How Your Piano Is Impacted By Indoor Air Quality

How Your Piano Is Impacted By Indoor Air Quality

Have you ever thought about your home’s indoor air quality? Every year, a variety of things filter inside. 

You heat your home in the winter, cool it in the summer. It’s impacted by high humidity and bitter cold. Fires can bring ash and soot, and more dust than you can handle. Hurricanes can bring in mildew, mold, and more. 

When any storm hits our community, it’s a lot to take in. You may have landscaping needs to care for, or even broken equipment throughout your home. 

Don’t ignore your piano. Even if it appears to be okay on the outside, indoor air quality can take its toll on how well it works. 


Extreme heat in the summer. Bitter temperatures in the winter. And a swing of humidity changes of 50 percent or more throughout the year. How is that impacting your piano? 

Cold weather is known to be hard on piano strings. It causes them to contract, meaning they shorten and tighten up. Warmer temperatures cause the opposite reaction. It jars connections loose and can cause the sound to become slightly distorted. High levels of humidity can cause the soundboard to swell, while low moisture will cause it to shrink. 

It’s an ebb and flow throughout the year. And all of it impacts how well your piano plays. 

Smoke damage

If you’ve ever watched a stream of smoke after you blow out a candle, you understand the complexities of what it can do. Smoke is what you see with the incomplete combustion process of carbon matter. While smoke generally dissipates quickly, it can create a residue. The more smoke, the more impact it has throughout your home. Wipe a finger across the finish of your piano; this residue may have settled in. 

While it may seem like a simple task to wipe it away, it comes with odor as well as soot. It can move through the cracks and into the inner workings of your piano. Over time, it can cause everything from discoloration, corrosion, and even extensive damage throughout. 

Chemical cleaners

You haul out a variety of cleaners for your weekly routines. Glass cleaners, all-purpose sprays, even air fresheners to create a clean scent left behind. But what do all of these have in common? Chemicals filling your air supply. And with doors and windows closed, your ventilation system in full gear blowing heat or cool air to every room, it can also move chemicals throughout as well. 

Those chemicals land somewhere. They can impact the finish of your piano, bury deep inside and weaken joints and connections. 

Pay attention to what chemicals are in everything you spray. Not only will it protect your piano, but it can create cleaner air to breathe – a win/win for everyone in your household. 

These are just a few of the many things that can impact your piano all year long. 

Keep your piano in good working condition by having it tuned on a regular schedule. A professional will ensure your piano is working well, and is in the best condition, inside and out.