Masterful Craftsmanship: The Secrets Behind a Restored Piano

Masterful Craftsmanship: The Secrets Behind a Restored Piano

In the world of pianos, where timeless melodies and rich harmonies come to life, there’s an art to selecting and restoring instruments that goes beyond mere craftsmanship. When you find a piano worthy of restoration, you find one ready to take on new life. It’s had a rich history, and it’s ready for more. 

But what does that mean? What does that look like? How do you know if you have a piano in need of restoration? 

The Art of Selection

Every piano that enters our restoration process undergoes rigorous selection criteria. Whether it’s a classic grand piano or an upright with a history, we choose instruments with inherent musicality and the potential for restoration. Our team of experts carefully evaluates the condition of each piano, considering factors such as the original craftsmanship, the quality of materials used, and the unique characteristics that make each instrument special.

Skilled Restoration Techniques

Once a piano is selected, the restoration journey begins. Our skilled artisans and technicians employ a combination of traditional and modern techniques to restore the instrument to its former glory. From repairing and replacing worn-out parts to refinishing the exterior, every step is executed with precision and a deep understanding of the instrument’s historical significance.

Preserving Heritage

Restoring a piano isn’t just about fixing mechanical components; it’s about preserving the instrument’s heritage. Our team delves into the history of each piano, researching its origin, previous owners, and any noteworthy performances it may have been a part of. This attention to detail allows us to restore the piano and revive its unique story, making it a valuable piece of musical history for both enthusiasts and owners.

Quality Craftsmanship

Masterful craftsmanship is at the core of our restoration process. Our team of highly skilled artisans takes pride in their ability to revive the intricate details of vintage pianos. From hand-carving intricate woodwork to meticulously aligning hammers and strings, every element is treated with the utmost care. The goal is not just to make the piano playable but to elevate it to a level where it becomes a work of art. One you’re proud to showcase in your home, and possibly create an heirloom for you to hand down to future generations. 

A Symphony of Sound

Beyond the visual aesthetics, the true magic of our restored piano collection lies in the symphony of sound that each instrument produces. Our technicians painstakingly regulate and voice each piano to ensure a rich, nuanced tonal quality. The end result is an instrument that delivers a captivating and inspiring musical experience.

Unveiling Masterpieces

Whether you are a seasoned pianist, a collector with an appreciation for history, or a music lover seeking a unique piece for your home, our collection of pianos offers something extraordinary. Yes, you can purchase a starter piano to grow your appreciation of playing. When you’re ready, used pianos may offer a chance to invest in something extraordinary. A masterpiece you’ll be proud to display for years to come. 

Are you in the market for a new-to-you piano? Do you have a vintage piano in need of restoration? Sometimes, history makes the best investment. 

How can we help you find the piano of your dreams?

The Intricacies of Piano Restoration and Repair

The Intricacies of Piano Restoration and Repair

Do you have a piano sitting proudly in your home? Does it have history, memories of days when the family gathered and sang? 

Does it no longer hold the same magic? 

If your piano is sitting there gathering dust because you’re unsure of your next step, maybe now is the time to learn the intricacies of piano restoration and repair.  

Not every piano is worthy of the time and investment of piano restoration. But if it holds a special place in your heart, and you want it on display once again, maybe now is the time to explore the process of restoration and repair. 

The Timeless Beauty of Restoration

A vintage piano that exudes elegance and history. An antique piano with decades of memories. 

However you describe your connection with your piano, we assure you that piano restoration is like taking a step back in time and giving life to these beautiful instruments. When a piano undergoes restoration, it’s more than just a refurbishment. It’s a meticulous process that involves preserving the soul of the piano while bringing it back to its original glory.

Restoration experts dive into the piano’s history, researching its origins and unique characteristics. They carefully disassemble the instrument, examining each component for signs of wear and tear. From the keys to the soundboard, every element is inspected. Original materials are sourced when possible, ensuring the piano’s essence remains intact.

The Art of Repair

Piano repair is a craft that focuses on fixing specific issues that might arise in a piano’s lifetime. Whether it’s a key that doesn’t quite sound right or a pedal that’s not as responsive as it should be, a skilled technician works to bring it back into good working condition.

Repairing a piano is like a puzzle. The technician identifies the problem, disassembles the necessary parts, and then fixes or replaces what’s needed. It’s a delicate dance requiring technical knowledge and an artistic touch. Imagine the satisfaction of hearing a once-off-key note ring true after a skillful repair.

Finding Your Musical Companion

That old piano is coming back into your life for a reason. 

Whether you choose to restore a grand piano that has weathered the years or repair an upright piano that just doesn’t sound right, what matters most is the connection you form with your musical companion. A piano’s history often leads right back to the music you love.

Have a question? Give us a call. With decades of experience in piano restoration and repair, we can help you make a wise decision on how to move forward with your musical goals.

