The Must-Have Accessories Every Piano Player Wants

The Must-Have Accessories Every Piano Player Wants

Whether you’re trying to find the perfect gift for the piano player in your life, or are trying to outfit your own music room at home, it takes more than a piano to be a great player. Like every hobby, playing better means purchasing several piano accessories that will help playing and practice to be even better. 

Piano Stool

Yes, you can sit down to play the piano on anything. But if you want better practice, and ultimately want to become a better player, the piano stool is an important part of the process. Without the right piano stool, you’ll have poor posture and hand positioning at the keyboard, which can lead to back and arm strain, and eventually carpal tunnel. The right stool allows you to play more comfortably for a longer period of time. 

A Stand

Depending on the piano you select, you’ll need a place to put your music rather than leaving it strewn all over a table. Be sure it’s wide enough to handle the music you wish to play. If you’re investing in a digital keyboard, you’ll also have to select a keyboard stand. Is portability important? Or do you prefer something more permanent within your home? 


It’s not just digital pianos that allow you to use headphones while you’re playing. Some acoustic pianos now offer you the option of being able to use them too. Headphones are a great way to allow you to practice night or day, without interrupting other activities within the household. It’s also a great way of practicing through rough spots without the embarrassment of having those around you hear your mistakes. 

A Metronome

When you have a metronome nearby, it allows you to develop tempo with every song you play. It can be difficult working through more difficult pieces. A metronome helps you build up to the tempo you choose, and allows you to stay consistent throughout the song. 

Do you have the right piano for all of your needs? We can help. Stop by today and see our full line of pianos. There’s something for everyone, at every skill level, and for every taste. We can help you choose based on your needs and desires.