6 Tips For Proper Piano Maintenance

6 Tips For Proper Piano Maintenance

Pianos are surprisingly delicate objects, considering their size and weight. They usually become the focal point of a room, no matter how often they are played.

If you expect them to make music indefinitely, a piano needs a little bit of TLC from time to time. They aren’t the same as other pieces of furniture in your home where an occasional dusting will do the trick. Pianos have to be maintained inside and out to remain viable instruments.

The first thing most people realize is that to stay playable, a piano needs regular tuning. Most manufacturers recommend about every six months. But if they are in a stable 6 Tips For Proper Piano Maintenanceenvironment and aren’t moved, it can last for up to a year. New pianos should also be tuned more often than well-stabilized instruments. Consider the fact that a violin or guitar will be tuned every time it is played, where as the piano will only receive one or two tunings per year. If you neglect piano tunings, the piano may fall significantly in pitch and require a much more elaborate pitch raising to bring it back into tune.

While regular tuning will handle most of the maintenance issues, you should also consider having your instrument voiced occasionally. Voicing adjusts the density of the hammers. Each time a note is played, the hammers strike the piano strings, separated by small felt pieces. With each strike, these felt pieces compress and wear down. The result is a piano that slowly becomes brighter. Your piano should be voiced to your taste by a technician who understands the final quality you are looking for. It’s usually voiced as a new piano, and then again every three to five years.

As your piano ages, it will probably need regulation. Regulation is the process that a technician uses to adjust the way the keys and action operate in order to cause the hammers to hit the strings. This action repeats again and again every time the piano is played. Over time, this motion can become sloppy and difficult to play. It’ll start to feel sluggish and worn down. This is especially difficult for young children or for beginners learning how to play.

As your piano continues to age, it may reach a point where you’ll eventually have to consider rebuilding. Rebuilding includes replacing the hammers, dampers, pinblock, strings, the action, and sometimes the soundboard. This is an extensive process and can be quite expensive, depending on the instrument in question. If you’ve had the piano for many years, it’s a part of the family, it may be worth the time and effort to breathe new life into your piano. The only way to determine the condition of your piano and the possibilities rebuilding would offer is to speak with a reputable dealer who can answer your questions.

Some consideration should be given to the outside of the piano. Never use spray polish on your natural wood piano. Never use furniture polish on the black polyester finishes on many of the modern pianos. Instead, use a slightly damp soft cloth and wipe it down. You can use a non-ammonia window cleaner sprayed onto the soft cloth to keep the sheen in place.

Finally, be careful where you place your piano. Avoid placing it along outside walls where it may be impacted by extreme conditions. Avoid sunlight, drafts, heat vents, and humidity that may affect the wood and the internal workings of your piano.

What other questions do you have about maintaining your piano?

How To Buy A Used Piano On Craigslist

How To Buy A Used Piano On Craigslist

Want to know how to find the best pianos on Craigslist?

The answer is – stop looking. 

The pianos listed on Craigslist usually come in one of two forms. 

1. The piano has been neglected for years. 

2. The piano has a lot of problems, and the owner simply wants to dump it on someone else. How To Buy A Used Piano On Craigslist

In either case, do you really want to take on that amount of problems? Especially if you really want to start playing the piano?

Some people find what appears to be good deals on Craigslist and feel they have to jump on it immediately or lose it forever. If they really are good deals, they wouldn’t be on Craigslist to begin with. 

If a person cares about their piano, they attempt to sell it through private sellers. They work with a realtor as they are moving or downsizing their homes. They work with piano tuners and piano teachers and find someone who wants to buy. They approach a dealer and sell the best back. 

When buying a used piano, you want one that feels the best and sounds the best TO YOU. This is important because the piano is yours to play. You want to love the way it feels and the way it sounds. 

You want one that looks great wherever you choose to place it. That means it should have a console that blends with your furniture and be free from scratches or marks. 

You want one that is in tune and can easily be kept in tune. An out of tune piano means either the owner didn’t care for it, or it’s slipped quickly out of tune due to a dried out pinblock or cracked bridge. 

