Tips For Relearning The Piano After Not Playing For Years

Tips For Relearning The Piano After Not Playing For Years

Sometimes we overlook the simple pleasures we took for granted as kids.

Remember when you could sit down and play the piano, relax and enjoy music for awhile with nothing else to do? Then work and family priorities set in, and with a million things on your plate, the goal of creating music slipped by the wayside

Its easier than you think to pick up piano once again.

Start SlowlyTips For Relearning The Piano After Not Playing For Years

No matter how much playing you did years ago, this is a new venture at this point in your life. Create small goals that are doable, rather than jumping in full force.

Start with a piano; do you have a quality piano to play? If you still own the same piano, yet its been tucked into a corner of your home for years without a second glance, it may need a little refurbishing to get it into quality playing condition. A simply tuning may not be enough, but it’s the best place to start. Work with a reputable piano tuning and restoration company to find out the current quality of your piano, and what it will take to bring it back to working order.

Then set aside a little time every day to practice and play. Your hands, your arms, even your entire body has to adjust to this new activity. Its easier to spend 20 minutes a day getting back into the swing of things than to sit down for several hours of frustration when you simply can’t find the notes the same way you once did.

Practice is what brought you to success the first time; its no different today. Your skills will come back quickly if you enjoy the process along the way.

Change With The Times

If you haven’t played in a long time, things have changed in many ways over the years. Your body has changed, and the way you deal with aches and pains. Likewise, piano technology and the way we approach the piano has changed over time as well.

This may be the time to work with a professional for a few lessons to get back on track the right way. If you are now used to sitting at the computer all day, how will this transfer over to the way you sit at the piano? You many need adjustment and refinement to make sure you are playing comfortably and in a way you won’t further injure yourself down the road. Are you doing all you can to be the best you can be? A few lessons can put you on the right track once again. When an instructor has experience with adults, they can make suggestions on how to keep up with the physical side of playing piano as well.

Structure Your Sessions

Twenty minutes of structured playing will do more for you overall than randomly playing pieces you like and ignoring errors you make or improvements to your overall ability. Start with warm ups, and ease your fingers and your hands back into playing mode. Play something you know well, for pure enjoyment. Give yourself a challenge; work towards something new.

By creating a plan and including all three structures into your practice section – warm ups, mastering something new, playing for enjoyment – you’re sessions will become fun instead of chore.


The key is to have fun, and enjoy playing the piano once more.

How To Become A Better Piano Player

How To Become A Better Piano Player

As an adult, we have different reasons for doing things. When kids play the piano, for the most part its because mom and dad sign them up for lessons. It becomes a part of the routine; one they may grumble about but do anyway because it’s a part of the schedule.

Yet for adults, when we take on new projects, its because of a long desire we have to improve ourselves, or to try a new talent we wish we would have had before.How To Become A Better Piano Player

Playing the piano isn’t solely about sitting down at the keyboard and banging on notes. Instead, its about developing a stronger connection to music, both appreciating it and creating it.

Becoming a better piano player isn’t just about playing music, its also about understanding music as well. And there are several approaches you can take that will help you become a better piano player overall.

1. Start With Music Theory

Playing the piano isn’t just about putting a few notes together. Instead, there’s an artform to understanding how music is performed. Music theory helps you connect chords that sound good together, and helps you understand the direction a song should take next. It helps you see patterns in the way music progresses; understand and recognize key signatures, intervals and progressions. It changes your piano playing from just tinkering with the notes, to creating sound because it works together.

2. Take Lessons

It seems like an obvious thing to say, but lessons are one of the key ways to help you improve. By hiring a piano instructor, you will learn not just how to play a song, but the theory behind playing the piano. You will learn correct hand placement, correct posture, and how to set goals and deadlines to stay on track. If you’re really serious about playing the piano, its really the only way to improve.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

With every new task you choose to put into your life, the only way to get better at it is to practice. But don’t just practice for practices sake; spend the time to improve what you’re playing as well. Don’t just go through a song quickly to say you’ve played it. Concentrate on the notes. Slow the song down to make sure you are playing all of the nuances located in the song. Make sure you understand how its supposed to be played, and what you may be missing along the way. Find a tempo where you can really hear yourself play, and become comfortable with what you are playing. Focus in on doing it right, not just for the sake of doing it.

