How Long Does It Take To Rebuild A Piano?

How Long Does It Take To Rebuild A Piano?

Have you discovered an old friend in your living room? Has your piano shined in a new light thanks to the recent stay-in-place orders? 

Many families have rediscovered the joy of learning a new craft, and piano offers lifelong benefits. 

Still, you might also have discovered that your piano is no longer perfect. It hasn’t been tuned in a while. Even the finish is a bit off. It’s a family heirloom, it once sat in your grandmother’s home. You’d love to make it the center of attention once again. 

But should you rebuild it? How long does it take to rebuild a piano?

The answer is: it depends. 

In most cases, it will take months from beginning to end. 

To rebuild a piano means bringing your current piano back up to playable condition. Will it take a new key set, or will a few repairs to the old ones do? Will the soundboard need to be replaced? How about the details that make your piano stand out?

If you replace parts with new ones, those projects can be completed in a shorter time frame. If your piano requires fixing parts already in place, that could extend how long it takes. 

Each piece is evaluated for its playability. Each part is either rebuilt or replaced. And slowly, your piano is built back up to a playable condition. 

This is about refinement. When you get your rebuilt piano back, it will be like it’s brand new. 

If you have a piano you’re thinking of rebuilding, to keep it in the family and continue to play it, the best place to start is with a phone call. We can ask you a few questions to start the process.