Use These 4 Steps To Buy The Perfect Piano

Use These 4 Steps To Buy The Perfect Piano

Why are there so many different piano brands, makes, and models? Because every buyer has different needs. You’ll find pianos in every price range, in various sizes, and with a variety of sounds. 

Of course, not all are created equal. A newbie just getting started will have different wants than a professional. That’s why it’s important to understand what you’re looking for before you shop. With these steps in mind, you’ll be able to buy the perfect piano to suit your needs now and into the future. 

Start with your budget

Yes, you can find “free” pianos. But in almost every circumstance, even “free” is going to cost you. If it’s sat in a basement corner untouched and not maintained for years, you’ll hear it in the music produced. You might not be able to bring it back to proper tune – and it’s hard playing a piano that doesn’t sound “right.” While you may have a budget in mind, it pays to spend some time researching pianos before you settle on a price. You may learn that with a bit of extra towards your purchase, you can get precisely what you want. 

Make room for it in your home

Pianos are meant to be enjoyed and played. If you place it in a room you rarely visit, or in a busy location where you’ll never have the opportunity to play, you’re less likely to keep up with your practice routine. Pianos are also sensitive to their environment. Avoid drafts from doors and windows, and a place where direct sunlight won’t be a problem. Never place a piano on an outside wall; stable humidity and temperatures will keep your piano in good working condition. 

Take the time necessary to get the right piano

For most piano players, buying a high-quality instrument will give you years of enjoyment. This isn’t a purchase you should rush into. Do your research and ensure you’re getting what’s suitable for you. You should also play multiple pianos to hear the different sounds. Find one that sounds good to your ear. This will increase your likelihood of playing it every day.

Don’t move it yourself

Have you watched comedies where a piano falls to the ground or slides down a hill because it’s not correctly moved? Those scenes are more realistic than you might think. Pianos are large, bulky, and heavy. Yet they also have fragile pieces that can easily be damaged or destroyed. This isn’t a time to trust your best friend to help you with the job. Instead, ensure the piano is moved correctly from one location to another, and that the piano is properly set up in its final resting spot. This means you won’t be faced with repair work before sitting down to play. 

A piano requires proper maintenance to keep it in good working condition. As you’re buying the perfect piano to suit your needs, keep these tips in mind to ensure you love your piano from day one, and it remains a part of your life for many years to come.