How To Find The Right Piano Teacher

How To Find The Right Piano Teacher

Are you searching to find the right piano teacher? Whether you’re trying to find your first, or are looking for specific qualities to build on what you’ve already learned, there’s an art form to finding a piano teacher you’ll resonate with and work well with over time. 

Before you even begin the search, take a few moments and ask yourself a few questions. 

  • What do I hope to accomplish?
  • What are my goals?
  • How do I learn best, group or individual lessons?
  • How much time can I dedicate to lessons? To practice? 
  • How proficient do I hope to become? 
  • Do I want well-rounded instruction, with history and music theory? Or do I just want to play songs? 

Once you become more aware of your goals and desires, you can use that to find the best instruction to suit your needs. While there are a lot of great piano instructors out there, they won’t all necessarily be what’s best for you. Don’t be afraid to interview a variety of them before you settle on the right one for you. 

Consider their experience – when we look for any type of instruction, we first go to experience. But there’s more to experience than how long they’ve been teaching. Look at their approach to playing the piano – when did they start playing, where have they played, what can they bring to the table? If your goal is to play professionally, learning from someone who’s “been there, done that” may far outweigh someone who’s been teaching for twenty years without professional experience. 

Test your communication – what matters most is who you resonate with. By interviewing several instructors, your gut will automatically lean towards one over another. We learn best when we enjoy the process. If you feel you’ll get a lot of help from an instructor, it’s often the best place to start. 

Pay attention to your goals – if a teacher is heavy on classical music, and your goal is to play in a rock and roll band, it might not be the best fit. Once you’ve defined your goals, share them with potential instructors. If they see your vision, they can help you map out a plan to bring you closer to your goals. 

How do you find the right piano instructor to suit your needs? Don’t jump at the first one you find. Pay attention to the teacher that will help you achieve your goals. It’s the best way to ensure you enjoy the process for many years to come.