An Experts Advice On How To Move A Piano

An Experts Advice On How To Move A Piano

Think moving a piano is as easy as moving a big piece of furniture? Think again.

A piano not only is big and bulky, it also has special needs and requirements. Handle the move incorrectly and you could be paying dearly for the mistake through lots of repair and restoration to bring your piano back up to working condition.An Experts Advice On How To Move A Piano

All pianos have one thing going for them that makes them awkward to move – uneven weight. Upright pianos are extremely top heavy while balancing on tiny, delicate legs. Grand pianos not only have a lot of bulk and weight, their size makes them anything but easy to handle.

And while the outside of a piano alone can give you problems when moving, it’s the inside that is also of concern. Scratches to the outside finish can be devastating to a vintage or antique piano, but damage to the inside can amount in thousands of dollars in repair bills bringing it back into playing condition.

To move it properly, you need two things in place:

  • A properly prepared moving crew
  • A properly prepared piano

A properly prepared moving crew is not your average moving team. It takes more than two people to move a piano. The more difficult the move, the more people you’ll need on the team. It takes work getting a grand piano from place to place, especially if there are sharp corners and large flights of stairs.

A professional piano moving team knows how to use proper tools to significantly reduce the risk of injury. They use dollies along flat surfaces. They use helpers to guide them through difficult passages. They may even use cranes if the situation warrants the need.

And every professional piano mover knows that long before they lift the piano, the preparation will determine how successful the move will be.

Never move a piano on it’s metal casters or put undo weight on its delicate legs. Legs are used more for decoration and for support, not for heavy movement. If at all possible, the casters and legs will be removed and packed before the move, reassembled once its in its final resting spot.

For a grand piano, the lid should be closed and locked. Then the piano should be thoroughly wrapped and protected before movement is made.

Moving a piano is difficult in the best of situations, but if you’re combining it with a house move as well, there are extra things to keep in mind.

Because your piano movers are scheduled at a certain time, make sure it coincides with a good time with the rest of your moving crew. A piano can’t be shuffled around large pieces of furniture or stacks of filled boxes. Design the track used for moving a piano in and out of your homes and keep the pathway clear for the move. A clear path will give you every advantage of having a smooth transition from place to place.

When your piano is in place, give it time to acclimate to its new conditions. Then with tuning, your piano will be back and ready to play once again.

The Complete Guide To Moving A Piano

The Complete Guide To Moving A Piano

Pianos aren’t your typical furniture. You can’t shuffle a piano from one place to another by yourself. And in fact, even trying to move it with the help of a friend can be difficult at best.

Overall, pianos weigh anywhere from 300 to over 1,000 pounds, depending on the style and type. Which means in order to make sure the piano arrives safely to its final destination, and you arrive uninjured from lifting a heavy, bulky item, special precautions are needed.The Complete Guide To Moving A Piano

In almost all circumstances, a piano mover will use a special skid called a piano board to help move the piano. The piano will be wrapped in blankets and attached to the piano board.

If the piano is being moved a short distance, the piano board will be put onto a dolly and rolled to its final destination. If a stairway needs to be used, the dolly is removed and the piano is slid very slowly in a controlled manner up or down the stairs.

While an upright piano will remain standing, a grand piano is moved on its side. First the lid and the pedal lyre are removed. Then the leg at the straight side of the piano is removed and the piano is carefully lowered onto the piano board. After the two remaining legs are removed, the piano is covered with blankets and strapped to the board. In this position, it gives the movers the ability to control the piano through door openings and stairwells, without the risk of damaging the protruding legs.

Most movers will consent to moving a piano up or down one flight of stairs, when no other alternative is possible. When other options are available, movers will consider them first. To get a piano to the second floor, many movers prefer to hoist or rig it and bring it in with a crane rather than moving it up or down the stairs.

Corners are the most difficult to judge because they can’t be easily measured. When you choose a professional piano mover with lots of experience, they are better at judging what’s possible and what’s not. If a piano cannot be moved safely to its intended location, a mover will stop the move, bring the piano back to its original location until an alternative process can be devised.

Piano moving is the responsibility of the customer. If you have a move coming up, don’t wait until the last moment. By hiring a piano mover first, they can visit your location ahead of time, judge the move, and offer recommendations on how to safely get your piano from one destination to the other, safely and security.

Piano Moving Myths and Facts

Piano Moving Myths and Facts

Myth: Anyone can move a piano

Fact: Piano moving is a specialty in itself. The average upright piano can weigh anywhere between 400 to 900 pounds. Grand pianos start at Piano Moving Myths and Factsaround 600 pounds and can go up to 1300 pounds and beyond. The value of a piano can range from several hundred dollars all the way up to a million or more, depending on make, model, age and condition. Add in the bulk, shape and size a piano has, and its easy to see why a piano has very unique situations when it comes to moving. Household movers understand how to move furniture and appliances in and out of your house. But adding in the unique nuances a piano gives adds a whole new dimension to the common every day move. If you trust anyone outside of a professional piano mover, you have to ask yourself first “Am I willing to take a risk?” Not only is it risky to the mover – injuries can be substantial – its also risky for the piano, especially if its antique or has sentimental value.

Myth: Moving a piano just needs more people

Fact: While brute force works in some cases, piano moving isn’t one of them. Imagine 8 people trying to move a piano by manhandling it. They pull and shove, rock and flip it, push and jerk it around until they move it from your room to the truck. Then repeat to get it back from truck to house. Piano movers believe in leverage, and with a series of special techniques can move a piano in what might appear to be effortlessly. People always exclaim after witnessing piano moving “I’ll never attempt it on my own again.”

Myth: A professional piano mover won’t damage the piano

Fact: Yep, we’re all human. Just because you hire a professional doesn’t mean the chance for injury or damage still isn’t there. Its simply decreased tenfold because of the knowledge and experience. A professional will assess the situation and will offer you options if there is a risk. And though they will do everything in their power to make sure your piano makes it safely from one place to the either, understand that at times, things happen.

Myth: To find the best piano mover, simply call the first one you find

Fact: Just like in every other industry, not all businesses are created equal. Some piano movers will take shortcuts and do things in a less than professional manner. While some piano companies that have been around for years will offer you the best customer service and attention to detail as possible. Call around. You’ll quickly be able to tell who you should trust.

Myth: Moving a piano takes very little time

Fact: If you need your piano moved on a specific day or for a specific event, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to make the move a reality. In most cases a piano mover can be scheduled for your move with a day or two’s notice. But the more specific your arrangements are, the more lead time you may lead. As soon as you know a move is in your future, start the process so you can ensure you get the true professional you need to ensure the safety and security of your piano.