Forgetting Your Piano Can Turn Moving Day Into A Horror Story

Forgetting Your Piano Can Turn Moving Day Into A Horror Story

Its moving day. You’ve packed boxes, purchased padding for your dishes. You have friends and family coming to help. You’ve planned the day from beginning to end.

Did you remember the piano?

Most upright and grand pianos weigh between 500 and 1,000 pounds. A standard upright has a width of 5 feet and depth of 2 to 2 ½ feet. A standard grand will be 4 ½ to 6 feet long. Its probably the heaviest, bulkiest, most expensive thing you own.

Forgetting Your Piano Can Turn Moving Day Into A Horror StoryMany people have thought little about the process until it comes time to move. As they grab it by the edges, pull and tug, it quickly becomes apparent that this will not be an easy thing to move. Getting it from living space to truck will be a monumental task. Squeezing it out doors, through hallways and down staircases will be next to impossible.

Unless you’re trained in moving a piano, have experience in moving all types, and have the necessary tools to make it a safe experience, chances are moving a piano won’t be a success. Scratches may occur. Damage may be extensive. And injuries may transpire depending on how you move.

But there is a better way. Hire a professional piano moving company instead.


In order to provide the proper tools for moving your piano, the professional piano moving company you choose will need to know the dimensions of your piano. Measure the height, width and depth of your piano, and provide this to the movers when you book.

Remove loose parts

Don’t leave your piano until the last minute. Remove any added parts and pack them away in a box labeled piano. Lyres, detachable music stands, lights – anything that sits on top of your piano that wasn’t originally attached should be removed and stowed away.

Don’t forget the piano bench

The lid on a piano bench can easily flip up at the most inopportune times. Pack away sheet music, metronomes and anything else you regularly stow away.

Clean and assess

If your piano has been a apart of your life for awhile, you may not have given it a thorough look over in quite a while. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the different pieces. Are the keys in good shape? Pedals functioning? Wheels intact? By assessing the condition before you move, you’ll have a better idea of repairs that need to be made once its in its final resting place.

Prepare the path

Moving day can be hectic. It will be even worse if the piano movers show up and find the path to the doorway strewn with boxes. Make sure you are aware of when the movers will be there, and create a clear path for them to do their job. Be flexible for changes that may occur during the process. Likewise, make sure you have a clear path at your final destination, and know exactly where the final resting spot will be.

Schedule a tuning

After you are settled in and life gets back to normal, schedule a piano tuning to make sure your piano is in top shape.

Moving soon? Give us a call today. We’ve been helping families just like yours move and keep their pianos safe and secure for over 50 years, and we’re looking forward to helping you too.

5 Things You Should Know Before Moving Your Piano

5 Things You Should Know Before Moving Your Piano

Have you ever witnessed how a furniture mover works? They are very efficient in the way they move. They can lift easier, turn it to make it fit perfectly even through the narrowest of spaces, and pull out a tool or two to make the job even easier.

You hire them because they are efficient at what they do.

Yet no matter how much experience they have moving a large dresser or an extra long couch, doesn’t prepare them for the delicate items that need a little more TLC.

That’s where expert service is needed. And in the case of moving your piano, anyone but a piano mover simply can’t provide the amount of expertise needed to make sure your piano arrives in the best of shape. They are heavy. They are bulky. They are quite valuable. And in many cases, a standard moving company won’t offer you any guarantees that your piano will arrive in great working condition if you choose to include it in on your move.5 Things You Should Know Before Moving Your Piano

Piano movers are efficient in the way they work because that’s all they do. They have the right tools for the job, and know exactly how to move your piano from one place to another without the problems.

Ready to move your piano? Make sure you keep these things in mind.

Plan The Move

Moving is difficult; there are many things to think about. Yet the more planning you do upfront, the more you share with your movers, the more seamless the process will be on moving day. Tell your piano movers what type of piano they will be moving, and provide details on where your piano currently sits, and where it will be moved to. Provide information on narrow doors, long hallways, or how many stairs there are in the process. The more they know, the better prepared they will be the day of the move.

Work With The Other Movers

Movers have their own rhythm. They know what to move into the truck first to maximize space. They can also create a “mess” in the process as they move things around to get to the things they want first. Before the move begins, tell your movers what time the piano movers will be at your old house and when they will arrive at your new one. This is especially important if you aren’t in one place or another – make sure they know about each other and work together.

Clear A Path In Both Places

What makes moving a piano different than other furniture is its bulk. A piano – especially a grand piano – needs more space for the move. Make sure the movers leave a clean path for piano moving, to ensure greatest efficiency of everyone’s time.

Do You Want The Piano Tuned?

When a piano is moved, it goes through a lot of movement and jostling. Its also the easiest time to lose its pitch. If you would like your piano tuned once its in its new home, be sure to mention it so its included as a part of your set up.

Remove Personal Items

Its easy to assume the piano bench is the perfect place to keep music and books safe during the move. Yet its also an easy way for things to get lost. Take an extra minute and place all personal items in a box for full protection until you are in your new home, unpacked and ready to go.