The Best After School Routine Includes Piano

The Best After School Routine Includes Piano

The school bells are ringing once again. And if you’re like every busy household, you’re struggling to fit it all in. 

Teachers seem to be dishing out even more homework every year. And of course, every grade of advancement brings new challenges and opportunities. 

Then there are after school activities. Sometimes it feels like you’re running from place to place, always running a little behind. How will you fit it all in and have a life too?The Best After School Routine Includes Piano

We want our kids to be active. We want to give them every advantage possible, so we sign them up for every fun thing we can find. 

But think back to your own after school routine. Were you flying from activity to activity every single day?

Transition from school back home and to other activities is important. No one can be expected to be active every waking hour. Kids are no exception. If your child is:

Extroverted – she’s exhilarated after a day in the classroom. She needs to tell you all about it. She wants to stay active.

Introverted – she’s exhausted and needs a chance to recover. Only a quiet space will do. 

With this in mind, the sooner you start your after school routine, the more focus your kids will be. But only you can decide what that routine will look like. 

Will they start in on homework immediately? Will practicing the piano be a part of it? 

Or will some things be better pushed a few hours, to make time for other activities? 

If you have several children or an active family, a digital may make your life easier. Instead of trying to find a quiet place for homework while one child practices, simply plug in the headphones and let them go. 

This means one child isn’t separated from the activities of being a part of a family. They’re still in the presence of siblings doing homework, or you and your spouse making dinner. 

Digital pianos are often the solution to trying to find the time and space to fit it all in. 

How do you fit piano practice into your after school routine?