Why Buying A New Piano Is A Great Investment In Your Future

Why Buying A New Piano Is A Great Investment In Your Future

Some things you buy and consume quickly. Others, you buy to hold as an investment. You want it to have a lasting impact well into the future. 

Pianos fall into the latter category. When you purchase a piano, you do so for the love of music. If you invest wisely, it can last for decades. 

But what does it take to get a good one? If you’re considering buying a piano this year, what should you look for?

Think quality first

Playing the piano is on many people’s to-do lists. The trouble is, they approach the hobby in the wrong way. If you buy a keyboard from the local big box store, it won’t have the qualities you need to learn properly. It’s nothing more than a toy. 

To ensure you have a quality instrument to play, it’s important to consider your goals. Do you want to play for personal enjoyment? Do you hope to play in front of an audience one day? Or maybe even form your own band? Use that as your goal for learning and purchase. Yes, you can always trade a starter piano in for a higher quality instrument. But if you purchase a high quality piano from the start, it will last well into the future. Sound is everything. You can’t create a pleasing sound on a poor quality instrument. 

That also means investing in a piano that won’t change sound quality quickly. Pick up a “free” piano on Craigslist, and you may have a less-than-stable piano with a voice that sounds “off” and an instrument that just can’t stay in tune. 


A piano can be a significant investment. And when you build a budget for your piano to ensure you buy a high quality instrument, nothing can be more discerning than not getting what you thought you invested in. 

Warranties can protect your piano from manufacturer’s default. Some dealers may offer additional services and plans to help you care for your piano in the years to come. Be sure you ask about all the dealer covers. You won’t get that if you buy off the internet. 

Why dealers are still the best choice

With so many pianos available in so many ways, people often wonder why they should turn to a professional. It’s because of advice and service. 

A dealer is passionate about playing the piano. They know the instrument inside and out, and can teach you all you need to know to make an educated purchase. They can even provide insight for things like classes and training.

Is this the year you’ll be buying a new piano? Are you ready to bring music into your life? 

The Most Important Questions To Ask When Buying a New Piano

The Most Important Questions To Ask When Buying a New Piano

It’s time to start thinking about fall classes and activities. As we head back into schools and classrooms, there’s more than reading, writing, and arithmetic to keep a mind active. It’s also about finding something challenging – entertaining – that can provide a lifelong hobby you’ll love for years. 

For many, playing an instrument fulfills all that and more. Playing the piano is a way to relax after a hard day at work, take pride in your accomplishments, and even share melodies with an audience. But it all starts with learning to play the piano. And you can’t do that until you buy a piano of your own. 

Thinking of buying a new piano in the future? Before you settle on one, we have a few important questions you should ask the seller before making up your mind. 

What should I know about this brand of piano? 

Like everything, pianos are created by reputable manufacturers that produce quality instruments, and less-than-credible resources that produce low quality products. The last thing you want is to spend money on a piano, only to find out quickly that it won’t suit your needs. And if it doesn’t sound right, it becomes difficult to play. You need high quality equipment to learn to play it well. 

What are other comparable pianos around the same price point so I can compare?

You should never invest in the first piano you see. Sit down at several of them. Listen to the sound produced by all of them, and compare how they play. You’ll quickly notice the difference, and have preferences one way or the other. The key here is to ensure you’re looking at high quality instruments that are all similar in style, and can all be worthy of purchase. 

How about a warranty? What does it cover?

Many new pianos – and sometimes used – have warranties. You’re only eligible if you purchase the piano from an authorized dealer. 

Which are the most popular pianos you sell? Why? 

Every dealer has their own preference for piano manufacturers. Find out which they sell the most of and why. This is a good place to start your comparison shopping. If others like it and enjoy a certain brand or model, you can consider it too. 

Do you have a trade-up program?

Many people start with a start-up piano, and once they learn the basics and want to push their skills, they look for a more sophisticated instrument. Find out if the dealer you’re working with has a trade-up program, to allow you to upgrade your piano as you gain experience. 

How do I care for this piano?

While it may look like another piece of furniture, it requires a great deal more upkeep and care. While you can search online and find a lot of different care strategies, the best place to go for advice is from the source. A reputable piano dealer will point you in the right direction for regular care and maintenance, as well as give you resources for tuning and repair work. Follow their guidance, and you’ll have years of enjoyment without problems. 

4 Things To Compare When Buying A New Piano

4 Things To Compare When Buying A New Piano

For many purchases we make in life, we spend time doing a fair amount of research before making our decisions. Of course, a three-dollar item is easier to decide on than a three-hundred-dollar item. The more we’ll have invested means more time thinking about the outcome. 