Will you find a good piano deal on Craigslist? Chances are the answer is no. If we can help you find the best piano for you, give us a call today. 

Piano Maintenance

Piano Maintenance

The piano requires various forms of maintenance throughout its life for it to produce the best sound possible. 


Tuning isn’t something where there is a standard for every piano. A new piano may need several tunings a year to keep it properly balanced. A piano that has been well cared for and in a stationary position in the home may need tuning once or twice per year. A concert piano that is played by professionals on a daily basis made need a regular tuning every few weeks. Some professionals prefer to have their piano tuned before every major event. Piano Maintenance

When a piano is only slightly out of tune, it loses the tonal quality characteristics of a recently tuned piano, especially in the middle and upper ranges of sound. Even a slight out of tune sound can be unpleasant to the listener. It can even deter a budding pianist from continuing with lessons because it doesn’t sound quite right. 


The felt on the hammers of the piano tend to harden over time. The felt becomes depressed by repeated impact as keys are struck. They also form grooves and wear marks as they connect with the strings. While hammers are used to produce a bright tonal quality, these wear marks can change the sound being produced to something harsh and undesirable. 

Piano technicians use special tools to soften the hammers. They can also use hardening agents if the hammers soften up. Since the hammers are not used with equal frequency, they tend to wear in uneven increments. How much change is required to each hammer is dependent on both the piano’s settings and on the preferences of the player. 


Over time, the performance of the piano action declines. The wood may warp. The tension may falter. The sound declines. The goal of regulation is to make the piano’s sound consistent across all notes. It makes the keys movements more subtle to the motions of the player. 

There are dozens of adjustments a piano will go through when being regulated. The most important include:

  •  Key weight – to regulate the action mechanism of the key springs
  • Repetition springs – which allows the hammer to repeatedly strike with minimal lifting of a key
  • Drop – how far the hammers fall back when let off
  • Let off – the point when the hammer disengages from the jack


After a lifetime of use, usually measured by decades, pianos may need complete restoration to keep its sound healthy and functioning. If well taken care of, the frame and some parts of the action may remain in good condition. Piano restoration experts try to maintain originality whenever possible, rebuilding or maintaining as much as they can as possible. Restoration is labor intensive, and therefore can be time intensive and quite expensive as well. 

Why Piano Playing Is Therapeutic

Why Piano Playing Is Therapeutic

“Where words fail, music speaks.” Hans Christian Anderson

Music has long since been a part of our lives. We incorporate songs into our culture and use them to hand down stories throughout the generations. 

New studies are now showing that music does more than bind us as a culture; it also shows dramatic lifelong improvements in everything we do: language, math, memory skills and more. What’s more, music is also being integrated into therapies, helping everyone from special needs kids to elderly suffering from debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Why Piano Playing Is Therapeutic

By definition, music therapy is an interpersonal process in which a therapist uses music to address health concerns. Music can impact all aspects of well-being: emotional, physical, mental, social, and spiritual. 

Private piano lessons or learning on one’s own via software is not considered music therapy. Yet it does show positive effects by engaging in a challenging activity; the benefits are therapeutic. It’s something that is known to be a stress reliever, and can be used for stress reduction throughout one’s life. 

When taken to the next level and integrated into a therapy program, the results can be astounding. 

Behavior – music can be mood-enhancing, helping to stimulate the senses and focus attention. It can slow inappropriate behavior and increase compliance. 

Calming – anxiety is one of the biggest challenges faced by children today. Classical music can reduce stress and ease frustration. It can also reduce muscle tension and slow down the heart rate. Studies continue to show that children with all types of special needs – autism, cerebral palsy, ADD, ADHD and more – can relax and calm down when music is integrated into their lives. 

Communication – music can help build social skills and encourage interaction and conversation with peers. Music helps people define pitch changes in speech and increase vocabulary. It can also make people more apt to pick up a second language. 

