Does your child have a piano recital coming up?
If she has been playing for a while, now she has a chance to display her progress. She may be excited to show you her new-found talents in a formal setting. But she may also be experiencing something else. Fear.
The recital is less than a month away, and your child is understandably nervous and scared. You are also rather anxious yourself! You want the experience to be an exciting one, not an agonizing one. So how can you prepare your child for a piano recital so that it’s not a nerve-wracking experience?
Here are some tips to prepare your child for their piano recital:
Don’t decide for them. Talk to your child and ask them if they truly want to participate in the recital. If they don’t want to participate, don’t force them. Your child has a mind of her own, and if she began piano lessons so that she can play at home instead of compete, then it’s perfectly fine for her to skip the recital. Respect your child’s decision if they don’t want to compete. Talk to her teacher. Is she really ready for the formality of a recital? Her teacher is also her support system. She may help her overcome her fears as well and choose to move forward once she realizes everyone has fear about the first time.
Give them plenty of encouragement. If they decide to participate in a piano recital, support their decision to do so and offer them encouragement. Tell them how brave they are and help them overcome their anxiety by boosting their self-confidence.
Remind them that practice makes perfect. Your child should ideally practice for at least a half hour every day until the day of the recital. This will help her to perfect the piece. Listen and give helpful suggestions when appropriate. Don’t make her nervous. Leave the true critiquing to her teacher
Assist them in choosing a piano piece. If the teacher doesn’t make this decision with your child, you can go over the pieces and help her choose one that she feels comfortable playing. Her teacher should be open to this suggestion.
Help them relax on recital day. Your child should feel comfortable, so help them to be less nervous. Assure them that they will do fine, and arrive early so as not to rush before the recital.
A piano recital is a very exciting experience that can also be extremely rewarding for your child. After the first recital, the second one should be a piece of cake!