Finding A Piano Competition Near You

Finding A Piano Competition Near You

Want to take your piano playing to new levels? Find and enter a piano competition near you. 

You like to play. You love to listen to masters within the industry. Why not marry the two together and enter your own competition? 

You might think: Not me. Maybe you’re nervous about performing in front of others. Or maybe you don’t believe you’re good enough. Surely there are others better than you … right?

Maybe you’re thinking about it in the wrong way. 

Piano competitions aren’t just about winning prizes. It’s not about ranking you in order based on who shows up for the event. A piano competition can provide you with so much more. 


Up until now, you probably haven’t had a lot of critiquing of your piano playing. Your instructor has their opinions. Family and friends will most likely say: you’re great! When you step onto a stage, you’ll be heard by new people, new judges, all that can look at your work and make suggestions for ways to improve. You can also listen to what the judges say about others: how can you use that in your own practice and training? 

Meet others in the industry

Who exactly is your competition? By attending one, you can start to see the other talent in your local area. And as you talk to other players, you might discover further ways to improve your own work. Are there better instructors that can help you grow? Other competitions you can attend? Scholarships to attend local, national, or international schools? Ask questions and keep your ears open to learn all you can as you attend. 


Just because you’ve entered a competition doesn’t mean you can’t learn as well. A lot of competitions offer masterclasses from judges or others in the industry to give you a wealth of knowledge. Make plans to attend everything you can; sometimes, they hold these classes a day before or after the competition. Sign up if you can, and ask lots of questions to improve your own talent. 

How to find a piano competition

You can start by asking your current piano instructor. Check in with your local music store. If your local college has a music program, you can contact them too for insight into regional competitions. Don’t forget Google – a few searches will bring up a wealth of information. And ask around every time you play in competition – what others would people around you recommend? You’ll be surprised at what you can find once you open up and start searching. 

Piano competitions are a great way to pursue excellence and get a chance to practice your craft in front of a live audience. You might just find yourself in ways you’ve never imagined before. Make 2020 the year you improve you by entering a piano competition. 

Should Your Child Compete In Piano Competitions … Or Not

Should Your Child Compete In Piano Competitions … Or Not

If your child has been playing the piano for a while, and they enjoy the process and want even more, you might be faced with the idea of piano competitions. Should they participate in piano competitions? 

This goes beyond casual practice. It’s not something you can work up to quickly. 

Should Your Child Compete In Piano Competitions … Or Not

Yet academics and teachers agree that a little healthy competition can have big impact on kids that participate. But is it for your child?

Knowing your child

The first question to ask is how well your child will handle it. Have they asked to compete? Do they enjoy competition? Do they enjoy playing for an audience? This is something only you and their teacher can assess. 

Increase their learning

Piano competitions can be incredibly beneficial to participants. It gives them a chance to play on some of the finest pianos in the world. It also gives them a chance to play in front of an audience, and receive feedback and advice from professionals in the field. If your child has dreams of making music a part of their lives, this can be the perfect opportunity to explore ore of what music has to offer. 

Become a better player

Not only will your child have to practice more, but they will also have more reason to practice. When they are introduced to pianists that play at a higher level, they will be motivated to increase their piano skills too. 

Develop stronger personal skills

Preparing for a competition means they will have to focus even more on practicing. They will have to master different skills to understand every aspect of a piece of music. They will have to learn to perform well under pressure. They will have to understand both failure and success. 


Nothing feels better and improves self-confidence more than knowing you’ve done a job well. Awards can accomplish that like nothing else. Sitting in front of an audience and knowing you placed well in a competition has a long lasting impression. And the more recognition you receive, the more it can lead to other things, including scholarships or even careers. 

Is your child ready for piano competitions?