How To Teach Piano Remotely

How To Teach Piano Remotely

Thanks to the coronavirus, we’re rethinking everything we do. 

It hasn’t taken away our desire to learn. Instead, it’s made us focus on new ways to teach. If you’re searching for ways to teach piano remotely, we have some tips for you. 

Think outside the box

In most cases, your student will be an active participant. Whether you have an adult who has more time to practice, or a child with a parent guiding them along, stay in contact with them and make suggestions for being creative in this time apart. 

Now is a great time to brush up on music theory and history. It’s also a great time for people to listen and observe as well as sit down and play as well. Places like YourClassical offer free classical music all day, and offer a variety of educational items for kids too. Chrome Music Lab makes music fun with a variety of hands-on experiments. You can also pull up a variety of philharmonic and orchestra websites and check out their online resources – just Google it. 

Keep it simple

To encourage your students to play, one of the easiest ways is to teach via the phone. While this isn’t an ideal situation, it can keep your students on track and provide you with a way to keep paying students on your schedule. Have your student place the phone near the piano and ensure it’s on speakerphone. Since you won’t be able to see them perform, you’ll have to rely on listening and asking questions. 

Step it up

If you both have the technology, upgrade your teaching methods by using Facetime or Skype. This gives you the added bonus of both sight and sound. Realize there is a learning curve for both of you. Spend time in your first session finding the perfect placement of the digital device so you can see your student in action as well as hear their performance. 

Above all, be patient with yourself and your students. Realize you’re each going to have good and bad days. Some days may be better for relaxing and having fun, using the space just to take 30 minutes out of a stressful day. 

And realizing that teaching remotely won’t last forever. But the important thing is to have fun in the process.