Why Is A Grand Piano Better?

Why Is A Grand Piano Better?

When someone mentions the word piano, what comes to mind? For many of us, it’s the thought of a grand piano. We don’t see an upright piano in the corner. Instead, we see the grand piano commanding attention in the middle of the room.Why Is A Grand Piano Better?

But is a grand piano better? Is that the piano all piano players strive to play? Aesthetically, the answer may be yes.

While grand pianos usually command an audience in a room, uprights are generally placed in a corner or off on the side. Out of sight, out of mind.

But what about quality?

With a grand piano, it is all about the size. A concert grand piano is 7 to 10 feet longer than an upright; a baby grand measures in at about 5 feet. The length of the strings and the size of the soundboard increases at the same ratio.

Longer pianos have longer strings, which produce richer, more in-depth sound. The shorter the string, the more the human ear perceives it as a harsher tone.

The action also changes. In a grand, the action remains horizontal, working with gravity to create sound. In an upright, the action is sideways and requires force to create the same sound. Because grand pianos are often place in better rooms, better conditions, they often command a better sound. Compare that with an upright placed in a corner, out of the way.

Yet none of this changes the fact that a high quality piano – upright or grand – has the ability to produce beautiful music.

Is a grand piano better? It depends on your point of view. It depends on your ability, the maintenance, the quality of the piano. Both can offer you years of enjoyment, from any room in your home.

Which do you prefer?