How to Recognize Craftsmanship When Buying a Piano

How to Recognize Craftsmanship When Buying a Piano

Sometimes, we just want things to work. Your computer is a good example. You buy one to load quickly, have enough memory for your files, and hold the programs that allow you to do the work you do each day. If you run out of memory or want more processing speed, you upgrade without much thought. 

Now compare it to something with artistic expression, something you hope to keep in your life for a very long time. 

Craftsmanship is about creating something by hand with meticulous attention to detail. It encompasses a combination of technical proficiency, creativity, and dedication to delivering high-quality work. It involves using traditional techniques and fine materials to create objects that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

With pianos, craftsmanship encompasses the precision and care that goes into building and finishing the instrument. This includes the selection of materials, the construction of the piano’s structure, the assembly of its components, and the fine-tuning of its sound and performance characteristics. A well-crafted piano exhibits superior attention to detail, expert craftsmanship, and a commitment to excellence in every aspect of its design and construction.

Are you in the market for a new piano? Discerning buyers know that craftsmanship is key. 

Where do you begin when you’re ready to make an informed decision when selecting your next musical companion?

  • Attention to Detail: Craftsmanship is evident in the smallest details of a piano. Take the time to inspect the instrument closely, examining the quality of materials, joints, and finishes. A well-crafted piano will showcase precision in every aspect, from the keys’ alignment to the smoothness of pedal mechanisms.
  • Fine Materials and Construction: High-quality pianos are crafted from the finest materials, including solid woods, premium felts, and precision-engineered metal components. Look for signs of superior construction, such as hand-finished cabinetry, seamless joinery, and expertly regulated actions. These elements not only enhance the piano’s aesthetics but also contribute to its overall performance and longevity.
  • Superior Sound and Tone: Craftsmanship extends beyond the visual aspects of a piano to its sonic qualities. A meticulously crafted instrument will produce a rich, nuanced tone with exceptional clarity and resonance. Pay close attention to the instrument’s voice as you play it, listening for a balanced sound across the entire keyboard and a depth of expression that reflects expert craftsmanship.
  • Artisanal Touches: True craftsmanship often involves the incorporation of artisanal touches that elevate a piano from mere instrument to a work of art. Look for unique features and embellishments that showcase the maker’s skill and creativity, such as hand-carved details, custom finishes, or intricate inlay work. These distinctive elements add beauty to the instrument and reflect the dedication and passion of the artisans who created it.
  • Heritage and Legacy: When considering a piano purchase, take into account the heritage and legacy of the manufacturer. Established brands with a long history of craftsmanship and innovation are more likely to produce instruments of exceptional quality. Research the company’s background, read reviews from other customers, and seek out expert opinions to ensure you’re investing in a piano with a proven track record of excellence.

Are you ready to buy a new piano? What are your top concerns? 

Recognizing craftsmanship when buying a piano requires a discerning eye and an appreciation for the artistry that goes into creating these exquisite instruments. Whether you’re a seasoned musician or a passionate enthusiast, choosing a finely crafted piano will bring joy and inspiration to your musical journey for years to come. If we can help, stop by or give us a call today. 

Buying a Piano with Resale Value In Mind

Buying a Piano with Resale Value In Mind

When you buy a new piano, you don’t think much about resale value. Instead, you see you or your child sitting down and practicing, bringing the joy of music into your home. 

Maybe you’re buying a piano for stress relief. Maybe you’ve read studies that show children with musical skills do better in school. 

Yet none of that changes the fact that somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re unsure of how long you’ll want this piano to be in your home. Can you buy a piano with resale value in mind?  

Let’s explore why this matters and how to make a savvy piano investment.

The Melody of Resale Value

You’ve spent countless hours perfecting your skills on your beloved piano, creating beautiful music that fills the room. But the time comes when you’re ready for an upgrade or perhaps a change in your musical journey. Here’s where the concept of resale value hits the high notes. 

A piano with good resale value is like a harmonious symphony—it allows you to recoup a significant portion of your investment, enabling you to explore new avenues without breaking the bank.

The Key Factors

Like other investments, resale value is based on a few key factors. Let’s break it down:

Brand and Reputation – Certain piano brands hold timeless appeal. Renowned brands often have a reputation for producing quality instruments, making them more attractive to potential buyers down the road.

Condition – A well-maintained piano regularly tuned and properly cared for, will retain its value much more than a neglected one.

Age – Age can impact value, but it’s not the sole determinant. Vintage pianos from reputable brands can sometimes appreciate due to their historical significance.

