When Your Beginning Piano Player Has Dreams Of Touring With a Pop Band

When Your Beginning Piano Player Has Dreams Of Touring With a Pop Band

People start playing the piano for many different reasons. Parents often enroll their kids in piano lessons to get them involved in music. Adults often take up the piano because it’s been a desire for years. 

While many beginning piano players simply want to make music, many others have bigger dreams. They love the idea of making music, and have dreams of touring with a pop band at some point in the future. 

If this describes your child, is it a healthy dream? Is it doable? Is it something you should help them pursue?

Yes … and Yes!

Pick out your favorite band. The members were beginning musicians at some point too. They started with basic beginning piano lessons, and progressed to dreaming bigger dreams. 

The best place to start is with practice. Change it up, learn from a variety of teachers, and in many different settings. Perfect your skills from an individual teacher. Join a group class and learn from others. Play in a band, an orchestra, and make music in many ways. 

This all gives you greater skills, and allows you to think faster on your feet. 

But it also does something more; it connects you to other like-minded people. 

Most of the people you listen to or attend their concerts started out small. They joined a local band and played local venues. They found openings for keyboard players at a local venue. 

They played at weddings, birthday parties, and bar mitzvahs. They looked for any opportunity to play and be heard. 

They also asked about managers, agents, and producers. These are the people with connections. These are the people that can say: “Have you met …” They can push you into new opportunities. 

And that’s ultimately what it means to be a professional piano player. 

It means working your connections and getting an in with someone who can further your career. 

What are your piano player dreams? Start out now as you enter beginning piano lessons, and use that to fuel your desires. 

Dream big.