The Piano Buyer’s Guide For First Time Buyers

The Piano Buyer’s Guide For First Time Buyers

One of our most common piano customers is a young family looking for an instrument for their young child. And with good reason. With all the data out there on how music can improve memory, learning abilities, even SAT scores down the road, music is one of the best investments you can make for your child.

Yet one look at piano prices can often times make a young family think twice.The Piano Buyer’s Guide For First Time Buyers

Before you give up on integrating music into your child’s life, look at your options.

The piano industry estimates that last year, around one million pianos were sold, with around 50,000 of them or so being new. That means only 1 in 20 were new; the rest coming from a variety of sources, both private parties and authorized dealers.

Because fewer new pianos are being made, it has opened up a world of opportunity in the restoration of old pianos. And frankly many of them can be far superior to what is available new today, given the quality of workmanship that was put into the construction years ago. Many, many people not only ask for a specific model and make of piano when purchasing, they demand it.

Pianos hold their value well if you take care of it on a regular basis. If you purchase a piano from a reputable dealer today, and provide regular tuning and maintenance over the years, you’ll find you can easily trade it in down the road.

Don’t get caught in the common disbelief of finding the cheapest instrument you can. Many budget minded families find a piano in a relative’s home that has been in storage for years, or pick up a piano off of Craigslist for next to nothing, only to wonder why their child doesn’t respond to the music.

Imagine choosing a bicycle for your child with flat tires, or sending them into a football game without proper padding. When you purchase a piano that isn’t properly tuned and doesn’t sound quite right, it can be difficult to play. If you don’t “hear” the music you are making, its difficult to want to continue to practice.

And that $200 bargain you found online may take hundreds, even thousands of dollars to bring it back into working condition.

Remember, before buying any piano, new or used, it should be in tune before you purchase it. If the seller can’t provide you with a tuning certificate showing you its recently been tuned and approved, don’t accept it. This is your guarantee of a properly working piano.

If you have any additional questions as you make your final selection, feel free to give us a call or stop by today.