From the moment you start looking at pianos, you know they’re different. You can search online and find free pianos on Craigslist. You can also find resources for one-of-a-kind pianos that will run in the millions of dollars.

Why the difference? How do you know if you’re getting a good piano? How do you trust your decision? 

Before you make your final selection, there are a few things to compare before buying a new piano. 


A piano is a piano, right? If you’ve ever sat down and played one, you know that isn’t true. If you play three different pianos, you’ll likely hear three very different sounds. A lot goes into sound creation: materials used, construction, and placement of the piano. It also makes a difference in the way you play. If you don’t “feel” the sound a piano makes, it might not be an enjoyable experience. Test several and learn the difference. You’ll be amazed at what you hear. 


You can tell a real piano from a toy. They feel different. The keys are weighted to allow you to control the keys as you play correctly. Without learning to play with a properly functioning keyboard, you won’t be able to transfer your skills from one piano to another. Sit down and touch the keys – feel the way they move. You can tell the difference. 


While you should always buy a piano based on the way it plays, looks can be important in determining which is the best instrument for you. Do you like the finish? The size? The color? You should also take a peek inside the kid and ensure everything looks clean and well cared for, especially if you’re buying used. Even if you have never played before, a quick peek inside can alert you to potential problems before you buy. 


What happens if you get your piano home and there’s a problem? If you buy from a dealer, you may have a warranty to cover certain faults. If you buy from an individual, you’ll probably take it as-is, and be on your own to correct whatever potential problems you have. 

Buying a piano can be a major purchase. Rather than having buyer’s remorse as soon as you get home, spend a few minutes with these four comparisons to ensure you select the right piano for your needs. 

Ask These Questions Before Buying A New Piano

Ask These Questions Before Buying A New Piano

Have you created your New Year’s resolutions and checked them twice? Are you looking for a new hobby, one you can work at for life? Look no further than taking up the piano. It’s one of the most rewarding experiences you can bring into your life. 

But before you take your first lesson or buy new sheet music, you’ll have to buy a new piano first. 

Where do you start? Ask these questions first. 

What’s your budget?

While you might start out with a specific dollar figure in mind, stop by and talk with one of our associates to learn more about pianos first. Talk about your expectations, who will be playing, and what your goals are. We can show you how to get the best value for your money. Then with several options in mind, you can select the right instrument to fit with your financial expectations. It’s a better way of making a purchase you can live with for years to come. 

What do you want from your piano?

There are different types of pianos that can offer you the ability to do many different things. Do you lack space in your home? An upright might be the perfect choice. Have you always dreamed of putting a grand piano on display? Or maybe you’re looking for digital technology to connect up with your computer? If you’ve identified your needs before you talk with one of our associates, we’ll have a better idea of showing you your best options. 

Does brand matter? 

There are many different brands and manufacturers in the piano industry. While many have heard of Steinway, there are many other brands that are perfect for the home environment. What’s the difference? We’re happy to explain the philosophy of each major brand we sell, and show you how it applies to the general quality and longevity of the piano. 

What about warranties?

If you buy off Craigslist, what you see is what you get. But when you shop with a dealer, you’ll have protection against many situations that may occur in the future. Many piano brands are built with manual processes. While love and care are built into each one, sometimes things can go wrong. Isn’t it nice knowing you have a warranty in place to protect you? 

How should I care for the piano? 

If you search the internet, you’ll find all kinds of advice on properly caring for your piano. Use wax – don’t use wax. Use furniture polish – stay away. Who do you trust? That’s where a reputable piano dealer can be your best friend. Ask how they recommend caring for the finish, when to tune it, and how to preserve its looks for years to come. You won’t have to go searching the internet for clues. We’ll give you everything you need. 

Why Tone Quality Matters When Buying A New Piano

Why Tone Quality Matters When Buying A New Piano

Are you thinking of buying a new piano? What should you look for?

If this is your first purchase, it’s easy to start with the basics. Things like:

Location – where you’ll place the piano determines how large the piano can be

Color – piano color or stain will ultimately match your decor

Cost – price is always a factor

But to a pianist, there is one more thing you should consider when starting the hunt for the right piano for you … tone quality. 

Tone is how your piano sounds. It’s the voice of the instrument. It’s the sound that the piano makes every time you strike the keys. 

Even the most accomplished musician in the world can’t create beautiful music if the instrument doesn’t cooperate. Imagine sitting in one of the greatest music halls in the world and the pianist strikes a key horribly out of tune. You’d notice it immediately. The same applies to tone. Why play something that sounds tinny instead of robust? 

