Best Way To Improve Piano Performance? Upgrade Your Piano

Best Way To Improve Piano Performance? Upgrade Your Piano

You’ve been playing the piano for a while now. You have hopes of improving your performance. You see yourself spending more time with your piano. You want to make it a bigger part of your life. 

But here’s a question you might be contemplating: Can you improve your performance on your current piano? Or would an upgrade to a new piano be a better move? 

A true professional will tell you they can make music with anything. 

A true professional will also tell you that they can create an even more impressive sound with a higher quality instrument. 

You have goals and dreams. Music is a part of your life? 

Should now be the time you upgrade your piano for one that plays better? 

The answer may be Yes. 

It may very well be for improvement in sound quality. Higher-quality pianos often feature superior materials, craftsmanship, and design, resulting in a richer, more resonant tone. Whether you’re playing classical compositions or contemporary pieces, a better piano can bring your music to life with clarity and depth.

Upgrading to a higher-end piano can also significantly enhance your playing experience by providing better touch and responsiveness. Premium pianos are engineered with precision action mechanisms and finely calibrated keys, allowing greater control and expression. You’ll find that executing dynamic contrasts and nuanced phrasing becomes effortless, enabling you to convey emotions more effectively through your playing.

A new piano can open doors to a world of musical possibilities. Whether you’re exploring different genres, techniques, or repertoire, having the right instrument can inspire creativity and innovation. Upgrading to a piano with advanced features such as MIDI connectivity or recording capabilities can also facilitate experimentation and composition, empowering you to explore new avenues in your musical journey.

We also understand that while you’re ready for a new experience, you might not be prepared for the payments. While upgrading your piano may require a significant investment upfront, it’s important to consider it as a long-term investment in your musical journey. A high-quality piano not only retains its value over time but can also appreciate in worth if well-maintained. Additionally, the benefits of improved performance and musical satisfaction that come with upgrading are priceless and can enrich your life for years to come.

Still have questions? We’re happy to answer them. Give us a call or stop by today. 

Discovering the Pianist Within – Why Now Is The Time To Upgrade Your Piano

Discovering the Pianist Within – Why Now Is The Time To Upgrade Your Piano

For a true pianist, music is everything. It helps you breathe. It makes your heart sing. Your life would never be the same without it. 

You’ve been playing for a while. You don’t practice because you have to, you practice for the sheer thrill of being able to create music. You love the piano! And you know it will be a part of your journey for a very long time. 

Spend some time contemplating what piano means to you. Journal if you so desire:

  • What inspired me to start my musical journey?
  • What are my favorite genres of music, and why?
  • How does music make me feel?
  • What role does music play in my life?
  • What musical instruments am I drawn to, and why?
  • Have I ever had formal musical training? If not, am I interested in pursuing it?
  • Who are my musical idols or role models?
  • What specific skills do I want to develop as a musician?
  • How do I define success in my musical journey?
  • Do I prefer performing solo or collaborating with others?
  • What are my biggest musical strengths?
  • What are my musical weaknesses, and how can I improve them?
  • What are some of my favorite musical memories?
  • How do I approach practicing and honing my skills?
  • Do I have any musical goals or dreams I want to achieve?
  • How do I overcome challenges and setbacks in my musical journey?
  • What impact does music have on my mental and emotional well-being?
  • Am I open to exploring new genres and styles of music?
  • How do I balance my musical pursuits with other aspects of my life?
  • What musical projects or collaborations do I want to pursue in the future?
  • What do I hope to convey or express through my music?
  • How do I stay motivated and inspired to continue my musical journey?
  • What are some of the most memorable lessons I’ve learned through music?
  • How do I connect with other musicians and music enthusiasts?
  • What legacy do I want to leave through my musical journey?

Ready to take your piano journey to new heights? It might be time to upgrade your piano. Do it for:

Improved sound quality – you’ll discover a piano with pristine sound quality, with clear, resonant tones across the entire keyboard. It’ll show up as improved dynamics and expression. 

Inspiration and motivation – a better instrument means greater enjoyment. The thrill of exploring different sounds and possibilities can reignite your passion for playing and motivate you to push your boundaries.

Longevity and reliability – no more technical issues! A new piano can give you the upgraded sound you’ve been looking for. It provides a stable and consistent playing experience that will give you more joy every time you sit down. 

Are you ready to upgrade your piano? We can help. Stop by today and see our complete line of pianos. There’s one sure to delight you and become the mainstay for why you play. 

Why It’s Time To Upgrade Your Piano

Why It’s Time To Upgrade Your Piano

Pianos are a beloved instrument and a cornerstone of musical culture. But if you have an old piano, it may be time to upgrade to a newer model. Here are a few reasons why:

Improved sound quality: Modern pianos are built with higher-quality materials and advanced technology, which means they can produce a richer, more vibrant sound. This is especially important if you’re a professional musician or if you simply want to get the most out of your instrument.

Better touch and response: Over time, the action (the mechanism that connects the keys to the hammers) on older pianos can become worn and unresponsive. This can make it challenging to play with precision and expression. If you upgrade your piano to a new, modern model, it will be more responsive to the touch, which can greatly enhance your playing experience.