Many of the great masters play the same songs over and over again. They improve it, get better at it, change things along the way. They know there is always room for improvement; always a way to make something better. Plus the more you know a song, the more you can have fun with it. You can add things because you understand how they will sound when you do it. You can have fun for the sake of being better at what you do … playing the piano!

Playing the piano is above all fun. As long as you are having fun at what you do, there will always be ways to bring more enjoyment out of life. Stick with it, and learn to become the best piano player you can be. It’s a gift that will last a lifetime.

The Three Biggest Tips For Caring For Your Piano

The Three Biggest Tips For Caring For Your Piano

Pianos are a moving, carefully constructed instrument that require regular care to keep it in good working condition. While it doesn’t require daily maintenance, or hours of your time during your busy week, there are easy things you can put in place to ensure the best working performance whenever you have the desire to play.

#1 Control The Humidity Levels

One of the most crucial aspects of keeping your piano in good, working condition is its environment. Too much humidity can cause wood to swell and keys to stick. Too little humidity can cause drying and warping of the wood, which can also lead to piano keys sticking.The Three Biggest Tips For Caring For Your Piano

Its easy to assume that if humidity is high (or low) outside, the inside environment is okay as well. That’s not necessarily so. Low humidity is more likely present during the winter months, when you run your heat on a frequent basis. Yet it can also be present during times of drought, when no rain has been in sight for weeks at a time. Low humidity cracks soundboards and other vital parts of your piano, so its an important aspect to watch for and correct.

Proper humidity levels in your home should be in the 40 to 52 percent range. While this may not be possible in all areas at all times, the important thing to watch for is humidity dropping too low for extended periods of time. If you get static electricity in your home, your piano is in danger.

#2 Piano Tuning

Its easy to assume that piano care is related to how much you play your piano. It works for a car – oil changes are needed on a more frequent basis the more you drive your car. Not so with a piano. Even if your piano sits for weeks on end without being played, it still moves and changes based on the environment. As it moves and changes, the quality of your piano is impacted.

Regular tuning protects the pinblock and keeps your soundboard in top quality. Tuning by a qualified tuner also gives them the chance to look for other things that can turn into larger problems down the road if not fixed and repaired quickly.

#3 Cleaning

Just like any quality piece of furniture in your home, your piano should be cleaned on a regular basis. But when you clean, leave the chemicals behind. With most gloss finishes today, a simple microfiber cloth lightly dampened with water will do the trick. Using chemicals – furniture polish and other off-the-shelf cleaners – contain silicone and other oily bases that do not belong on wood and will eventually dull and cloud the finish.

Once you begin using these polishes on your finish, its very difficult to return the finish to its original shine.

If you own a grand piano, its always a good idea to keep the lid closed when not in use, to ensure dust, debris and pet fur stays away from the soundboard, plate and strings.

Just like tuning, a regular, quality cleaning from a piano technician is recommended to ensure all working parts of your piano are adequately cleaned and ready for use. Do not attempt to deep clean without instruction. You can vacuum the inside carefully with a brush attachment, but in no circumstances should you ever use chemicals or furniture polish on the inside of the piano.

Why Piano Rebuilding Is More Than Changing Out The Piano Parts

Why Piano Rebuilding Is More Than Changing Out The Piano Parts

All of a sudden, your piano doesn’t play the way it used to. The notes sound a little off. Songs begin having that out-of-tune pitch that makes you cringe more than enjoy.

So like any good do it yourselfer, you buy a few parts and attempt to fix the problem yourself. But can you really fix a piano yourself? Is it possible?

The answer, of course, is it depends.Why Piano Rebuilding Is More Than Changing Out The Piano Parts

If you happen to get lucky, and find one piece that truly is defective, and replace it in such a way that it improves the sound, then the answer is yes.

Chances are though, this will never be the case.