The Art of Restoring Old Pianos to Their Former Glory

The Art of Restoring Old Pianos to Their Former Glory

Looking for a piano? A quick search online will lead you in many directions. Should you buy new? Should you look for “deals” on Craigslist? Or should you restore the old piano you found in your grandmother’s basement? 

It may surprise you that restoring old pianos might be the way to go. 

Nothing beats the beauty and sound of a well-made piano. For some players, a piano is more than an instrument; it’s a part of their life. 

If you’ve found the “perfect” instrument, and it happens to be an antique from decades ago, don’t fret. There is an art to restoring old pianos and ensuring they sound even better than some new ones. Restoration requires skill, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. It might just lead you to the “perfect” piano to suit your needs. 

Where do you start?

Not every piano is worth restoring. But how do you know? The first step is to assess a piano’s condition. A professional piano restoration technician will carefully examine the instrument, looking for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks in the soundboard, worn hammers, or broken strings. They’ll also check if it’s in tune and listen to the sound quality. Once they’ve assessed the piano’s condition, they can provide a better estimate of what it will take to restore it.

Look good inside and out

Sound quality might be the most important item to restore on an old piano, yet many start with how it looks. If the piano’s veneer is damaged or has lost its luster, it’s time to refinish it. Refinishing involves removing the old finish, lightly sanding the wood, and applying a new finish. A professional will always match the original finish as closely as possible, ensuring that the piano’s aesthetic value is restored.

Let’s talk parts

Sometimes, piano parts can become damaged beyond repair. Strings can break, hammers can wear down, or the pedals can weaken. Replacing these parts can be time-consuming, but it’s necessary to restore the piano’s looks, sound, and feel. A skilled piano technician can replace these parts with high-quality materials, restoring the piano to its original quality.

How does it sound?

Regulation and tuning are also essential parts of piano restoration. A technician will regulate the action, adjusting the internal mechanism that connects the keys to the hammers. This ensures the keys have the proper amount of resistance and provide the correct level of expression. 

From there, they’ll adjust the tension of the piano strings, ensuring that the piano is in tune and sounds great. Voicing is the process of adjusting the tone of the piano to ensure it sounds its best. It involves making adjustments to the hammers and strings to change the volume and tone of each note. This process requires the ear of a skilled technician to make sure that each note sounds exactly as it should.

Is it worth restoring old pianos?

Yes! Whether an old piano has sentimental value, or you’re looking to bring back life in a piano you’ve had for years, restoration may be the way to go. 

Restoring an old piano takes patience, skill, and craftsmanship. It’s not a job for amateurs or DIYers, as piano restoration requires years of training and experience to do it justice. That said, there’s nothing quite like bringing an old piano back to life and hearing it sing again. 

If you’re a piano player with an old piano that needs a little love, don’t hesitate to seek out a professional piano restoration technician and let them restore your piano to its former glory. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.

Should I Think About Repairing an Old Piano?

Should I Think About Repairing an Old Piano?

While it’s sometimes nice to get new things, other times something old and familiar is much more appealing. 

Your piano has sat in your living room for years. Or maybe you grew up playing it – you remember your grandmother sitting down to play. While it may not be considered an antique by others, it has sentimental value, and you have no intention of trading it in for something new. 

But it doesn’t play the way it used to. When you sit down at the piano and run through your scales, you can hear notes that just aren’t quite right. It’s noticeable, and it’s getting worse. 

Should you consider repairing your old piano? 


If your piano has sentimental value, fixing it up and making it playable again will keep the memories alive. We all have personal assets in our homes that remind us of people and places that were important in our lives. If you remember singing Christmas carols with the family, or learning to play when you were a child, renovating the piano is a great way to keep an important part of your life close by. 

Or maybe you have young children now, and you’re considering afterschool activities. Sports or the arts? While sports encourage teamwork and provide a workout, the arts feature learning that can provide a lifetime of enjoyment. Music is a gift that keeps on giving – it improves IQ, helps with memory skills, and encourages lifelong learning. 

Are you considering repairing your old piano? 

Before you take the next step, inspect the piano inside and out. Does it have cosmetic damage? Are keys broken? Does each key create a sound? By looking at the piano, you can quickly determine how much care or neglect it’s had over the last few years. A neglected piano will take more time and repair to bring it back to working condition. A poor quality piano may not be worth repairing. 

How do you know? 

If it’s important to you, it’s worth the time to talk with an expert about the possibilities of restoration and repair. 

Give us a call today. We can help you determine the right path for you, whether it’s repairing your existing piano, or investing in a new one. 

Should I Refinish My Piano Myself?

Should I Refinish My Piano Myself?

Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Do you enjoy little projects around the home? 

The piano you brought home from your grandmother’s house may be the perfect thing to tinker with on the weekends. 

Or is it? 

