrating, if they can’t read or write in a manner a traditional classroom asks, it’s up to you to find what helps. 

Music might be the solution. Music builds up the muscles of the brain – audio, visual, and motor skills. This is what controls language, reading, comprehension, math, problem solving, focus, concentration, and attention to detail. 

Studies show that some children with learning disabilities can benefit from starting up the piano. Especially where background noise is a problem for learning, music helps build up attention, focus, self-esteem, and self-expression. 

What can you do to enhance this skill?Piano Lessons and Learning Disabilities

Follow the rhythm. We each have our own unique circadian rhythm – it’s your biological clock that helps control your sleep/wake cycle. This clock is attuned to our heart beats – thump, thump, thump. It’s a natural rhythm that allows us to focus and stay on task. Focus in on this. Play music with distinct rhythm. Your child can also clap their hands or tap out a simple beat to feel the power of the beat. 

Dance. Movement is especially helpful with certain types of learning disorders. As a child moves, it helps them tune in on both physical coordination and the ability to concentrate throughout every move. 

Listen. You can easily bring in different types of music right through your home music system. But take it to the next level too. Attend concerts. Watch for special evenings with your local symphony – many have special programs just for kids. 

Sign up for group lessons. This can be something as simple as a dance class when your child is a few years old. It doesn’t have to be formal or with purpose – just a basic class to start feeling the rhythm. 

Private lessons. Piano lessons can help tremendously with focus. Just be sure you find the right instructor that understands the issues your child is facing and has the experience to work with them each week.