What If I Can’t Play The Piano With Both Hands?

What If I Can’t Play The Piano With Both Hands?

At first, it can seem like a frustrating problem. You have the desire to play the piano. You’ve invested time and money towards your new hobby. Yet no matter how many times you sit down to practice, you just can’t seem to get it right. 

What if you can’t play the piano with both hands? What if they simply won’t work together? And trying to read music at the same time? Forget it. 

Before you give up, read on. 

Learning to play the piano with both hands is one of the biggest learning curves of a beginning piano player’s training. 

Playing the piano with both hands takes concentration and practice. Ever tried to pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? It takes thinking and coordination to get your brain to tell your hands to each do something independently. 

That’s a similar tactic for piano playing. You’re not alone if you’re frustrated. It takes practice. And it takes time. You just have to wait for your coordination to catch up. 

Instead of letting your frustration win, you can practice through your frustration and give your hands a chance to figure out how to work together. 

Start by practicing each hand separately. Practice the piece with your right hand and learn it well enough for comfort to set in. Then let your left hand catch up. Practice it until you get comfortable with what both hands need to do to complete the song. Not put the two together. You’ll hear what both sides need to do, and have a better chance of putting them together. 

Focus on the rhythm. Clap it out if you need to. Get the 1-2-3-4 rhythm down, and build that into your mind before you start playing the song. Feel the beat. And let that come through to both your right and left hand. Using a metronome may help too, so that you can have the constant beat in the background. Slow it down if you need to. 

Choose music you know. It’s sometimes a lot more challenging to play a song you aren’t sure of. If you pick music you know, you’ll have an easier time letting both hands find the right beat, and pick out the right notes. It can allow you to look at the music differently. 

Keep trying. You don’t have to play a song perfectly the first time you sit down. Maybe you can practice a few lines at a time. Or play small sections until you get it right. Skills grow if you commit to fully learning the song over time. Keep it up, and you’ll eventually play it well. 

And you’ll have the skills necessary to start on a new song!