Supporting Your Child Through Piano Lessons

Supporting Your Child Through Piano Lessons

Did you play the piano as a child? Were you in the band or orchestra as you made your way through school? It can help you help your child as they take on an instrument of their own. 

But if you have never played an instrument before, and aren’t musically inclined, how can you support your child through piano lessons? 

Practice, practice, practice. The key to becoming better at playing an instrument is to practice. It’s not something you can do here and there; you have to stick with a regular schedule. Don’t get caught up in pushing off practice “until tomorrow.” Instead, make it a part of your schedule every day. Don’t skip lessons. Set aside time every day to play. This is the only way to get better at playing. 

Practice doesn’t mean playing a piece from start to finish. When you first start playing, songs are short and easier to play. But the more difficult the music becomes, the longer it takes to master. Sometimes a practice session will be about playing one small piece of the song. That’s okay. Allow your child’s teacher to set the pace. 

Compliment music lessons with other forms of music. In order to develop music literacy, it’s important to have a wide variety of musical training tools in your home. Buy different music books and sheet music. Be willing to invest in things your child wants to try. Also consider apps and other online tools to help to learn to play. And when the opportunity arises, take field trips to local symphonies, concerts, and other musical events. 

Daily reminders to practice don’t mean your child doesn’t like to play. Kids are kids. And sometimes they groan as you remind them to do their daily chores. But that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy making music. Playing the piano can be a relaxing experience. You do have to make the time and encourage them to sit and play for the designated time period. It’s no different than reminding them to brush their teeth or do their homework. It’s a part of a parent’s job. 

Create long term goals. There’s nothing wrong with creating long term goals as they improve their piano playing. Schedule trips to the symphony several months out. Encourage them by promising upgraded pianos or accessories in the future. Motivate them by showing them what they can do with their skills. It will help you get more comfortable with their abilities and how well you can expect them to play. 

Participate. Sit down and listen to their practices once in a while. Attend their practices with teachers and piano groups. Get involved in helping them find playable music. Kids get excited when mom and dad participate in their activities. 

Work together with your child’s piano teacher to keep them involved. However, this doesn’t mean carrying on with a ten minute conversation after the lesson. Chances are they have another lesson soon after. Send an email. Sit in on the lesson to gain clarity on techniques to keep them moving forward. Let the teacher know you’re an active participant in your child’s learning. Sometimes, it can make all the difference in how long your child moves forward with their new skills.