How Digital Sheet Music Helps You Play Better

How Digital Sheet Music Helps You Play Better

Remember the days of visiting a music store and browsing through the sections of sheet music? It could take time to find the perfect piece you wanted to bring home, practice, and learn. 

Like everything in our world, smart devices have changed the world of sheet music. Digital sheet music can provide a variety of resources to make learners find new connections with the music they play. It’s not just notes on a page anymore. Digital sheet music has powerful ways of connecting you with the music you play. 


Depending on which digital app you choose, you can change up how interactive the music can be. Students can choose songs they love, giving them even more reason to play every day. It can help adjust the tempo, giving beginning students a chance to learn at a slower pace, picking up speed as they learn and grow in confidence. 


Many of the newest additions to the digital sheet music world also bring AI to the table. Not only can you follow along on your tablet, but it can “listen” and adapt based on your playing. If you make mistakes, the digital sheet music can adjust, giving you feedback on how to grow more successfully at your playing. Try that with traditional sheet music; you had to rely on an instructor, which you may only have facetime with thirty minutes per week. 


Having digital sheet music allows you to track your progress. It can also help parents participate in a child’s learning, having full visibility of what they are learning. This can help students stay accountable for their learning, and overall make them better players. It can help them set goals and stick with schedules. 


One of the biggest reasons people like digital sheet music is the convenience factor. Instead of having to tote around a bag filled with papers, risk leaving some of them at home, or worse, losing them, you have it all conveniently stowed away on your portable device. No more printing off extra copies and worrying about leaving them behind. 

What’s more, going paperless will also make your piano playing practice more sustainable. You won’t have to worry about how much paper you use, or print off new sheet music as you make changes to your work. It’s all conveniently stowed on your tablet, ready to go at any time. 

Do you use digital sheet music?