Model and Features – Pianos come in various sizes, styles, and with different features. Grand pianos, upright pianos, digital pianos—the options are endless. Choosing a model that’s popular and in demand can positively influence resale value.

Materials and Craftsmanship – The quality of materials used in constructing the piano and the level of craftsmanship involved can significantly affect its durability and value over time.

Sound and Tone – A piano’s sound quality is its soul. Pianos with exceptional tonal qualities are often in higher demand, making them more desirable to future buyers.

Investing Wisely

So, how can you ensure you’re making a piano purchase that will be music to your ears both now and in the future? Here are some tips to guide you:

Research, Research, Research – Just like learning a new piece of music, take your time to research different piano brands, models, and their track records for holding their value. Read reviews, consult experts, and ask for recommendations from fellow musicians. (We’re happy to give you solid advice, too!)

Brand Matters – Consider going for well-established brands known for their consistent quality. These brands tend to hold their value better due to their reputation.

Quality Over Trends – While it’s tempting to go for the trendiest piano on the market, remember that trends can come and go. Opt for a piano with timeless appeal and a history of maintaining value.

Maintenance is Key – Treat your piano with the care and attention it deserves. Regular tuning, proper humidity control, and avoiding extreme temperature changes can extend its lifespan and preserve its value.

Consider Future Needs – Think about your long-term musical goals. Are you planning to upgrade to a more advanced model in a few years? Investing in a piano with good resale value now can help fund that future upgrade.

Consult Professionals – If you need help deciding which piano to choose, feel free to seek advice from piano technicians, music teachers, or reputable piano dealers. They can provide valuable insights based on their experience.

Buying a piano with resale value in mind isn’t just a wise financial move—it’s a way to ensure your musical journey remains harmonious and flexible. By carefully considering the factors that contribute to a piano’s resale value, you’re making an investment that enriches your life today and sets the stage for future musical endeavors. 

How can we help you select the perfect piano to suit your needs? 

The Importance of Researching Before Buying a Piano

The Importance of Researching Before Buying a Piano

Music is a language we share with everyone around the world. As a language model, I may not fully appreciate the beauty and essence of music as some humans do. However, I can still appreciate the importance of investing in a good instrument, especially when buying a piano.

A piano is not just an instrument, but an investment in your passion, your dreams, and your future. However, purchasing a piano is not something that should be done on a whim or without proper research. It requires time, effort, and careful consideration. A piano can be with you for life; don’t you want the perfect one?

Researching before buying a piano will help you make an informed decision. With so many pianos on the market, it’s crucial to understand their differences. A little research will help you determine which type of piano best suits your needs and budget. 

Whether it be an upright or a grand piano, a digital or an acoustic, each option has pros and cons. You can compare and contrast different models to find the one that fits your unique needs.

When you research before buying a piano, you will ensure that you get the best quality instrument for your money. Finding out that it is poorly constructed, has limited functionality, or sounds can leave you with a serious case of buyer’s remorse. Research helps you identify reputable brands and manufacturers, as well as piano dealers with a good track record. You can also read reviews and get feedback from other piano owners to gain insights into their experiences.

Research will also help you avoid making hasty decisions or impulse purchases. Taking your time and not rushing into buying a piano without proper consideration is important. Prepare a list of questions to ask the seller. Test out different pianos in the store. You might even request to try the piano out in your home environment. This way, you can evaluate the piano’s playability, acoustics, and overall feel before committing to a decision.

Researching before buying a piano will help you save money in the long run. Pianos are a significant investment, and you want to make sure that you get your money’s worth. Research helps you find better deals, negotiate prices, and even identify any hidden costs, such as moving and maintenance fees. And if you plan on buying a used piano, researching can help you determine its value, condition, and potential repair costs.

Lastly, researching before buying a piano can enhance your overall piano-playing experience. A piano is not just an instrument that you buy and forget about. It requires ongoing maintenance, tuning, and care to ensure that it continues to function optimally. Before you buy, you can learn about proper piano care, find resources on how to tune your piano, and even connect with other piano enthusiasts. This way, you can fully immerse yourself in the world of pianos and enjoy the beautiful music that it produces.

Remember, a piano is not just an instrument, but an investment in your passion and your future. By doing your research, you can make an informed decision, ensure that you get the best quality instrument for your money, and enhance your overall piano-playing experience.

Tips For Buying a Piano in 2022

Tips For Buying a Piano in 2022

Want to play the piano this year? It starts by buying a piano perfect to suit your needs. 

