Cheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

Cheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

So you want your child to learn the piano. You’ve heard how important music is to their development. Now it’s time to find the right piano. 

With a few searches, you might be intimidated by the prices. Why not find the cheapest one you can? With a quick search, you find a cheap piano for sale. Act fast and it might be yours. 

But is that a good idea? 

Many people jump into a purchase like this, only to be disappointed from the moment they get it into their home. Because cheap pianos can have a lot of problems.

They aren’t in tuneCheap Piano For Sale: It Could Be A Costly Mistake

Have you ever heard a singer miss a note? You cringe as they continue on out of tune. The same can happen with a piano. Play a scale and it sounds fine … until you hit “the note.” And then another one. And another. You can’t play a piano that’s out of tune; if it doesn’t sound right, you can’t create music. And if it requires several rounds of tuning just to bring it to an acceptable level, how “cheap” is that cheap piano really going to be?

They aren’t tuneable

You can bring a tuner to work on your piano. But in some cases, a piano simply isn’t worth tuning. If it sits for years, decades, without being properly maintained, there might not be a way to fix what no longer works. 

They don’t have musicality 

Have you ever heard an instrument that just doesn’t sound right? The notes are tinny. It just doesn’t have the right voice. Think that instrument is any fun to play? Part of the joy of learning how to play is to create beautiful music. If you can’t do that, you’re more likely to give up. 

They aren’t worth the investment

Ever settled on something you thought was a good deal, only to have to put a whole lot of time and money into it to bring it back to any kind of workable condition? You lose interest very quickly. The same holds true for any type of investment, from a bike, to a car, to a piano. Sometimes it’s worth spending a little extra to know you have a good deal. An individual with one item to sell has one goal in mind: selling that one item. When a dealer has multiple items to sell, they are more interested in getting you into the right option. They know to keep you happy, they have to give you the right information. And that means helping you make the right choice for you. 

Want something cheap? Or are you ready to purchase the right piano for you?

“Cheap Piano For Sale” Isn’t Always A Good Thing

“Cheap Piano For Sale” Isn’t Always A Good Thing

As a musician, names can mean a lot.

When it comes to owning a piano, having one of the better names such as Steinway, Chickering or Knabe on display can be a source of pride and accomplishment.

But upgrading from the family heirloom that’s been passed down generation to generation, to an in-demand piano can present its own set of challenges … mainly cost.“Cheap Piano For Sale” Isn’t Always A Good Thing

Yet in today’s world, finding a “diamond in the rough” seems like a pretty easy thing to do. All it takes is a quick scan on Craigslist to find many bargains listed with great names, and even better price tags. How can you say no to a bargain?

The ads always go something like this:

Used Steinway piano in good condition

Stored in heated garage for past 15 years

Needs some refinishing work


Wow! What a deal.

The picture shows the stain is gone in places, but overall, it looks like its in good condition. A little staining, maybe tuning it a little, and it should be good to go.

“I’ll take it!” And the deal is complete.

Unfortunately, if you truly want a piano you can play, that sounds good, and will add years of enjoyment to your life, you may have just made the worst deal of your life.

Here’s why.

The first step is getting your “new” piano home. You can pay to have a professional piano mover move the piano from the heated garage to your home. Or if you stick with the bargain concept, you can get a few friends to help you move it. That will involve renting a truck and finding several people that are willing to move a several hundred pound instrument into place. And pianos aren’t an easy thing to move; they are large, their weight is disproportionately placed in several areas, they are bulky, they are heavy, and they have tiny legs that can easily be broken off. And that’s just the outside. Heavy banging or sudden jarring can cause even more damage to the intricate pieces on the inside that give a piano its life and its sound.

Once you get it to its final resting spot in good condition, its time to call in the experts. If a piano has been sitting in storage for 15 years, you can bet it hasn’t been tuned in at least that long. Is the pinblock still in good shape? Are the strings in working condition? Will it hold a tune? How much time will it take to get it into tune? This is where the fun can begin, and where your real cost can start. In the best scenario, it can take a simple tuning, revamping a few strings, and regular maintenance to bring it back into playable condition. At the worst, it may not be playable without extensive restoration.

Even though it’s a Steinway, even Steinway’s have different values. Has it been damaged in its life? Is it an upright or a grand? Does it have a full range keyboard? There are a lot of variables that will determine its ultimate worth, both before and after potential restoration.

While each phase takes time, it also takes money. And unless you are a trained professional, most are projects you simply can’t take on yourself. In some cases it may take hundreds or even thousands of dollars to bring a piano back into good working condition. And if you don’t have the time or the money to do it, it may wind up back in the garage once again – only now its in your garage instead.

If playing the piano is your goal, start with a piano in playing condition from the moment it arrives in your home. And start making beautiful music tonight.