Should You Enter A Piano Competition?

Should You Enter A Piano Competition?

What do some of the best piano players in the world have in common? They all have participated in piano competitions throughout their careers. 

Competition is often what drives humans to succeed. It has a way of making you into a better piano player by allowing you to see how well you stack up against others with the same drive. 

It puts pressure on to practice

The biggest benefit is it gives you a reason to keep up your practicing skills. You’ll have a clean and concrete deadline in front of you to motivate you into action. Knowing strangers will be watching and listening is often a very good motivator to keep you focused over time. Should You Enter A Piano Competition?

It gives you performance experience

Getting up in front of an audience is one of the most widely feared activities. While most of us dread the opportunity to speak in front of a large group, playing can increase your fears. It’s nerve-wracking to be in front of judges, but it also can be exciting. The more you participate, the more you learn how to control your fears. And that can have an impact in all areas of your life. 

It can give you more self-assurance

You have to be self-assured to enter a competition. Your self-assurance will build the closer you get to competition, and with the more competitions you enter. It’s not the outcome that matters most, but your ability to put your actions into place to do what’s necessary to get there. That kind of attitude can open up the world to you by teaching you to say yes to more things. 

If can introduce you to new people

By attending competitions, you’ll be introduced to other musicians, judges, and other people in the industry that can influence your piano goals and desires. Even if you don’t necessarily plan on pursuing piano professionally, you may be introduced to ideas you’ve never considered. Some consider it a great way for being referred to a gig, or finding a group of musicians to jam with from time to time. 

Want to get involved in piano competitions this year? We can get you started with a few links to piano competitions around the world:


Do a quick search for your local area. Or check with your instructor to find competitions near you. Don’t worry about how big or small they are when you begin. In the end, it’s about finding a way to reach your personal best. 

4 Tips For Healthy Piano Competition

4 Tips For Healthy Piano Competition

There are mixed emotions on piano competitions. On the one hand, it allows a pianist to show her skills. On the other, it has the potential of squashing her creativity and lessen her love and desire to play for the sake of playing.4 Tips For Healthy Piano Competition

And a lot of it depends on the desires of the pianist. If a young musician has the desire to turn piano playing into a career, friendly competition can make them better.

Setting the right parameters is important for both fun and reward. Why are you interested in competing? What do you hope to gain? Signing up for a piano competition because it’s the natural progression won’t deliver the maximum reward. However, if a student wants critiques, wants to learn more about their ability, and wants to step outside of their comfort zone and be challenged in the process, it might be the perfect step.

Learn From The Competition
When you’re competing against others, it’s important to take a look at who you’re up against. Local competitions are different than regional or even international events. Each offers their own rewards and benefits. While we all join to win, if you make this your primary goal, feelings will undoubtedly get hurt. But if you join as a way of improving your skills and learning from those around you, you will succeed every time.

Your Reference Point
A 13 year old entering for the first time will perform at different levels than a 17 year old that has competed for several years. While competitions may be about final results, each person should approach it with improving from within. Setting small goals that allow you to attain certain results will help improve your skill. Note where you are at the beginning of the process and how much you achieve through practice and performance. What did you accomplish? What could you do better? This is how you move forward and better your musical knowledge.

Just Do It
Every musician has doubts about moving forward at some point. This is when it’s important to keep the end goal in mind. Keep telling yourself you can until you do.

Do you perform in piano competitions?