4 Things To Compare When Buying A New Piano

4 Things To Compare When Buying A New Piano

For many purchases we make in life, we spend time doing a fair amount of research before making our decisions. Of course, a three-dollar item is easier to decide on than a three-hundred-dollar item. The more we’ll have invested means more time thinking about the outcome. 

From the moment you start looking at pianos, you know they’re different. You can search online and find free pianos on Craigslist. You can also find resources for one-of-a-kind pianos that will run in the millions of dollars.

Why the difference? How do you know if you’re getting a good piano? How do you trust your decision? 

Before you make your final selection, there are a few things to compare before buying a new piano. 


A piano is a piano, right? If you’ve ever sat down and played one, you know that isn’t true. If you play three different pianos, you’ll likely hear three very different sounds. A lot goes into sound creation: materials used, construction, and placement of the piano. It also makes a difference in the way you play. If you don’t “feel” the sound a piano makes, it might not be an enjoyable experience. Test several and learn the difference. You’ll be amazed at what you hear. 


You can tell a real piano from a toy. They feel different. The keys are weighted to allow you to control the keys as you play correctly. Without learning to play with a properly functioning keyboard, you won’t be able to transfer your skills from one piano to another. Sit down and touch the keys – feel the way they move. You can tell the difference. 


While you should always buy a piano based on the way it plays, looks can be important in determining which is the best instrument for you. Do you like the finish? The size? The color? You should also take a peek inside the kid and ensure everything looks clean and well cared for, especially if you’re buying used. Even if you have never played before, a quick peek inside can alert you to potential problems before you buy. 


What happens if you get your piano home and there’s a problem? If you buy from a dealer, you may have a warranty to cover certain faults. If you buy from an individual, you’ll probably take it as-is, and be on your own to correct whatever potential problems you have. 

Buying a piano can be a major purchase. Rather than having buyer’s remorse as soon as you get home, spend a few minutes with these four comparisons to ensure you select the right piano for your needs.