Overcoming The Most Frustrating Things About Learning To Play Piano

Overcoming The Most Frustrating Things About Learning To Play Piano

Before you begin a new hobby, the thought can bring joy to your heart. You dream about having a new skill. The planning only increases your awareness, and you’re excited about getting started. 

Then reality sets in. Your goal was about learning to play the piano – why isn’t it everything you dreamed it would be? 

You’re not playing the songs you love. You’re having trouble with simple routines. 

You’ve been at this for months! Is it time to give up?

It’s worth noting that every piano player goes through periods of frustration. With any new activity comes a learning curve that requires you to build on your skill level. 

It’s those who overcome these stumbling blocks that will have the most success with their future endeavors. Whether you’re learning to play the piano for a way to relax, or dream about making it your profession, there are ways you can overcome your frustrations. 

Staying motivated

Motivation often comes from having realistic expectations. If you expected to be performing in a band after a few months, you might have to check your expectations. Talk with an instructor and work to rethink your goals. Having someone to talk out your true expectations may give you renewed desire to create music. 

Finding the time

When you first started learning the piano, you gave the time necessary to fit it into your schedule. But over time, you might find new challenges to your days. Like everything important to your life, playing only comes if you make the time to play. Put it on your calendar and stick with it. 

Perfect practice

Many people get frustrated because they can’t play as well as they anticipated. The sound quality isn’t there. They get angry in a practice session because their fingers won’t work the way they wish them to. Some of it comes from expecting perfection. That’s never going to happen as a beginner. But what you can do is design perfect practice sessions that leave you feeling invigorated. Set up your timing – play scales, learn new things, play something fun. If you have a plan and stick with it, you’re more likely to find enjoyment. 

Better equipment

Sometimes your trouble begins with what you’re attempting to learn with. Did you pick up a hand-me-down piano? Is it out of tune and off key? Does it sound like a toy more than a high-quality instrument? That can turn you off when you sit down to play. 

While you might have started with basic equipment to start the process, sometimes motivation comes from having better equipment. 

Why not reward yourself and invest in a new piano? It might be just the thing that keeps your goals fresh in your mind, and gives you the inspiration you need to keep playing. 

Learning To Play Piano As An Adult Is Easier Than You Think

Learning To Play Piano As An Adult Is Easier Than You Think

Want to pick up a new hobby, something that will carry you through your life? Always had a desire to play the piano, but think you’re too old? 

Think again. 

It’s a myth that kids have an easier time learning the piano. It discourages adults from trying it, assuming they’ve passed the point where they will be able to learn. 

The truth is it might be easier for adults. Here’s why. 

You already have a greater understanding of music than kids

Think about your relationship with music. Even if you’ve never played an instrument before, you still have a history with music. What songs did you listen to in high school? What music has influenced you throughout your life? Do you hum in the shower? Do you sing with the radio while driving your car? That has taught you music theory. You understand how music is put together, what rhythm is, and how different beats work in a song. All of that helps you pick up playing faster.

You have the discipline it takes to learn music

If you decide learning to play piano as an adult is at the top of your to-do list, you’ve set your mind to put it into action. You don’t have a parent making you do it. You don’t have pressure to practice even if you don’t want to . With so many other hobbies and interests behind you, you know what it takes to get good at something. 

You want to learn

Is this something you’ve always wanted to do? You have that on your side. The hardest step is taking action. If you really want to learn the piano, give yourself one step to put it into action today. Buy the piano. Invest in piano lessons. Buy your favorite song in sheet music as motivation. All of it will set you up to succeed. 

Go into it with your “why”

Maybe you’ve wanted to learn to play the piano because you want to play your favorite song. If you’ve done any research, you also know that playing the piano has a lot of other benefits too. It relieves stress. It helps with cognitive skills. It’s something you can do for a lifetime. 

If you’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano, make this the year you do something about it. 

What Learning To Play The Piano As An Adult Can Teach You

What Learning To Play The Piano As An Adult Can Teach You

Most of us were taught music in some format as a child. Maybe you sang in the musical at school. Maybe you picked up an instrument to play in the band. 

But then life got busy and your attention turned in other directions. You still love music, but a musician you are not. 

That doesn’t mean it can’t change. You can still pick up your musicality at any age. 

Before you begin, set your goals from the beginning. As adults, goals help us stick with it, even when we get busy or stressed. Do it to:What Learning To Play The Piano As An Adult Can Teach You

  • Challenge yourself. Use piano practice as settling into a routine that can benefit your life.
  • Do something new. Learning music is easy no matter what your age. No athletic ability is necessary.
  • Play what you love. You don’t have to play the classics. Why not play music from your favorite band?

Goals can include things like:

  • Passing certain levels: a piano teacher can help set realistic goals for moving through different levels of instruction.
  • Improving your knowledge: take a trip through the ages by combining history with classical music lessons.
  • Playing a specific song: want to take your Guitar Hero to another level and play it just like your favorite musician?

Piano is difficult. It requires you to think in ways you’ve never had to before. You have to interpret music. You have to keep tempo. You have to variate speeds and sounds. You have to work both hands independently of one another. 

Oh, and you have to ensure the end result actually sounds good. 

But as you work at it, as you improve, you discover new things about yourself. You discover your creative side. You discover your imagination. You discover your ability to stick with a plan. 

And you’ll discover the music inside of you too. 

Looking for a new challenge this year? Maybe it’s time to pick up the piano. It’s something you’ll enjoy the rest of your life.