The Sound Of Your Piano

The Sound Of Your Piano

When it comes to playing piano, sound is everything. With the help of sound, you can feel the music and understand what the composer was trying to get across when he composed each note. Music expresses thoughts, feelings, ideas, harmony, beauty, happiness and emotions. Within a few seconds, you instantly understand what each song is trying to convey.

Likewise you can tell the era each song comes from. Can you pick out a Chopin or Mozart piece? How about a Rachmaninoff?

The more you come to understand music, the more you’ll understand it comes down to the control of the sound being made through the piano itself. If a piano is old and out of tune, you can still play the appropriate notes to a song. But without the musicality, it won’t be as enjoyable for the people around you. (Yourself included.)The Sound Of Your Piano

Piano playing is not a sport. Your goal isn’t to give yourself a vigorous workout over the course of a practice session. You won’t develop the muscles in your fingers over time, nor will you work up endurance in your hands and wrists.

The purpose isn’t velocity and technical results. Instead, playing the piano should always be about expression, meaning and the art of making music in the first place.

Your piano isn’t a percussion instrument. It isn’t made to pound out the notes to get the loudest sound. Instead, its all about quality. Work on the sound and the technique will come.

Mastering piano is about training yourself to influence the sound, depth, openness and softness of the sounds you are producing. Its how you position your hands to get the most expression from every note you touch.

When you touch each key, keep your wrists relaxed and your fingertips controlled. Use the entire weight of your hand to put soft pressure on each note you touch. Focus in on the sound you create – does it match the music you are trying to produce? Does it convey your message?

And while your technique is what you learn and grow over time, always remember that you have to start with the best tool in the first place.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is buying a “starter” piano without thought as to the purpose. If you want to develop a love for music, you can’t do it with an out of tune piano that won’t allow you to play a full range of notes. If cost is of concern, don’t buy at the lowest price from someone on Craigslist. Instead, start with a reputable dealer that can fit you into a quality piano at your budgeted price.

Investing in the right piano now will help you achieve a love for music overall as you learn to play and get better every day. And isn’t that the true goal anyway?

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