Memory – people of all ages have found that music helps them focus and puts them in a better mood for learning. We have an innate ability to memorize songs. and it stays with us for a lifetime. 

Music can be the gift that keeps on giving now and throughout our lives. Are you incorporating piano playing into your family’s life?

Piano Strings and Restringing

Piano Strings and Restringing

Pianos are not guitars. Yet there seems to be a perception that piano strings are similar in nature, needing re-stringing from time to time.

Guitar strings are much thinner. They are in contact with oils and acids on a player’s fingers. That cuts into the life of a guitar string, requiring that new strings are put into place from time to time.

The piano is different. Strings are struck by hammers and buffered by compressed wool felt in between. They are also much thicker than guitar strings, and strung at a much higher tension.Piano Strings and Restringing

When the tone of a piano begins faltering, it’s unlikely that it’s due to the quality of the strings. Piano strings should last for decades with normal usage. Other things might be wrong instead, including:

The hammers: Wear to the felt on the hammers substantially change over time. Reshaping and voicing worn felts can make a huge difference in tonal quality.

Soundboard: Pianos are made with a soundboard. The curvature, or crown, resists the downward push of the strings as they pass over the bridge. As a piano ages, the soundboard can flatten and lose the “springiness” that creates a rich sound. Replacement is the only answer when this wears out.

Action: Felt, leather, and cloth parts in the action can all wear out over time, creating mechanical sounds that dull the tone.

Bridges: Piano strings are secured at both ends as they pass over the soundboard and are connected at the bridges. Problems can occur at any point, with bearing bars, studs, holes, or other connection points.

When a piano reaches a point where the strings are in need of replacement, chances are a vast majority of the piano could use refurbishing too. While restringing may be the most labor intensive and complicated part of a restoration, it is a process that will breathe life back into a piano, and create and update something that will continue to give you enjoyment for decades to come.

Playing Piano And Engaging Your Brain Two Hands At A Time

Playing Piano And Engaging Your Brain Two Hands At A Time

With most actions, we perform them one hand at a time. Pick up a pencil, write a sentence, or tap out a rhythm and you’ll be operating one hand at a time. 

But when you sit down to play the piano, things get a bit more complicated. Your right hand plays one part while your left hand plays another. And for many just trying to learn, it can be complicated at best. Playing Piano And Engaging Your Brain Two Hands At A Time

Some instructors will have you practice right hand and left hand separately before bringing them together. But is it the best way?

There are two different aspects to playing hands together that make it difficult. When you play two separate pieces of music with two separate hands, each is vying for your attentional resources. Each hand has to figure out what key on the piano to strike and what rhythm to give each note. You also have to keep in mind the details like dynamics and articulation. There’s only so much attention to go around, so focusing often becomes a problem. 

Learning involves attention; if you have to give resources to two parts, it takes double the effort and more time to learn. You must focus on learning one part to success before giving time to the other part. But once you learn one part, it becomes more automatic, giving you more time to spend on the other. In some points of view, this makes sense. 

However, it’s also important to note how the brain works. The left side of the brain controls the right hand, left hand controlled by the right side of the brain. As an infant, humans have a natural tendency for mirror movements. You’ll see this in a small infant as they routinely make hand movements together. But over time, your motor control takes over, and you learn to control this through interhemispheric inhibition. And when you use only one hand, it becomes more pronounced. 

When you bring the two hands back together, it still feels a little difficult and clumsy. 

Surprisingly, there are very few studies to determine which is the best method: hands separate or hands together learning. In a study conducted by Roberta Brown back in 1933, she found that it was more efficient and more enjoyable in using the hands together approach. 

A study by Robert Duke also concluded that when pianists practiced music with both hands together method, it led to a better performance. 

While there certainly isn’t a right or wrong approach, it’s important to remember that piano is a two handed instrument. That means the sooner you bring the two hands together, the quicker you feel the music as it works together with both hands, the more effective piano player you will become. 

What’s your experience with playing piano with both hands?