If you’ve been asking, “should I refinish my piano myself,” we have a few thoughts to help you along. Restoring an old piano may seem like an easy thing to do. We have a few words of advice. 

Pianos are complex instruments with over 10,000 pieces in place. While you may see hardwood, keys, and pedals on the outside, inside is an intricate array of wires, bolts, wood, and other components all linked together to create an instrument. 

On the outside, you may notice dingy wood, dusty keys, and maybe a cabinet waiting for a new coat of paint or stain. That seems easy enough. 

But stripping it down takes a lot of work. It means stripping off all the lacquer finish, and sanding it down. Will the keys be protected while you do that? What about the strings?

To restore a piano the right way means taking every piece apart and ensuring its quality.

  • The action frame
  • The keyboard
  • Hammers
  • Soundboard
  • Dampers
  • Pins
  • Treble strings
  • Bass strings
  • Legs
  • Wheels

Do you wish to restore your piano to its original condition? That can involve hunting for the right parts, finding as close to the original as possible. 

Do you understand the nuances of ensuring the soundboard is installed correctly? Are the strings adequately tightened? Are the hammers properly adjusted? 

Most people don’t have the necessary skills to ensure every piece of the piano remains in good working condition. 

Should you refinish your piano yourself? Only you can decide. 

If you want to leave it to a professional, we can help you restore it to its original glory, and make it an instrument you’ll be proud to display for years to come. 

How Long Does It Take To Rebuild A Piano?

How Long Does It Take To Rebuild A Piano?

Have you discovered an old friend in your living room? Has your piano shined in a new light thanks to the recent stay-in-place orders? 

Many families have rediscovered the joy of learning a new craft, and piano offers lifelong benefits. 

Still, you might also have discovered that your piano is no longer perfect. It hasn’t been tuned in a while. Even the finish is a bit off. It’s a family heirloom, it once sat in your grandmother’s home. You’d love to make it the center of attention once again. 

But should you rebuild it? How long does it take to rebuild a piano?

The answer is: it depends. 

In most cases, it will take months from beginning to end. 

To rebuild a piano means bringing your current piano back up to playable condition. Will it take a new key set, or will a few repairs to the old ones do? Will the soundboard need to be replaced? How about the details that make your piano stand out?

If you replace parts with new ones, those projects can be completed in a shorter time frame. If your piano requires fixing parts already in place, that could extend how long it takes. 

Each piece is evaluated for its playability. Each part is either rebuilt or replaced. And slowly, your piano is built back up to a playable condition. 

This is about refinement. When you get your rebuilt piano back, it will be like it’s brand new. 

If you have a piano you’re thinking of rebuilding, to keep it in the family and continue to play it, the best place to start is with a phone call. We can ask you a few questions to start the process. 

Is It Time To Have Your Piano Rebuilt?

Is It Time To Have Your Piano Rebuilt?

You love your piano. It’s been in your family for years. But is it worth it to rebuild it?

If you’ve made the decision to have your piano rebuilt, your first step is to find the right person for the job. We get a lot of calls from people finding out more about the process, because a piano is the one heirloom that can stand the test of time. 

But is it worth it? Will a rebuild help create an instrument you’ll be proud to display and play for years to come? That’s something a technician will dig deep for before they make the final determination. 

Pianos have up to 12,000 parts. And considering pianos can live for decades, eventually, those parts start to wear out. Pianos are also subject to the environment around them. That firestorm that recently ravaged thousands of acres? That hurricane that caused the power to be out for a week? All of that plays into creating the condition of your piano. 

Playing the piano isn’t the only thing that breaks down individual pieces. Even sitting unused for weeks – months – at a time can take its toll on different parts. Wood can dry out and crack. Strings can tighten and rust. 

That’s where piano building comes in. This is a time-consuming process. It’s also expensive. This isn’t something you do with every piano; a high-class restoration project can only make a piano as good as the original foundation it was built on. The piano rebuilding process includes:

Rebuilding the action. That includes the frame, keys, keytops, hammers, underlevers, and other moving parts. This is what gives your piano the touch, sound, and tone. 

Rebuilding the soundbox. This includes the soundboard, bridges, strings, pinblock, tuning pins, damper felts, and other structural parts of the case. A lot of rebuilding projects start when the strings no longer can be tuned. 

Rebuilding the cabinet. This is usually for cosmetic purposes, when the outside finish no longer shines. Refinishing the cabinet is the last part of the process, and one of the most expensive as the refinisher will have to replace wood and hardware to match the original condition. 

Not all pianos are worth rebuilding. That’s because not all pianos are high enough quality to be worth the time and process. It’s not a good investment, as you’ll never recoup the cost it takes to bring it back up to mint condition. 

It’s better just to purchase a new, high quality instrument to get the most playability for your money. 

Will All Piano Dealers Say The Same Thing About Rebuilding a Piano?

