Should You Invest In A Concert Piano

Should You Invest In A Concert Piano

What measures well over 7 feet long, weighs in at more than 1,100 pounds, and can take center stage in any room in your home?

Yes, a concert piano is not something you can easily ignore. But then again, why would you want to?Should You Invest In A Concert Piano

For some, they fall instantly in love when they sit down at a keyboard and begin to play. Music becomes their love. Piano becomes their passion. And playing becomes something that consumes who they are.

Yet for every person that falls in love with playing piano, few have the opportunity to turn it into a profession. A mere few hundred can list their profession as a concert pianist, making their money from playing the piano in a classical sense.

But that doesn’t have to stop you. There are many ways to bring piano into your life full time.

Move beyond concert piano, and you’ll find countless opportunities in the music world. Many of today’s most loved artists developed their love of music by playing the piano. You don’t have to be a superstar to play; many local bands start up and play regularly to keep local communities entertained.

Educational opportunities are also available. While piano is often taught in a one on one setting within a private home, as a child ages they can often bring in their love of music into a band or orchestra at school. And as they move from high school into college, they can take their love of music further and choose a career in music education. It’s a career choice that can have them working at all grade levels, including university, and can inspire them to work inside the home or through an educational institution.

Even entering the marketing world brings opportunity. Every jingle you hear in a commercial, every song you hear in the background of a movie or television show comes from somewhere. Music is what helps us create stories, and with technology advancing as rapidly as it is, the ability to use music in many different ways is growing right along side it.

Playing doesn’t have to be just for a career; coming home and playing a piano to relax can help relieve stress. Playing the piano is something you can do at 5 and at 105.

And as a person’s love for music to continue to grows, the concert piano becomes an even more valuable personal asset. When you walk into a room with a concert piano center stage, it commands attention. People take notice, whether they can play or not.

Would a concert piano be the perfect addition for your home?