The Only Reason To Ever Buy a Piano

The Only Reason To Ever Buy a Piano

When we buy many things for our home, we tend to use a checklist to settle on the best choice. 

When you buy a piano, you need a different approach. 

Here’s why. 

Let’s say you’re in the market for a new dishwasher. Before you head to the store, you do a little research and define what’s best to suit your needs:

  • You measure your space
  • You find a quality brand with a good service record
  • You define what features you want your dishwasher to have
  • You select a color to match your decor

You don’t “fall in love” with a dishwasher. Instead, you find one that best suits your needs. It’s a workhorse inside your home, one you rely on every day. 

But a piano is different. If you take the same course of action when buying a piano, you’ll wind up purchasing a piano that doesn’t suit your tastes. 

Some people approach piano buying as a task-based exercise:

  • Measure the space
  • Set a budget
  • Select a color
  • Focus on price

But focusing on the specifications and not on the way the piano sounds can lead to buyer’s remorse. 

Pianos are a personal taste. They each produce sounds in a different way. And it’s that sound that makes you fall in love with making music. 

When you sit down to play, you experience the joy of creating a unique blend of sounds that all come together to create a song. 

If it’s out of tune, for example, hitting specific notes will make you cringe. It will make you pull back, not wanting to experience that again. And that might end your desire to play. 

If you’re in the market to buy a piano, why not ensure it’s the best instrument for you? Don’t buy the first one you see. Spend time with the instrument, and make sure the piano you select is ultimately the best one for you. 

When Should You Buy a Piano For A Beginner?

When Should You Buy a Piano For A Beginner?

If your child wants to start playing the piano, you’ll have to buy a piano to get them started. 

Just like starting up football means you’ll have to invest in pads, or heading into the arts means you’ll have to invest in paints, having the right tools is all part of the process. 

But for a budding musician, pianos are more expensive than a palette of paints. How do you know you’re making the right choices for what to buy? And is there a right time to invest in a piano for a beginning piano player? 

Let’s start with one of the biggest fallacies about starting up the piano. 

Parents are often nervous about making a significant investment in a piano until they know if their child likes it and will stick with it. So they look for the cheapest option instead, choosing the “wait and see” approach before they lay down real money. 

They get one for free from a neighbor. Or pick up an inexpensive keyboard from their local big box store.  

There’s a problem with that. 

Would you let your child wear soccer shoes, two sizes too big as they try out a new sport? Of course not. That would be dangerous at best. It’s common sense to know that you need the proper gear to excel at the game. 

The same applies to learning to play the piano. If you buy a piano that isn’t high quality, your child won’t be able to feel the music. They can grow frustrated, and quit because they can’t play the way they should. 

A high quality instrument isn’t out of tune. It sounds great no matter what level they play. 

It has perfectly weighted keys, meaning there’s a certain touch to the keyboard, and your child learns to “feel” their way to success. 

It also shows you value their choices in extra activities. You’re making an investment in their future, and choose to give them every advantage as they explore what music will mean in their lives. 

If you want to buy a piano and give your child every advantage of sticking with it and becoming a great piano player, ensure you purchase the right piece of equipment right from the beginning. 

We’re here to help. 

Should You Buy a Piano Ready To Restore?

Should You Buy a Piano Ready To Restore?

Sometimes, looking around at new pianos just doesn’t provide the experience you’re looking for. Sure, they look nice. Beautiful in every way. 

But you want something … different. 

Maybe you should buy a piano ready to restore. 

Pianos are unique in that with some manufacturers and models, they have the ability to increase in value over time. Because they were built in a bygone era using materials that quite often are no longer available, they can have more value today. 

Imagine owning a piano played by some of the greatest musicians of the past century. 

Or how about owning an instrument that sat in one of the greatest concert halls in the world?

If you choose to buy a piano ready to restore, it’s more than selecting one that looks good sitting on the showroom floor. Instead, it’s about finding one that has a story to tell, and then bringing it back to life to sit proudly in your home for years to come. 

The first step is defining your goals. What are you looking for in a piano? Where will it be on display? What’s your budget? From there, we can find a piano perfect for your needs. 