Piano rebuilding is an art form. Its not merely the act of changing out a few parts to make a better sound. You can’t run down to the local discount store, by a few generic parts and expect your piano to provide you with the quality sound you’ve come to expect.

Because in many cases, it starts with selecting the right parts. There are many different dimensions, and it takes a specialist to recognize and understand the nuances to make the right selection. For example, we always analyze the action to determine the appropriate parts required to maintain and match the action.

We also know that rebuilding can include analyzing and changing out the action, sound board and pin block. It may require resetting the down bearing during the stringing process, which will drastically affect the quality and tone of sound from your piano. It may also include changing the pressure the strings exert on the bridge and sound board.

The bridge – the vertical portion of the soundboard – is a delicate piece made of hardwood with pins in it. The higher the bridge, the more down pressure the string is going to exert on the bridge and the soundboard. This is where sound balance occurs. Its also one of the most important parts of your piano, the part that needs to be carefully analyzed to avoid stress on the crown of the soundboard, therefore inhibiting your piano’s performance.

Rebuilding means making sure all pieces are in proper placement, proper dimensions, proper performance. If its original equipment, its in the best working condition possible. If its new, it’s the perfect match for your piano.

When it comes down to it, piano rebuilding is best performed by someone with training, skills and knowledge. Rebuilding is as much an art form as it is a science. Trust someone with over 50 years of experience in the piano industry. Give us a call today.

Piano Playing … A Lifetime Commitment

Piano Playing … A Lifetime Commitment

So you’ve decided to take up the piano? Congratulations. Nothing can be as rewarding or as fulfilling as being able to sit down to the piano and play music. But also keep in mind that mastering the piano – any instrument for that matter – is not easy nor is it fast. It’s a long journey that can take a lifetime to master.

And that’s half of the enjoyment!Piano Playing … A Lifetime Commitment

If you’re expecting instant results after a week or two of practice, you’re sure to be disappointed. Because playing the piano isn’t something you can pick up from playing a game on the computer, or conquer with a master class in piano over a long weekend.

It takes work. It takes performance. And it takes action day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Enjoyment of the arts and fulfillment in your ability to play the piano does not come from rushed goals, tensed efforts, or the desire to quickly please your parents or win a competition. If your piano goals are to reach a certain expectation in a quick manner, you will be disappointed.

Part of mastering the piano comes more from having the desire to create beautiful music no matter what level you can currently play. It comes from the dedication to play again and again until you hear the musicality in what you are doing. Piano playing brings:

  • Joy to your life
  • Fulfillment in what you can do
  • Maturity in knowing you can stick with a project
  • Wisdom to help you grow as a person
  • Meaning to your life

At the same time, it does also take sacrifice and compromise. You have to continue when you just aren’t feeling it; have faith that you will reach your goals when it feels like you never will.

Mastering piano is not easy … there is a long road ahead. But we believe the road is one well worth traveling; one that will grow and help you define who you are throughout your life.

Piano, The Perfect After School Activity

Piano, The Perfect After School Activity

As parents, we want to give our children every advantage possible. When school bells ring, the amount of activities presented to them is sometimes overwhelming. How do we help them choose?

Parents often hear complaints from other parents that influence their decision.

“My parents forced me to play an instrument when I was young. I hated it and would never do that to my child.”Piano, The Perfect After School Activity

In order to avoid a negative attitude towards something, they put off putting their child into an activity until they actually request it. Which usually comes when a child’s friends decide to do something, and it becomes “okay” or the “in” thing to do.

While that can work for some kids, for many others, they simply don’t know what is possible, nor have the understanding of what they will truly like and want to move forward with for the rest of their lives.

Musical prodigies are all around us. Mozart wrote his first symphony at age eight. Stevie Wonder signed with Motown at eleven. What would these people have done had they not been introduced to music until later in life, when it was the acceptable thing to do?

There is growing research that shows there is a window of opportunity for kids to develop their music sensibility. Between the ages of birth through nine, the mental structures and mechanisms associated with processing and understanding music are in the prime stages of development. But it doesn’t have to be lessons alone that gives children their music sensibility; it comes from being exposed to music as well.