But with so many different choices, where do you begin? What are the most important qualities to look for when buying a piano? We can narrow it down to three things:

  • A full 88-key keyboard
  • Weighted keys
  • High quality tonal sound

Whether you focus on purchasing an upright, grand, or digital piano, there are several things you should ensure your piano has. 

A full keyboard

When you first sit down and touch a few keys, having a full 88-key keyboard may seem intimidating. You’ll use the full range sooner than you think. Not having a full keyboard can hinder your progress. Depending on what genres of music you move towards will open up how many keys you use. It’s better to have the proper equipment in place as you start, to ensure you have the equipment necessary when you need it. 

Weighted keys

The more you grow as a musician, the more you may want to transfer your skills to different settings. Want to sit down at a piano in a friend’s home, a local church, or play for a small audience? Pianos are designed with some resistance to increase playability. Learning on weighted keys gives your fingers practice in transferring your skills to any piano you sit down at. Practicing on a piano with weighted keys ensures your skills will last a lifetime. 

High quality sound

If you’ve ever heard the tinny sound that comes from a toy piano, you know not all sound is created equal. Because every piano is built differently, you’ll notice a different sound from each instrument you play. Playing the piano is about making music. If you don’t like the sound you hear, you’ll never fully enjoy playing the piano. Sit down before you purchase a new piano. Do you like the way it sounds?

While many focus on price as their starting point for purchasing a piano, finding one you’ll be excited to play for years to come should be your top priority. 

If you have questions about buying the right piano to suit your needs, we can help you out. Stop by today and see our complete selection of pianos, and discover which is the right one to suit your needs. 

7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution

7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution

Are you purchasing a new piano for your church sanctuary? Or do you need a new performance piano for your theater? Looking to replace a piano for your graduate students? Or just need one for your beginning middle school students to start to play?

A lot goes into making the best selection for your needs. Chances are this is a purchase that will last for many years to come. How do you know you’re making the right purchase? 

Start With A Few Questions

Chances are you have some ideas for why you need a new piano. But if you haven’t put all of your needs to paper, do so before you start to shop. Who will be using the piano? How often will it be played? Will the piano stay in one location, or moved periodically from location to location? This will help define your needs. 7 Things To Keep In Mind If Buying a Piano For An Institution


Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, you can start to see what your budget can afford. Don’t select the most “bells and whistles” for your money. Instead, focus on quality. If this piano will last for years – decades – ensure you make the right selection to provide years of quality playing. 

Grand or Upright?

Sometimes the choice is obvious – you only have so much room in your location. But sometimes the choice isn’t so obvious. In most cases, uprights are more for practice areas. They take up less space and provide more workspace for music and scores. Grand pianos are more often purchased for locations where players will be performing, and learning the importance of tonal quality and function. 

Piano Size

Carefully consider your space before making a final selection. This is where a reputable dealer can help the most. If you buy a piano that is too large, you can waste money by not gaining the voice and tone quality the piano is capable of producing. A piano that is too small won’t fill the space with the rich sound you expect. Be open to both vertical and grand piano options, because moving from one to another might be your best option. 

New or Used Piano

If an acoustic piano is well cared for, it can last for decades. Sometimes a used piano can get you the sound and quality you’re looking for. However, this isn’t the time to select one solely based on cost. A lot goes into pricing out used piano technology. A reputable dealer can help you make the right selection for your situation. 

Acoustic or Digital Piano

Digital pianos continue to offer higher quality with every new make and model produced. Depending on your needs, either acoustic or digital can make great additions to your institution. Keep in mind that while acoustic pianos can last 30, 40, 50 years or longer without a lot of restoration, digital pianos often require upgrading every few years to keep up with technology. 

Piano Maintenance

While acoustic pianos can last for decades, they do require maintenance to ensure they stay in top condition. Tuning and repair should be a part of your maintenance routine every year; set a schedule with your local tuner who will help you keep your piano in top condition. While digital pianos don’t require tuning or annual maintenance, they do often require more frequent updates to ensure they provide you with the technology available. 

Have more questions about which piano is right for you? We’re here to help. 

Before You Buy: What Your Piano Should Look and Feel Like

Before You Buy: What Your Piano Should Look and Feel Like

So you’re ready to buy your first piano. 

A piano isn’t just an instrument you’ll tuck away – out of sight, out of mind. Instead, the piano becomes a centerpiece of your home. Of course, it provides a place for you and your children to learn a new skill. Why not gather friends and family around for a night of music? 

