How To Choose The Right Piano Teacher

How To Choose The Right Piano Teacher

Learning how to play the piano begins with taking lessons from a quality instructor. Choosing the right piano teacher may sound simple enough. All you need to do is look in the Yellow Pages, right? Well, you can do that, but you may not get the results you want. If you want to learn how to properly play the piano, you need to choose a teacher that has skills – not only in playing the piano, but also in teaching. Here are some tips to help you choose the How To Choose The Right Piano Teacherright piano teacher.

  • Think about what you want from a piano teacher. Do you want someone that is only interested in teaching you the basic skills, or would you prefer someone who is willing to go above and beyond in helping you reach your goals?
  • Speaking of goals, make a list of your goals pertaining to the piano. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Do you only want to learn how to play basic pieces to keep yourself entertained? Do you want to learn how to play complex pieces and entertain the world?
  • Make the choice between private lessons and group lessons. Are you more likely to flourish under the guiding hand of a teacher with one-on-one lessons? Are you more comfortable learning in a group setting?
  • Talk to friends, family, and others about their recommendations for a good teacher. For instance, pay a visit to your local music store and ask the shop owner his/her opinion.
  • When interviewing potential teachers, ask lots of questions. Find out the basics, such as the cost per lesson, the frequency of the lessons, etc. Also inquire about each teacher’s professional background, including their teaching experience. Discuss issues such as instructional materials, evaluations, and curriculum. Ask for references.
  • Make sure that the teacher’s personality and your own mesh. The two of you will be spending lots of time together, so you need to feel comfortable in each other’s presence.