A child’s first lesson shouldn’t be structured and in lesson format. Instead, a child’s first “lesson” should simply be exposure to music, instruments, and the range of music in today’s society. Musical games, dancing, singing, or even playing simple instruments like the drums or flute can all encourage kids to develop an interest in how music can impact their lives.

By five, most children have a built in foundation that has prepared them for formalized music lessons. This is when you can introduce lessons to your child, and make it a standard part of their weekly routines. They won’t become a great performer at this point; instead studying music is about furthering their understanding of what is possible in the music world. The most obvious choices are the piano and violin because both give them the ability to hear and play the entire melody, as well as feel how the music sounds.

Music at an early age is extremely important because it boosts your child’s development process, giving them the skills they will use for a lifetime. Music improves language, math, and thinking abilities. And like riding a bike, these skills only grow over time, never to be forgotten in principle.

If you are helping your child make a decision on after school activities, remember the one activity that will carry through a lifetime. Give them the gift of music. Give them the gift of piano.

How To Find The Serial Number On Your Vertical Piano

How To Find The Serial Number On Your Vertical Piano

Thinking about restoring your old piano? Have a vertical (upright) piano in need of repair, and wondering if its worth your time and money?

If you have had a piano in your life for years, and it has any type of sentimental value to you, chances are its worth restoring. Only the pianos in the worst of shape, with water damage or other extreme influences, have reached the point of no return.How To Find The Serial Number On Your Vertical Piano

Yet certain pianos do have more value, and therefore more potential than others. Want to find out how much your piano may be worth now, and if fully restored? The place to start is with the serial number. With that, you can talk with a reputable piano deaer and find its true worth.

How do you find the serial number? On a vertical piano, you can usually find it in one of five places.

1. Open up the lid and look down into the piano. The numbers are often printed or placed onto a sticker on the top of the harp, either on the left or right hand side.

2. Remove the upper facing cover and sit on the piano bench. Look ahead directly at eye level; the serial number may be printed either along side of the harp, of directly behind the harp on the wood behind it.

3. Check the inner sides of the piano near the upper facing cover. Often the serial number was printed either on the left or the right.

4. Check near the rear of the sound board.

5. If you haven’t found the serial number in any of these places, check the rear of the piano for markings.

Still having trouble? It may be time to call in a professional. As a professional with decades of experience in the piano industry, we know where to look and what to look for. We can quickly evaluate your piano and provide you with enough detail to make an informed decision about how to move forward.

When Your Piano Won’t Play

When Your Piano Won’t Play

“I have an older piano that we’ve used for years in my family. My youngest daughter is now starting up piano lessons, so we’ve started using it every day again. I love it! But I also have a problem. There is one key – the F sharp/G flat right below the middle C that won’t play when you strike it. If you hit it really hard, you can hear a brief sound that is barely audible, but it immediately goes away. I know this is going to be a problem soon as her songs get more difficult. Do I need to call in a repair person? Are there things I can check to see if its an easy fix?”

We know nothing can be more frustrating than to want to play the piano and have it not in good, working order.

pianoThere could be a number of things wrong with your piano.

First, open the piano lid and press the piano key that isn’t playing. Check to see if the hammer mechanics are working. If the hammer isn’t properly striking the string, either the hammer or other components are broken and will need to be fixed by a reputable piano repair company.

Sometimes the string isn’t working properly. When the piano key is pressed, check to make sure the string is properly functioning and doesn’t have a tear or breakage. It may require simple tuning, or it may need complete restringing. A piano tuner will be able to fix the problem and make sure your piano is back in working order.

Lastly, it may be a lack of tuning. When was the last time your piano was tuned? In some cases, the strings can be stretched and pulled, and simply not be tight enough to create a sound. Tuning the piano string will bring it back into tune, and give you a proper working piano.

The easiest way to bring your piano back into good working order is to call and schedule an appointment today. We’ll send a reputable piano tuner to your location, and have your piano tuned and ready for your daughter to play in no time.

Buying A Piano In Memphis? Make Sure Its From A Reputable Dealer

Buying A Piano In Memphis? Make Sure Its From A Reputable Dealer

It’s the start of the school year. You know you can give your child an added boost by bringing music into her life. Where do you start?