But more than simply learning to play the piano, it’s the one instrument that takes up its own presence sitting in one of your rooms. It has to bring character and personality to your home. It makes a statement, so it’s equally as important to choose one that looks and feels perfect for who you are. Before You Buy: What Your Piano Should Look and Feel Like

Let’s start with the obvious – space

It’s easy to get fixated on things that truly don’t matter. 

Like price. Select one solely based on price, and you’ll likely bring home a piano that doesn’t fit with any of your decor. It will be the most expensive thing you purchase that you try and shove into a corner to hide from the rest of your furnishings. 

Or grandeur. Yes, we’ve seen plenty of people buy a piano simply because of how grand it will look in their homes. Only to get it home and not have the space for it anywhere. You don’t want to buy a statement piece whose only statement is: how can I walk around it when it touches every wall in the room?

A piano is designed to live harmoniously with the other fixtures in your room. It’s also best away from windows, doors, or heating vents that can damage the instrument and require more tunings and repair. 

Now, let’s talk about looks

Once you’ve taken stock of where you want your piano placed, measure it. Take pictures of it. Consider what you want your piano to say within the room. Blend nicely? Take center stage? 

There really is a piano for everyone. Not everyone should purchase a classical grand with a traditional black case. 

But stretch beyond looks too when making your final decision. Touch it. Feel the keys. Listen to their sounds. 

Just like people, every piano has its own unique personality. Some pianos you “get.” You just know they’re the right one for you. 

For more ideas on finding the perfect piano for your home, stop by today. 

What You Might Not Know About Pianos

What You Might Not Know About Pianos

Are you in the market for a new piano? Buying one is different than other purchases you make for your home. 

Take a kitchen appliance, for instance. Let’s say your dishwasher breaks, and you need a new one. You do a little research, find out what separates the makes and the brands, and then start picking out features that mean the most to you. Want a quiet dishwasher? Want one with multiple cycles for different loads? You can find several that will do the job quite nicely. What You Might Not Know About Pianos

When you bring it home and install it, the dishwasher works as promised. And it will continue to do so week after week, month after month, year after year. As long as it is well maintained, it will continue to the job similarly over and over again. 

That’s where the error occurs when people start shopping for a piano. 

A piano is a piano, right? But that assumption isn’t accurate. 

Because a piano is a living, breathing entity. It has a personality. It presents itself differently on any given day. 

Maybe it’s because the piano has around 12,000 working parts in it. Maybe it’s because so many different things affect how a piano works and sounds. 

Change the temperature in a room, and a piano can go flat or sharp.

When the air becomes dry, the sound can become brittle. 

Add a little humidity, and the sound can become muffled. 

But for most people, they don’t realize this when they start the search for a piano. 

Some people buy a piano sight unseen. When they load it up and take it home, is it any wonder it doesn’t sound quite right?

And if the sound isn’t there, why would you want to play it every day?

If you are in the market for a piano, get in and play it. Tap the keys. Play a scale. Tinker out a melody. And listen. 

Does it sound right to you? Do you connect with it? Can you see yourself making music together for years to come?

Only if the answer is yes is it time to buy. 

Learning The Lingo Of Buying A Piano

Learning The Lingo Of Buying A Piano

New to piano? Just like any industry, there are a lot of terms you have to learn. When you head into a piano dealer for the very first time, you’re likely to hear words like soundboard and action. What do they mean? And how important are they when making your final selection?Learning The Lingo Of Buying A Piano

The Back
The back of a vertical piano has five or six vertical posts that serve as stays against the frame. These posts provide added strength to resist the pull of the strings inside. These posts should be sturdy enough to provide adequate support in proportion to the piano.

Across the back of the piano is a soundboard, which translates the vibrations of the strings into the tone of the piano. The soundboard is one of the most vital parts of the piano. The soundboard is what conducts the sound. So it’s important it’s sturdy and straight and made of top quality materials.

The plate is a piece of cast iron bolted to the back of the frame. It holds one end of the string and provides the support for almost 20 tons of pressure from the pull of the strings.

The treble and bass bridges are made of long, hard maple wood and are attached to the soundboard, transferring the vibrations of the string connecting the two.

The working section of the piano is the action. The action contains around 7,500 parts, all taking a role in the act of creating music. Grand pianos have horizontal action, while upright pianos have vertical action. This is the process of sending the hammers against the strings when the keys are struck.

Piano hammers are formed by felt being molded into a wooden hammer under tremendous pressure. Hammers are often referred to by weight, such as a 12 pound hammer. This refers to the weight of the sheets of felt that were used in the process.

Each key is balanced by a center pin and bushed with fine wool to silence it and provide proper clearance in the key bed. The keys are not made of ivory, instead, are molded plastic and designed not to crack or yellow. The black keys are made from similar material.