Will All Piano Dealers Say The Same Thing About Rebuilding a Piano?

Sometimes the best piano to put on display in your home is one you already have access to. 

“My mom has a piano she’d like to give to me. My kids are old enough to start playing, and I’d love to play again too. It was my grandmother’s before her, so it has a lot of sentimental value. But the keys sometimes stick, the finish is wearing, and depending on what note you hit, it’s wildly out of tune. Is there hope for it? Or should I just buy a new one?”

We get questions like this frequently. We also realize that if you ask a dozen different piano dealers the same question, you’re likely to get a dozen different answers. 

A lot of it stems from what the dealer specializes in. If they’re in business to sell pianos, they are going to push you towards buying new. That’s where they make their money, and they don’t want to lose a sale. 

That’s why it’s in your best interest to do your own research. Talk with a variety of piano specialists. Do you have someone who has tuned the piano before? They are often a great resource for the quality of your piano, and can give you a better idea of what’s possible if you choose to rebuild. 

Also, evaluate the condition of your piano. If it was neglected, how? There’s a big difference between a piano that has sat in the corner untuned for a few years, compared to one that’s been tucked into a basement and has sustained water damage. If it has been subjected to the elements for an extended time period, it probably is beyond repair. 

The best place to start when considering your options is to ask. Then ask again. If you start hearing a similar answer from multiple people, you can use that to determine the right steps to take. 

Have a question about rebuilding your piano? We’re here to help. Give us a call today. 

Understanding The Three R’s of Piano Restoration

Understanding The Three R’s of Piano Restoration

In every industry, it’s important to know the “speak”. It’s the only way you’ll ensure you get the service you desire. 

In the piano industry, for instance, you’ll often hear the term “piano restoration” used quite a bit. But what you may not know is that “piano restoration” can mean a variety of things, depending on the company you’re trying to do business with. The more you know about this process, the greater understanding you’ll have when trying to get the service you desire. 

Let’s say you’re trying to buy a used piano and the owner tells you it’s been reconditioned. What does that mean? Of maybe a dealer offers repair service? What does that entail? 

Keep in mind that there aren’t clear definitions of the concept of piano restoration. But in general, you’ll find three terms used frequently:


Repair to a piano usually means fixing isolated problems. It might be a key is broken or a string is missing. There aren’t time-consuming fixes that will keep your piano away for weeks. And in most cases, it’s an isolated issue that can be fixed quickly. It doesn’t involve upgrading the condition of the piano as much as it means fixing a specific problem. 


Reconditioning a piano refers to bringing a piano back to good working condition while leaving the piano intact as much as possible. Instead of replacing parts, they will be reconditioned so they work at their best. Hammers might be resurfaced rather than replaced. Strings will be retwisted to improve their tone. While replacement will be made as a last resort, all items will try and be fixed to keep the piano in its original condition. 


Of the three levels of restoration, this is the most complicated and time consuming. Rebuilding means bringing the piano back to factory-new condition, no matter what it takes. And in most cases, the work is extensive. 

It can mean replacing hammers and strings. It can mean replacing the soundboard in the action. It can mean replacing damper felts and restringing strings. It all depends on the needs of the instrument and the amount of money available to be spent on the process. It also depends on the worth of the piano – rebuilding it beyond its original value doesn’t make sense. 

Whether you’re buying a used piano, or considering having work performed on your existing piano, knowing the right terms can help you decide the best approach to piano restoration. 

Are There Standards In The Piano Restoration Industry?

Are There Standards In The Piano Restoration Industry?

In many industries, standards and codes exist to ensure technicians in the field meet certain requirements before they can go into business. Plumbers, HVAC, electricians, even mechanics all have standards to protect consumers from unscrupulous behavior. 

Not in the piano restoration industry. If you have the desire to work in the piano restoration industry, all you have to do is open up a business according to state laws, and you can begin marketing your services to the general public immediately. 

There is the Piano Technicians Guild, which is a source of expertise within the piano service and technology fields. To join, you fill out the application and pay a fee. Testing is only required if you choose to earn the Registered Piano Technician accreditation. This means many who choose to use the Piano Technicians Guild logo can do so simply by writing a check. 

Hobbyists often decide to move into the piano restoration industry because it can be very lucrative. Depending on the piano project, it can be worth tens of thousands of dollars to rebuild a piano. 

There are over 12,000 moving parts on a piano, all working together to create sound. That’s a lot of parts!

Now imagine a less than scrupulous piano rebuilder does not have the exact part he’s looking for. Will he make substitutions? 

How will you ever know?

Like any industry, if you want something done the right way, it’s important to do your research before you sign on the dotted line. 

Ask questions before you hire a refurbisher. Do a little research online to determine their reputation. Only hire them after you’re comfortable with their skills. 

It’s the only way you’ll ensure quality throughout the project.