Then you can be a part of the restoration process. Pick your favorite stain color, light, medium, or dark. Prefer a color? Black, white, or somewhere in between. In some cases, you can choose nickel or brass hardware to accent the final look. 

Not only was the piano a work of art before restoration, but it also gained uniqueness by having you be a part of the process. It will truly be something you’ll be proud to put on display in your home, and love for years to come. 

When Is The Best Time Of The Year To Buy A Piano?

When Is The Best Time Of The Year To Buy A Piano?

While playing piano is an activity you can enjoy every day of the year, there are certain times of the year where buying a new piano is better. Piano dealers cycle through seasons and holiday events, just like your favorite big box store. If you consider your time wisely, you’ll know you’re getting the best deal possible on a piano that will give you years of enjoyment. 

When should you consider your purchase?


People don’t often associate summer as a time for being indoors and playing the piano. That’s what makes it the perfect time to invest in a new piano. Piano dealers are often slower, stocking up fall and the start of school. Because business is a little slower, you can work with a dealer to get the best choice for your needs. They’ll spend a little more time evaluating your wishes and desires, and can help you find the best deals. You’ll also be able to have it delivered on your time schedule, prioritizing your delivery around your life. 

End of summer

End of summer means back to school. Piano dealers know that this is one of the biggest times to start extracurricular activities, so you’ll find lots of deals on both new and used pianos. This is also one of the most popular times to get new inventory, which means you’ll find deals on older pianos too. 

November and December

One of the most popular gifts around the holidays is a piano. You’ll find them available at all kinds of stores. But don’t be fooled by buying a toy piano from your favorite big box store. Instead, look for the best deals at your local piano dealer. They know how important a high quality instrument is, so they’re happy to help you find the best deal to suit your family’s needs. 


If you’re looking for a high quality used piano, spring may be a perfect time. A lot of homeowners choose spring as the ideal time to downsize. Our selection goes up in the springtime as we sift through some of the best used pianos in the marketplace. 

Is there a best time to buy a new piano? The best time is when you’re ready to bring a new instrument into your home. If you’ve been dreaming of a new piano, why not make today the day. You’ll love being able to create music any time you desire. We’re happy to help you choose the right piano for your family’s needs. 

25 Reasons To Buy A Piano

25 Reasons To Buy A Piano

1. Pianos are classical. The piano has been virtually unchanged in the past few hundred years. Why mess with perfection?

2. They are the perfect instrument. Harmony or melody, the piano does it all. 

3. The sound. Nothing sounds quite as grandeur as piano music. 

4. It’s not just a instrument, it’s a work of art. Place a grand piano in a room and it commands attention. 

25 Reasons To Buy A Piano5. It’s the one piece of furniture you’ll be happy to pass down from generation to generation. 

6. Acoustic or digital – there are many different ways to bring music to your life. 

7. If you’ve always wanted to be a rock star, the piano’s the best place to start. Take a look at any band; the piano and guitars are always front and center. 

8. Take your music to another level. Many digital pianos have easy ability to record and manipulate the music you make. You can edit it, even share it on social media easily. 

9. Piano playing is a great way to relax. Sit down for even five minutes and you’ll find yourself relax and unwind. 

10. It sharpens your concentration. No other activity has your hands and your brain working in quite the same way. 

11. Playing piano improves your time management skills. You have to plan out your week, fitting in practice sessions and lessons. 

12. It enhances your listening skills. Tapping out a tune means you have to listen for many things, including tone quality. 

13. It prevents memory loss. Because of the processing it takes to create music on the piano, it’s been shown to lessen the effects of age related disease. 

14. It helps with memory. It’s quite an accomplishment when you can put both hands to use on the keyboard in different ways, read the music in front of you, and listen for all the different aspects of playing a tune. 

15. Piano playing increases your language skills. Piano players are also better at expressing themselves conversationally and grammatically. 

16. It encourages creativity. No matter what song you play, there is always room to add a little of your own personality. 

17. Playing piano teaches you perseverance. No matter how much trouble you’re having playing a song, with a little more work, you’ll get it right. 