Most pianos have three pedals. The sustaining or damper pedal on the right dampers the strings so that the tone is sustained after the keys are released. The una corda pedal mutes the tone by shortening the distance the hammers travel by shifting the action. The sostenuto is optional, not on every piano. It is used to sustain select tones at the pianist’s discretion.

Buying A Piano With A Reconditioned Piano Action

Buying A Piano With A Reconditioned Piano Action

Considering a used piano? Depending on its age, there’s a good chance the piano will have a reconditioned piano action.

For some people, that might send up a few red flags. What is an action? Will a reconditioned action stand the test of time?Buying A Piano With A Reconditioned Piano Action

When you purchase a piano, it’s often with the thought that it will be in your home for generations. After all, pianos are known to be one of the most classic pieces of furniture we bring into our homes. But what many don’t know is that it takes more than regular tune-ups to keep a piano in good working condition.

Pianos are made from materials that wear down over time. They need repair, replacing, adjusting, cleaning and maintenance on a regular basis to keep them in optimal playing condition.

There are two kinds of piano actions: upright actions and grand actions.

Upright actions contain the hammers, the whippen assemblies, and the dampers. Each is mounted to a series of rails that holds them in proper alignment to the strings and the keys so that when a note is played, the energy is properly distributed throughout the mechanism and sound is produced. In general, upright actions are fairly easy to remove for repairs, the exception being with spinets or player pianos.

Upright actions are simpler than their grand action counterparts.

With grand piano actions, they also have action parts mounted to a series of rails that can be removed for service and reconditioning. The noticeable difference is that the hammers are oriented differently in the case. The grand action’s whippen assemble has a repetition lever which allows a note to fully reset before the key has risen back to its resting position. This allows for better repetition of the note than on an upright.

With years of playing and settling, these parts wear out. Leather and felt pieces lose their effectiveness, and allow alignment and adjustment to fall out of place. When the felt hammers strike the strings and aren’t in proper working condition, damage begins to occur. And as one part wears and falls apart, it impacts all around it.

Reconditioning the action simply brings it back into working order with the proper materials to match the piano’s needs. New leather, felt, wire and even wood is introduced to match what’s already there.

If a piano action has been reconditioned, the difference will be in having a clean, well-functioning action that will make your playing enjoyable for many years to come.

5 Things To Ask Before Buying A Previously Owned Piano

5 Things To Ask Before Buying A Previously Owned Piano

Buying a piano is a major decision. And one of the first factors you’ll have to consider is whether to buy new or used.

A previously owned piano can be a good investment… if you know what questions to ask before writing out the check.5 Things To Ask Before Buying A Previously Owned Piano

Why are you selling the piano?
Have you ever noticed people will give you all kinds of information if you ask? If you’re approaching a third part or private seller, take the time to ask why they’ve decided to sell. Inspecting it can often lead you to make a false assumption that a piano is in good shape. But when you ask, private parties will often provide lots of stories about a piano’s past. Some might sell because they need the money. Some might sell because no one in the home can play, it was simply an antique passed down. In both cases, their response may clue you in that they don’t know how to take care of a piano either. Pianos need regular maintenance, and if it’s been sitting there for years, it may require a lot of tuning and restoration to make it playable.

Was a maintenance schedule followed?
Every piano, no matter if it’s played on a regular basis or not, needs regular tuning. Skipping tuning will affect the sound quality, so it’s crucial to check if a tuning schedule was followed. If tuning has been completed, you can also inquire who performed the tuning. DIY methods rarely work, as tuning is a difficult process that is learned over time. Experienced professionals are always best.

Who plays the piano?
Did the owner purchase the piano from a friend to provide piano lessons to a small child? Or did a professional musician play it on a regular basis? The more advanced the player, the better guarantee you’ll have that the piano is quality and was well taken care of.

How often has the piano been moved?
If the piano has been moved on a frequent basis, it could be a sign that it has received potential damage during a move. If a piano has moved several times, check to see if any restoration work has been completed.

What is the asking price?
While many people will lead and create their ads with the price they desire, asking again can reveal how serious they are. Never purchase on the spot. Instead, make sure you do your own research. If you find equal comparisons are much higher, it could be a sign the owner is hiding something. If they are willing to negotiate for a quick sale, there more than likely is something wrong.

Pianos are a major investment. Selecting a high quality piano can give you years of enjoyment, provide you with a musical instrument you’ll be proud to play. Do your homework and make sure you have the right piano for your home. And if we can help, just ask.