What Piano Should I Buy?

What Piano Should I Buy?

If you’ve never been around pianos before, it may be difficult to know where to start when you decide it’s time to buy one for your home. Do a little research and you’ll discover there are many options to consider.

Should I buy new or used?

What’s the difference between digital and acoustic?

Upright and grand?

Do brands matter?

What about the piano I saw on Craigslist? What Piano Should I Buy?

Can I buy a good piano from an individual?

We’ve answered each of these in depths here on our blog over the years. But if you’re at the point where you need to make a decision and you simply aren’t sure what to do, read on. We’ll tackle each of these questions in a short, concise manner and point you to where you can learn more if you desire. 

New or Used

There isn’t a right or wrong choice here. Instead of focusing on new or used, focus on quality. It’s important that you select a piano that meets your needs and provides you with the requirements you need to bring the piano into your home and use it on a regular basis. 

Why You Should Buy A Used Piano From A Music Store

Digital or Acoustic

Acoustic pianos are traditional instruments. Thanks to technology, digital is also an option. With digital pianos, they record sound from an acoustic piano and use that to build sound as you touch the keys. With digital, quality matters. Without the right sound, the piano may sound more like a toy than an instrument. 

10 Tips For Buying An Acoustic Piano

Upright or Grand

Upright pianos take up less space than their grand counterparts. You can slide an upright against a wall, or fit it into a corner make full use of your room. Grand pianos command attention and are often placed as the focal point of a room. Which is best? Only you can decide. 

Should You Buy A Digital Grand Piano?

Does Brand Matter?

Baldwin or Bosendorfer? Schimmel or Steinway? Do a quick search and you’ll find a long list of potential piano companies to do business with. As a beginner, the important part is to find a high quality instrument that feels good to the touch and sounds good to the ear. 

What Makes Piano Brands Different?

Buying On Craigslist

When you purchase a piano from an individual, you have one shot to get it right. What looks good in person may not sound right once you get it home. Was the instrument well cared for? Has it had regular maintenance throughout its life? The details matter. 

Common Mistakes About Buying A Piano On Craigslist

Are you ready to buy a piano for your home? Stop by today and let us help you learn the differences that exist in today’s piano supply. You’ll walk away with an education … and possibly a piano that perfectly meets your needs.