Piano Lesson Myths

Piano Lesson Myths

As an adult, it can be scary to jump into something new. It’s that fear factor that holds us back from doing things that sound interesting. It’s that fear factor that prevents us from moving forward in a big way. 

Have you ever wanted to play the piano, but hold back because you’re nervous about taking one on one lessons? You’re not alone. There are many piano lesson myths we believe as a culture, and yet once you start, you’ll find your worries were for nothing. Piano Lesson Myths

“I have to start with classical music.”

The piano is often associated with the classics: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. We assume that if we start in with piano lessons, we’ll have to jump right into the classics. Yet it’s simply not true. Studying music theory means gaining a full perspective of all music, including popular. The key is to enjoy playing – you’ll actually do more of it. While it is true that diving into classical will give you a more rounded musical education, ultimately it comes down to you, your goals, and enjoying what you do. 

“Children learn faster than adults.”

In fact, adults often have an easier time because they are more in tune with music. They’ve listened to different sounds for decades; pressing a note and seeing how they work together just makes sense. Children often become busier as they age, incorporating more schoolwork and more activities in their days. If you play as an adult, music becomes an important part of your life that you automatically choose to integrate into your days. Practice gives you an advantage, and when you are stronger at incorporating into your life on a regular basis, the concepts of music come quickly too. 

“I can never become really good if I start later in life.”

Again, it comes down to your goals. Will you practice one hour a week? Do you have the time to practice several hours a week? Do you have the desire to play for yourself, or do you see yourself on stage in front of a large audience? Remember, you have a lifetime of learning behind you. If you have the stamina from being a great athlete or had a career of working with numbers, you already have an edge in understanding music. That can quickly be moved into the way you play, helping you become better every day. 

“The more practice, the better.”

In reality, shorter practice times more frequently throughout the week will help you be a better player. Short bursts of concentration repeated frequently are much more effective than sitting down for one long session. Workouts tear down your muscles, both physical and mental. And if your fingers and your mind become tired, no matter how much you practice, the concepts simply won’t stick.