Should I Buy A Piano If I Want To Learn?

Should I Buy A Piano If I Want To Learn?

Ready to learn the piano? What are the first steps you should take?

When it comes to piano playing, practice isn’t everything. Even the best musician would have trouble focusing and playing a piano that is of poor quality. Imagine playing your favorite song and half way through, a tinny, out of tune note throws off your focus. The rest of the song is off. You can’t get your head back into your music.Should I Buy A Piano If I Want To Learn?

That makes sense for a top professional. But what about a person just starting to learn? After all, they won’t play a complete song for quite some time. Is it really that important to own a quality piano? Can you use a smaller, inexpensive keyboard? Are there other options?

Learning to play the piano means acquiring a variety of skills. It requires locating the notes, controlling the tempo, reading the music. It demands attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the technical aspects of playing, including positioning of the body, controlling the touch of the keys, and the speed in which you press down on the keys to create music.

When it all comes together, it allows you to become a better piano player.

The feel of an acoustic piano or an high quality digital piano will provide the highest level of satisfaction, and give you the best results as you navigate learning to play. Yet playing on high quality equipment doesn’t have to equate to buying an expensive piano. There are many ways to ensure you receive high quality workmanship at a budgeted price you can afford.

Think of buying used. Because quality pianos have been in the marketplace for generations, you’ll find quality in both the used and the new. If a piano is used and has been well kept, it can offer you years of enjoyment at a lower price than if you purchased one new.

Go digital. Digital pianos allow you to own a high quality instrument that takes up less space in your home (perfect for people living in small quarters), and gives you the opportunity to move your piano anywhere you choose.

Restoration. Have a piano passed down from generation to generation? A little restoration may create a piano you can be proud of for many more.

Not sure what’s the right direction for you? Start by visiting our retail location first. We can help you understand the differences between new and used, acoustic and digital. In no time you can define the right instrument for your needs, and choose one budgeted perfectly for what you hope to achieve.