Does Your Hand Size Impact Piano Playing

Does Your Hand Size Impact Piano Playing

When you watch a professional piano player in action, you’ll see their hands zip up and down the keyboard, flying over the keys. Between their thumbs and fingers, they touch note after note bringing music to life. 

Musicians come in all sizes, male and female. It doesn’t seem to matter how large their hands are or how large of a hand span they have to stretch two specified intervals on a keyboard. Or does it?Does Your Hand Size Impact Piano Playing

The average octave placement for hand span ranges around 6.7 inches. Adding in a 9th note increases the hand span to 7.6 inches, 10th note increases to 8.5 inches, and 11th note increases the hand span to 9.4 inches. 

When you compare that to the average hand span of a woman, you’ll find that 70 percent can not comfortable span an entire octave, with an even larger majority not being able to add a 9th note to their playing ability per hand. 

For males, the playability is better, with a significant majority of males able to play an octave very comfortably, stretching to a 10th note or more fairly easily. 

The female hand is, on average, 15 percent smaller than the male hand. And because children often start playing the piano at an early age, it is also important to realize that they will have an even smaller range than the average woman. 

Standardized keyboards are a relatively recent development and the size we commonly use today is large compared with historical context. The 6.5 inch octave keyboard does not suit the vast majority of women and children. It’s also often not the best choice for men, from an ergonomic perspective. 

Some of the greatest pianists of the past have used pianos with narrower keys. And with people who enjoy playing the piano and have a passion for improving the way they play, they often find using alternative sized piano keyboards to be a better fit. Downsized keyboards allow pianists to play more music without fear of injury. Hand position is immediately improved and power increases because the hand is compact. Redistribution of complex fingering is no longer necessary. 

As it becomes more apparent that the art of piano playing can change simply by rethinking the size of a keyboard, we’ll see more changes in the instruments we play. 

Do you have experience with a smaller keyboard?

Caring For Your Piano’s Finish  

Caring For Your Piano’s Finish  

Pianos are the largest, most unique instrument you will ever own. If you play a guitar, a trumpet or a flute, at the end of your practice session you place it in its case and close it up until the next time you play. A piano also serves as a piece of furniture, proudly on display in your home day in and day out. Caring For Your Piano’s Finish  

The piano was one of the most prominent pieces of furniture on display in a person’s house for decades. The term “piano finish” has come to equal one of the highest qualities of wood finish available for fine furniture. After all, it may be the oldest piece of furniture in your room, and if well taken care of, can keep going for generations. 

Pianos today are finished using multiple types of materials. You’ll find polyurethanes, traditional lacquers, and polyester resins. While the main purpose of the piano finish is to protect the instrument itself, it also is intended to minimize any impact from the surrounding environment, including damage from heat and humidity. 

Most important, modern finishes are created to do their job with no additional help from waxes or polishes, and are best maintained with simple cleaning methods. 

Because a piano is constructed from wood, the cabinet expands and contracts with changes in levels of humidity. If the changes are severe enough, the finish will eventually begin to develop cracks and deteriorate over time. So moderating the environment and controlling where your piano is located is a vital part of caring for the finish. A piano should never be kept in an area where it is subjected to swings in moisture or temperature. Keep it away from vents, windows, open doorways, and heat sources, always avoiding direct sunlight. 

Dust is one of the most abrasive items that can damage the finish. To avoid scratching, remove dust with a soft fabric towel, like cotton, and avoid synthetic materials as they are usually quite coarse. 

Avoid polishes and waxes at all costs. Furniture polish can ruin a piano’s finish, as they contain silicone and other oils that soften the finish and make it more vulnerable. It can contaminate the wood and spread inside the piano, wreaking havoc on the interior parts. If you choose to use a cleaner, stop by your local piano dealer and pick up a cleaner made exclusively for piano finishes. 

With just these few precautions, you’ll keep your piano looking as good as new, for however long you choose to own it and keep it on display. 

The Benefits Of Music In Our Schools

The Benefits Of Music In Our Schools

Every year we try and balance all the optional activities available to our kids.

