Overcoming The Most Frustrating Things About Learning To Play Piano

Overcoming The Most Frustrating Things About Learning To Play Piano

Before you begin a new hobby, the thought can bring joy to your heart. You dream about having a new skill. The planning only increases your awareness, and you’re excited about getting started. 

Then reality sets in. Your goal was about learning to play the piano – why isn’t it everything you dreamed it would be? 

You’re not playing the songs you love. You’re having trouble with simple routines. 

You’ve been at this for months! Is it time to give up?

It’s worth noting that every piano player goes through periods of frustration. With any new activity comes a learning curve that requires you to build on your skill level. 

It’s those who overcome these stumbling blocks that will have the most success with their future endeavors. Whether you’re learning to play the piano for a way to relax, or dream about making it your profession, there are ways you can overcome your frustrations. 

Staying motivated

Motivation often comes from having realistic expectations. If you expected to be performing in a band after a few months, you might have to check your expectations. Talk with an instructor and work to rethink your goals. Having someone to talk out your true expectations may give you renewed desire to create music. 

Finding the time

When you first started learning the piano, you gave the time necessary to fit it into your schedule. But over time, you might find new challenges to your days. Like everything important to your life, playing only comes if you make the time to play. Put it on your calendar and stick with it. 

Perfect practice

Many people get frustrated because they can’t play as well as they anticipated. The sound quality isn’t there. They get angry in a practice session because their fingers won’t work the way they wish them to. Some of it comes from expecting perfection. That’s never going to happen as a beginner. But what you can do is design perfect practice sessions that leave you feeling invigorated. Set up your timing – play scales, learn new things, play something fun. If you have a plan and stick with it, you’re more likely to find enjoyment. 

Better equipment

Sometimes your trouble begins with what you’re attempting to learn with. Did you pick up a hand-me-down piano? Is it out of tune and off key? Does it sound like a toy more than a high-quality instrument? That can turn you off when you sit down to play. 

While you might have started with basic equipment to start the process, sometimes motivation comes from having better equipment. 

Why not reward yourself and invest in a new piano? It might be just the thing that keeps your goals fresh in your mind, and gives you the inspiration you need to keep playing.