This Is The Best Way To Learn The Piano

This Is The Best Way To Learn The Piano

As an adult, hobbies take on new meaning. When we select something to do, we move to things that have lifelong appeal. 

If learning the piano is on your list of to-do’s, start with the end in mind. Why do you wish to play? What music do you prefer?

The reason we start new hobbies is with an end in mind. With a piano, it might be:

  • Seeing ourselves relaxing after a day of work
  • Playing our favorite genre
  • Playing in front of an audience
  • Starting up a band

But before you get to your goal, you’ll have to start at the beginning. Buy a piano. Sit down at the keyboard. And learn to play the piano. 

The best way to accomplish your goal is to start at the beginning. Starting with the fundamentals gives you the tools necessary to be able to play anything you desire. The fundamentals include:

  • Learning the piano keys
  • Learning to read music
  • Learning proper technique
  • Learning chords and basic theory
  • Playing by ear

Thanks to technology, there are many ways to begin. Yet no matter where you start, you’ll need a learning strategy to dig in and develop your technique. 

Hiring a teacher 

Whether you work one-on-one in person, learn in a group setting, or select a virtual teacher to learn techniques from anywhere, having a teacher to consult and learn from gives you an added benefit to the learning process. There are many piano methods available that are specifically targeted for who you are: young kids, older kids, adults, and group settings. These methods teach fundamentals at your skill level, while combining technique, theory, and fun simultaneously. Teachers have a knack for keeping you engaged while ensuring you learn. It’s an important part of the process, one almost every piano student engages with at some point on the learning curve. 

Learning on your own

Can you learn on your own by working through workbooks and watching online videos? Many students have taken that route. Be aware that for most, it will take longer to play. You may not catch errors you’re making in your technique, or have the motivation you need when you start to burn out. But if you’re dedicated to the learning process, you can teach yourself as quickly as you desire. 

What’s the best way to learn

The good news is learning the piano is a journey, not a destination. It’s a lifelong commitment, one you’ll learn more about every step of the way. But no matter your goals or desires, commit to the fundamentals. A careful, comprehensive journey will ensure you have a foundation in what matters. 

Have fun playing the piano!