Tone quality is impacted ultimately by three things:

Physical factors

This includes everything your piano is made from. The wood used for the soundboard. The quality of the strings. How the action was designed. The quality of the wood on everything from hammers to the body of the piano. It also depends on the make and model, and how much care was put into it at the time of production. An upright will sound differently than a grand. A mass production will sound differently than a hand built piano. 


Have you ever wondered why concert halls are built the way they are? It’s to maximize the musical experience. If you’ve ever noticed your favorite song sounds different in your car versus on your stereo at home, you’ve also seen placement at work. When you shop for a new piano, they will ask you where you’ll place it once it arrives at your home. A small alcove will keep the tone smaller compared with placing a piano in a large music room. Furniture, drapery, wall coverings, artwork – it all can impact the sound. And that can give you a richer experience while you play. 


Tone quality is also impacted by the way you care for your piano over the years. Do you tune it regularly? Is the room properly conditioned? Is there enough humidity? Is it impacted by drafts or heated air? Pianos aren’t like other pieces of furniture. Because of the thousands of tiny parts inside, it’s important to ensure it’s cared for properly from the moment it’s delivered to your home. 

Are you in the market for a new piano? Pay attention to tone quality. It will ensure you enjoy playing for years to come. 

10 Tips For Buying An Acoustic Piano

10 Tips For Buying An Acoustic Piano

1. Sample as many pianos as you can

Pianos are not a one-size-fits-all instrument. Each piano has its own unique features, which is impossible to determine simply by looking at it or studying it from an online site. Its important to sit down and play it to see how the keys feel to the touch, and how the overall piano sounds to your ear. With so many different brands, styles, sizes and options, playing is the only way to decide. Even if you have never played before, you can tell a lot simply by sitting in front of it and touching the keys.

2. Look at new and used10 Tips For Buying An Acoustic Piano

Don’t be intimidated by used pianos. The quality from brand names that have been around for decades in some cases is easily matched to today’s new pianos. However, it is important to understand the history if you are considering used. A used piano sitting for decades in a dark, humid basement could be more trouble than its worth.

3. Test out every key and pedal

Especially on a used piano, make sure every key and pedal is in good working condition. Sit at the piano and start at the bottom working your way up. Even if you’ve never played before, you can still hear if notes are out of tune, or determine which keys are sticking or don’t play properly.

4. Keep in mind where your piano will reside

Nothing can be more frustrating than loving the sound of a piano where you purchased it, only to be disappointed with the sound at home. Room size, ceiling height, ceiling material, flooring, window coverings – all of it impacts the overall sound quality your piano will have.

5. Who is moving your piano?

When you purchase a piano from a dealer, they will usually be able to accommodate your moving needs. But if you buy from a private seller, you will be fully responsible for moving your piano. Keep in mind that a piano is a delicate instrument. It can’t be jostled and thrown into the back of a truck the way you would move a couch or a table. And try getting a grand piano up five flights of stairs; difficult for even the professionals. For the safety of the movers and the piano, its best to have it professionally moved.

6. Do your homework first

Buying a piano can be a big investment. Rather than purchasing the first one you find, shop around and do a little research online. You’ll find many articles on this site, and with a quick Google search you can read more about major manufacturers and the quality of individual brands.

7. Restoration isn’t a bad thing

In some cases, the word restoration can bring suspicion into the equation. If someone tells you a used car has been restored, it may signal a major accident, which could cause more problems down the road. Not so with a piano. Pianos from yesteryear often were built with the highest quality. Restoration is usually performed because the piano still has value, and with certain parts, such as strings and hammers replaced or reconditioned, it continues to increase the value of the instrument. Restored pianos can be a great investment.

8.Tuning is a part of the process

New pianos must be tuned several times in the first year as the piano settles into its new home. Over the years, a piano needs to be tuned on a regular basis to continue working at its peak level. Numbers of hours played does not signify how often a piano must be tuned. Outside conditions continue to impact a piano whether its being played regularly or not.

9. Quality sound can help with longevity

I hear parents all the time say they want an inexpensive piano to start, with the intention of upgrading if their child sticks with it. Instead of starting with a low quality piano, think longevity instead. If you purchase a low quality, out of tune piano just for start up purposes, your child will have trouble “hearing” the sounds of the piano. It won’t sound the same from your home to the instructors room, and its easy to get frustrated and abandon the practice. Quality matters, even to a beginner.

10. Trust a professional

When buying from a private seller, they have one goal in mind: get the piano out of their home. They will do and say anything to make the sale. A professional takes a different approach. A professional wants you to be well informed about your options, and make the best choice for your situation. They want you to be happy with your final selection and have years of enjoyment from your purchase. And if they have been in business for decades, reputation matters, so you can rest assured you won’t be pushed into a quick sale for the money alone.