Start by finding a reputable piano dealer right here in Memphis to provide guidance and resources for all of your needs.

The first step is finding the right piano. But its not as easy as buying the first one you find. A lot of factors should go into your final decision to make sure you purchase the right piano for your needs.Buying A Piano In Memphis? Make Sure Its From A Reputable Dealer

How much room do you have? Pianos come in all shapes and sizes. You can find an upright, or vertical piano, that provides quality sound and conserves on space. You can choose a grand piano, which provides quality music and an artful look to any room in your home. Or for a growing computer maestro, a digital piano may be just the thing you are looking for, providing quality sound with limited space.

With so many options in every type and style of piano, price and budget can be managed at any level. Set your amount and then head in to find the best quality for you. The problem with buying online is you simply don’t know the quality you are receiving. Just because someone sets a price on an online ad doesn’t mean the piano is truly worth that. Or that other options aren’t available that would be a better fit for you. A reputable dealer takes all of that into account and provides you with options that best fit your needs.

The piano itself is only a part of the equation. What about the accessories, such as stools, benches or lights? What about finding a reputable piano teacher? What about finding someone who can tune your piano, repair it as needed, and even restore it? Who will move it when you upgrade to your new home? A piano isn’t like a small object you can box up and take with you. Nor is it something any do it yourselfer can expertly handle. By finding someone up front that can help you with all of your needs, you’ll never have a question too small or too large that will remain unanswered.

Are you ready to purchase a piano for your home? Stop by today, and discover why more people in Memphis trust Coltharp Piano World for all of their piano needs.

4 Traits A Reputable Piano Dealer Will Have

4 Traits A Reputable Piano Dealer Will Have

When you buy a piano, its an investment that will last for years, and potentially be a part of your family for generations. Its important to purchase the right piano for your needs, and more importantly, to find the right piano dealer that will provide service and resources as you need them.

Unlike some purchases, where you use them with little thought as to where you purchased it, a piano has different needs.

  • Where will you go when your piano needs tuning?
  • What if you move to a bigger house and want to trade up to a bigger and better piano?
  • What if you want to find a piano teacher for your 5 year old?

4 Traits A Reputable Piano Dealer Will HaveLots of questions, and finding the right answers can sometimes be confusing. But it doesn’t have to be. Not if you select a reputable piano dealer with these traits.

Sense Of Community

Before you select a piano dealer to do business with, make sure they are a resource within the community itself. How long have they been in business? How many pianos have they sold? What knowledge can they bring to help you select the right piano for you? How do they give back to the community? You can always get a good feel for how a business will treat you now and in the years to come by looking at their past history.

Full Service

If you buy a piano from an ad on Craigslist, you get what you pay for: a piano that may or may not be in good working order, with zero guarantees and no promises as to the quality. By finding a reputable piano dealer, you can choose a piano based on experience. They understand how to ask the right questions to find out your needs, and match you to the ideal piano for your situation. They can offer used and new pianos. They can provide moving and installation services to make sure your piano arrives in high quality and provides musicality from the moment it enters your home. They can even provide help in selecting the right piano teacher, or offer tuning services as needed each year.


“As is” can often be a scary phrase. When you take it as is, you can look at the outside of an object and assume its quality based on how well it looks. But that says nothing about the insides, or how it performs overall. That’s why warranties are so important, especially on a moving, breathing object like a piano. Depending on the piano, you will find both manufacturers and dealer warranties that will give you full protection to ensure the quality and the sound is there from the beginning.

Trade Up

Lets assume for a moment you buy a piano for your five year old. She practices and falls in love with playing. By the age of twelve, she’s performing regularly in many venues across Memphis and even across the country. She’s ready for a bigger, more vibrant piano. Its time to invest in a grand piano. A reputable dealer will offer trade up services in which you can trade your current piano in and apply it to that grand piano you’ve had your eye on for years.

The key with finding and working with a reputable piano dealer is to come in and get to know us. We can help you with any questions you may have. And we’ll be here for you well into the future.