18. It improves reading comprehension. Because it takes a lot of skill to read and memorize music, it also triggers that part of the brain that allows you to read and recall the information at a later date. 

19. It helps with hand-eye coordination. Because it strengthens fine motor skills, it makes piano playing a perfect activity for young and old alike. 

20. It makes your brain better at math skills. Kids that play the piano early in life and stick with it as they move through school perform significantly better in math than their peers. 

21. It boosts self-esteem. Nothing makes you feel better than giving yourself a goal and hitting the target. 

22. Piano playing improves your rhythm. Rhythm isn’t just essential for playing music; it also converts into allowing a person to perform better in school and on tests. 

23. It expands your cultural knowledge. It introduces diversity by playing music from all over the world. 

24. It allows for more tactile learning experience. You perform differently when playing the piano compared to other activities, such as sports or arts. 

25. Piano playing reduces anxiety. And with anxiety at an all-time high throughout the classroom environment, a little bit of practice when your child gets home can help set the stage for better homework time. 

Want Smarter Kids? Buy a Piano

Want Smarter Kids? Buy a Piano

What if you had proof that something would make your child better at language skills, would you do it? 

As parents, we’re looking for that “magic” all the time. That’s why we invest in lessons, after school activities, and purchase resources that make certain promises. 

What if someone told you that practicing the piano was “magic?” Would you add piano practice to their daily routines? Want Smarter Kids? Buy a Piano

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there is evidence that practicing the piano early in life enhances the way a child processes sounds. That transfers into the way a child hears language, giving them better skills at language acquisition. 

The study sorted 4 and 5 year old Mandarin-speaking Chinese kindergartners into three groups. One took piano lessons each week, one received reading instruction, and the final group did neither. The group that practiced the piano did significantly better at distinguishing small nuances in language processing. 

Other studies have also shown advances in language skills when music lessons are incorporated into their daily routines. But it doesn’t stop there. 

Music has been shown to be a powerful treatment for many different cognitive disorders, including things like ADHD.

Piano affects the frontal lobe, which is responsible for decision making. It can boost problem solving, and help fuel spontaneous creativity. 

Piano playing can improve multitasking abilities. Because playing the piano requires many different things at the same time – playing with both hands, reading music, following pitch, operating pedals – it helps a child be more comfortable doing different things at the same time. 

If you want to give your child every advantage as they grow and develop, look no further than the piano. It’s long been thought of as a cornerstone in a family household; maybe there’s a good reason. 

Piano: The One Instrument That Gets Better With Time

Piano: The One Instrument That Gets Better With Time

When parents choose to offer the gift of music to their child, cost is usually one of the top considerations.

If they select a violin, a cello, a viola, or a guitar, they know they will have to select a student instrument, sized correctly for how big their child is. As they grow, new instruments will have to be purchased as they move into better programs, or potentially audition for top schools such as Julliard. While a starting instrument may cost a few hundred dollars in the beginning, it can quickly reach into the tens of thousands of dollars as they perfect their skills and require better sound.Piano: The One Instrument That Gets Better With Time

Parents expect replacing the tools of the trade as their child grows and changes.

But what if a child chooses piano?

Piano is the one instrument that, if chosen correctly, can last a lifetime.

Over the years, manufacturers of pianos have come and gone. Some were good, some, well, not so much. But as the years have rolled by, some of the best continue to be sought after instruments that people are not only proud to play, they are proud to display.

Think Steinway.

Think Baldwin.

Think Yamaha.

And of course many more.

When pianos are built, if they are built with top workmanship from the best materials available, they are built to last. If they are well cared for over time, they will continue to last from generation to generation.

The key is in the maintenance.

A well maintained piano is placed in an environment where temperature and humidity are kept at a relatively consistent basis. It is cleaned on a regular basis. It is tuned on a regular basis. And when necessary, repairs are made.

With just these few things in place, the same piano a child learns on at 5 can be playing well when she reaches 105.

Ready to invest in a quality piano that will last a lifetime? Give us a call or stop by today.