How to Take Care of Your Piano For Life

How to Take Care of Your Piano For Life

A piano is a beautiful and valuable instrument that can provide a lifetime of joy and entertainment. Many buy a piano as much for the aesthetics it adds to a room as they do for a creative outlet. 

If you buy it and wish to ensure that your piano lasts for generations, you have to take proper care of it. What does that mean?

Keep your piano clean

This may sound simplistic, but one of the easiest ways to maintain your piano is by keeping it clean. Dust and dirt can accumulate on the piano’s surface, and over time, they can damage the finish. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe down the piano regularly. Avoid using water or any cleaning solution, as they can damage the finish.

Control the temperature and humidity

Pianos are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, which can cause the wood to expand and contract. This can result in tuning problems, cracked soundboards, and other issues. To prevent this, keep your piano in a room with a stable temperature and humidity level. Ideally, the temperature should be between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity should be between 40 and 60 percent.

Tune your piano regularly

Pianos need to be tuned regularly to maintain their sound quality. Most manufacturers recommend that you have your piano tuned at least once a year, or more frequently if you use it heavily or if there are significant changes in movement, temperature, or humidity. Hire a professional piano tuner to ensure that your piano is properly tuned.

Protect your piano from direct sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause the finish on your piano to fade and can damage and warp the wood. Avoid placing your piano in direct sunlight or near a window that receives a lot of sun. If you must place your piano in a sunny room, use curtains or blinds to block out the sun during the heat of the day.

Keep your piano away from moisture

Moisture can damage the wood and the finish of your piano. Avoid placing your piano in areas of high humidity, such as a damp basement or near a humidifier. If you live in a humid climate, consider using a dehumidifier to keep the air dry.

Play your piano regularly

Playing your piano regularly can help to maintain its condition. Regular use can prevent the wood from drying out and help keep the action and hammers in good working order. Keep in mind that even if you don’t play regularly, it will still need to be tuned and inspected from time to time. 

Hire a professional for repairs and maintenance

If you notice any issues with your piano, such as a sticky key or a broken string, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Hire a professional piano technician to repair and maintain your piano. Attempting to make repairs yourself can cause further damage and may be costly to fix.

Have additional questions?

Taking care of your piano is essential to maintain its playability. It also ensures that it will last for generations. By following these few simple tips, you can enjoy your piano for life.