Every year, the school system attempts to provide a well-balanced education for the population.

Are the two meeting in the middle?

One look at our education system will show sports are on the rise and music is on the way down. Yet the sports programs aren’t for everyone. Unless your child has had years of practice, has grown from recreational to competitive before the age of fifteen, chances are they have very little chance of making the team in high school. And that’s a small percentage of the school.The Benefits Of Music In Our Schools

Music, however, it a subject that can enrich a student’s life and education forever. It benefits them from the time they are small children through old age.

Music helps develop language. The left side of the brain is better developed when introduced to music at a young age. It’s not just listening; it’s creating it too. Early musical training develops the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning.

Music gives mastery to memorization. There’s a lot of skill to reading music and interpreting it while playing an instrument. Those skills help develop the part of the brain needed for memorization.

Music increases coordination. Students who practice routinely can improve their hand-eye coordination and increase motor skills.

Music helps kids engage. Music class can offer kids an enjoyable hour in their busy days. When kids have a class they look forward to, they are more likely to stay engaged the entire day.

Music breeds success. Music is the fabric of our society. Music education helps a child develop character and adds to their intellectual development as well.

Music builds imagination. Music offer insight and intrigue into our lives. Artistic education develops the whole brain and brings out the imagination and curiosity.

Music can be relaxing. It’s not always about learning. Sometimes a person can sit down at the piano to take away the stress at the end of a busy day. It’s a skill that can offer stressless activity for life.

Music improves SAT scores. Students who have been taught music performance or appreciation score higher on the SAT. It improves your cognitive and auditory skills, which helps create a better student overall.

Music builds self-confidence. With encouragement from teachers and parents, music can build confidence. It allows a child to communicate on a richer level and love what they are doing each day.

Keeping Your Piano Healthy

Keeping Your Piano Healthy

A good piano is designed to be a part of your family for generations. But in order for it to stay high quality for that long, it needs a little maintenance. 

While bringing in a technician from time to time to tune and regulate your piano is a good idea, there are a few things you can do too to keep it in good health. 

1. Stop Closing Your KeylidKeeping Your Piano Healthy

Pianos have keylids for a good reason. They help keep dust and air particles off of your keyboard, allowing grime to form between the keys. Keeping the keylid closed is a good idea – 70 percent of the time. If the keylid is down all the time when not in use, mold growth can occur inside the piano. This is especially true if your piano is kept in a dark place, or if the surrounding area is humid. 

A good practice is to leave it up a couple of times each week. Indirect sunlight and proper air circulation will reduce the chance of mold growth and keep the innerworkings of the piano in good shape. Be sure to dust with a soft cloth or a soft vacuum attachment on a regular basis. 

2. No Drinks At The Piano

Liquid can be an enemy in more ways than one. Setting a drink on the finish of a piano can cause unsightly rings and stains. But if the liquid spills and seeps between the piano keys and reaches the interior, it can cause major damage. If you do spill, wipe up excess liquid from the keys immediately. Try not to press the keys while wiping to prevent liquid from seeping inside. If liquid does slip between the keys, have a technician evaluate the situation as soon as possible. 

3. Regulate The Environment

Before you decide on a final resting spot for your piano, evaluate the environment. Temperature can be an enemy of your piano’s condition. Cold can weaken delicate parts. Heat can negatively affect the strings. Somewhere around 70 to 72 degrees is best. While your room temperature may change due to the seasons, be sure you keep your piano away from exterior walls, where fluctuations occur the most. Avoid drafts, air ducts, or windows and doors that can allow fluctuations. Also avoid direct sunlight, which can heat your piano to very high temperatures, impacting not only the interior workings, but also the finish of the piano too.  

Humidity is equally as important as temperature. High humidity levels can warp the wood; low humidity levels can cause cracking. To ensure proper humidity levels in the room, consider a humidifier or dehumidifier depending on your needs. A 40 percent humidity level is ideal. Be sure to adjust, especially in volatile weather patterns.