Increased durability: Pianos are a significant investment, and you want yours to last as long as possible. Newer pianos are built to withstand the rigors of regular use and are built to last for many years with proper maintenance. This means you’ll be able to enjoy your instrument for longer and get more value for your money.

Modern features: Many newer pianos come equipped with a variety of modern features, such as built-in metronomes, digital recording capabilities, and the ability to connect to external devices like computers and smartphones. These can make practicing and performing more convenient and fun.

Enhanced aesthetics: Pianos are beautiful instruments, and newer models can add an elegant touch to any room. With their sleek designs and high-quality finishes, upgrading your piano can be a stunning addition to your home decor.

Upgrading your piano can bring numerous benefits, from improved sound quality and touch response to increased durability and modern features. If you’re ready to take your musical experience to the next level, it may be time to consider upgrading your piano.

It’s Time To Upgrade Your Piano If …

It’s Time To Upgrade Your Piano If …

You wanted your child to play the piano, and they’ve been doing well with it for months. You’re happy with their progress. But now, their instructor is telling you it’s time to upgrade your piano. 

What does that mean? Why do you need to upgrade? Isn’t a piano a piano? 

Let’s look at the number of reasons why upgrading might be a good idea. 


A lot of parents are initially shocked at the price of a piano. Then they struggle with spending money on an instrument they aren’t sure their child will continue to play. So they invest in something inexpensive, often digital. Something they find at their favorite big box store, perhaps. While this may be good in the beginning, it can’t help your child learn the intricate details of playing the piano. 

The biggest reason is because of touch. Traditional pianos have touch weight, which refers to the resistance the keys have when you press them down. This weight is designed to teach a person dynamic response. Over time, you learn to press into the keys with varying weight to receive different responses from the tonal quality of the music being played. If your piano doesn’t have that capability, you lose out learning this critical step. 


Pianos have thousands of parts, each put together in such a way to create sound. Over time, these parts can start to wear down, creating friction in the way they come together. Imagine if strings are loose or broken; the sound quality won’t be there. How can you play if the music being made isn’t right? 


The standard keyboard has 88 keys. Many digital pianos are built compact for size and flexibility. But without a full range of keys, at some point, a piano player simply can’t play what they desire. 

Size also matters in the overall construction of the piano itself. If you’re received a piano from a friend, you might have an older, more compact size. Pianos were built for a variety of reasons, one for compact living space. Everything about the piano was reduced, including the size of the keys themselves. Again, it’s back to the feel of the piano. If your child wants to move forward with their musical talent, they have to understand how to get full depth from the instrument. And that’s simply not possible on all instruments. 


Of course, tone is also a big reason to upgrade. Basic pianos will never sound as good as concert level pianos. Moving up improves the overall quality of the sound. If you want to hear the difference in piano tone, give us a call. We can share with you the differences, and help you make the right choice for your needs. 

When Its Time To Upgrade Your Piano

When Its Time To Upgrade Your Piano

Lets say your child announces they want to play soccer. You sign them up for a soccer team and you head to your first meeting. There they supply you with the list. So you take it out and start buying everything on the list. Team uniform – shorts, shirts, socks. A practice ball in the appropriate size. And of source a great pair of soccer shoes that help you run and play better.

When Its Time To Upgrade Your PianoYou would never think of having your daughter show up in a pair of her Mary Jane shoes. She’d fall down and hurt herself. So sticking with the appropriate equipment is mandatory – you understand it and you comply.

The same thing applies in the music world.

When your child announces that she wants to start playing the piano, you do your due diligence and find out what its all about. You find a local piano teacher that is willing to start piano lessons every week. You’ll also need to invest in a piano and the music required by the teacher.

Next comes shopping. And sticker shock. Pianos are how much?

For many people, the sticker shock wins out and they look for ways around investing in a piano. “Who knows if she’ll even like it,” they think. “Won’t one of those digital keyboards work at first until we make sure she likes it?”

It makes no sense to spend hundreds of dollars on soccer uniforms, lessons and games, equipment and practice gear, only to refuse to buy the proper shoes for your daughter to play in. Its setting her up for failure from the start.

Likewise, not buying the proper instrument for her to practice and train on is setting her up for failure right from the start.

There is more to learning how to play the piano then learning which finger goes on which key. Piano is all about sound and acoustics. Its making the connection to what you’re reading on the music, to how your fingers connect with the keys, to the sounds you are producing. If she isn’t producing a quality sound, frustration sets in. And the desire leaves.

If you’ve invested in a digital piano just to see if your child “will stick with it”, you may be setting them up for failure right from the beginning.

Don’t face sticker shock alone from looking at a few price tags online. Instead, come into the store and partner with us. There are many options for you to get a quality piano at a price you can afford. There are new and used options. There are ways to start out with a lower investment, knowing you can trade in and move up if your child continues in the future. You can learn the difference between different types of piano.

And more importantly, you can learn and hear the difference.

With just a few tips, you’ll be giving your child all she needs to move forward in a rewarding way, making music with one of the most popular instruments in the world today.