Your Ultimate Piano Purchase Guide

Your Ultimate Piano Purchase Guide

Digital pianos. Electronic keyboards. MIDI controllers. Whatever happened to the good old fashioned piano?

Along with everything else in your life, the piano has taken some fairly radical steps forward, thanks to technology. But if you’re looking at bringing music into your home and the piano is your choice in instrument, you have a lot of options available to you. 

Acoustic Piano

For most of us, when we hear the word “piano” our minds drift to the traditional piano you imagined sitting in the corner of your grandmother’s home. They’ve been around for generations and are a great option for anyone desiring to learn to play. Your Ultimate Piano Purchase Guide

Acoustic pianos are often the centerpoint of a room. They have a variety of finishes and styles to match your personal taste. They have a look and feel you can’t find in any other instrument; plus a richness in tone that is hard to replicate. 

Yet we also understand that they aren’t for everyone. They can be expensive and they take up a lot of space. That’s fine if you have a large home. But if you prefer urban living and small spaces, a traditional piano may be beyond your means. 

Digital Piano

Think of a digital piano as a souped-up acoustic piano. Yes, you have to plug it in. But it has all the versatility of an acoustic piano, plus it adds a few extras today’s modern players will love. Want to practice without disturbing the rest of the house? Just plug in the headphones and you’re on your way. 

While digital pianos are often slimmer than acoustic pianos, they are still pretty heavy and bulky. And no matter how much you try, they never will provide you with the high quality tone you can achieve with the very best acoustic pianos. 


Keyboards are synonyms for portability. You can pack them up and take them with you, or simply tuck them into a closet or underneath the bed when you are through. That makes them ultra-convenient in tiny spaces. 

To get modern features comparable to traditional acoustic pianos, be prepared to look at high quality manufacturers. Focus in on keyboards with weighted technology, and tonal quality that’s comparable to acoustic sounds. 

MIDI Controllers

MIDI controllers are the ultimate in portability. Their slim profile makes them easy to carry anywhere. Musicians can incorporate MIDI controllers directly into their recording setups. But they don’t have built-in speakers, so if you want to hear what you’re playing, you need to be connected to technology. 

While selecting a first piano doesn’t have to be difficult – you can always upgrade in the future – it is important to select enough options to be able to create beautiful music from the beginning. Nothing is more frustrating to a new piano player if they can’t “hear” quality while they play. 

What are you currently playing on?