How To Keep Teens Playing The Piano

How To Keep Teens Playing The Piano

Trying to keep a young child practicing the piano on a regular basis may seem like a difficult task … until you have a teen in the house. Teens take on entirely new personalities. They become moody. They fight just to fight. They also become involved in many more activities, from more school work to an increased social life.How To Keep Teens Playing The Piano

Time for piano? It often gets pushed to the wayside.

Yet the teenager can benefit greatly from having a regular practice routine in place. Not only will it provide them with a lifelong talent they will always be able to use and enjoy, but it can also help relieve the stresses of teenage life.

As a parent or as a piano instructor, there are several things you can do that will help a teen retain their interest in the art of piano.

Accept honesty

With measurable demands comes the opportunity for stretching the truth. If you demand a teen practice twenty minutes every day of the week, you’ll often get the standard “yes” response when asked if it was completed. (Knowing full well it isn’t the case.) Demand honesty from both parties. If a teen doesn’t have time to practice because of lots of homework or an upcoming game, accept it and move on. Work together to come up with ideas on how to enjoy the process instead of using it to add more stress.

Play what’s fun

Teens can be opinionated in many ways. And what they play on the piano is no exception. Give them freedom in what they learn and what they play. While you can stretch to make sure they achieve new levels, it’s important that they enjoy the process too. Even at the risk of not challenging them to their fullest potential, it’s still equally important that they enjoy what they are doing more than pushing to learn more.

Use motivation

Usually, a teen has played piano for years. What is their ultimate goal? Do they want to play in a band? Showcase their talents in front of an audience? Move on to music in college? Talk with them and show them realistically where music can take them. If they have an interest, research and find out how to incorporate it into their lives. If they see the prize waiting for them, they are more likely to keep practicing.

Incorporate creativity 

It may be time to change up how they’ve always practiced and played. How about adding games into the mix? Or give them a composing app that lets them create their own music? Maybe it’s time to give them a digital piano they can bring into their bedrooms and play on their own. Any time at the piano bench is a good thing. It allows them to put together past lessons and strive for something new. And it can be just the thing they need to calm them down before a big test, or even release frustrations after a trying day at school.

What works for keeping your teen interested in playing the piano?