Using A Metronome For Better Piano Practice

Using A Metronome For Better Piano Practice

Want to be a better piano player? The key is with better piano practice. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is an expert at understanding rhythm. Sometimes it takes work to get the beat right. 

That’s why incorporating a metronome into your practice will help you improve the way you play. A metronome can help you understand the right tempo and develop perfect timing for each piece you play. 

What is a metronome?

Metronomes emit a sound on each beat. It sets the tempo, then ticks off the counts to help you adjust the rhythm and understand the feel of the beat. Most metronomes can be set between 40 and 240 beats per minute. Some pianos have built in metronomes. You can also purchase apps that allow you to take it anywhere. 

How it can help identify technician issues

When you play without a metronome, you can glide over technical issues you might have with your playing. Spots where you’re dragging or rushing become apparent when you play it with the beat of a metronome. Practice the song with the clicking beat; you can do so just a few bars at a time. 

Getting up to speed

When you work with a teacher, they can help you through spots you might not be playing well. But most of your practice will be done alone. That’s where a metronome can help you along. Start by playing slower until you can play the notes effectively. Then speed it up until you’re at the proper dynamics. This works very well to overcome technical issues. It also ensures you play the music as intended by the creator of the piece. 

Do you have the proper tools to ensure your piano practice is effective? If not, we can help. From new and used pianos, to metronomes and sheet music, we can point you in the right direction to make every practice session its best.