How To Motivate Your Child To Practice Piano Over Summer Break

How To Motivate Your Child To Practice Piano Over Summer Break

Once again, summer break from school is a few short weeks ahead of us. Longer days, warm breezes, family vacations, freedom from the work that fills our schedules all year long.

While its important to take breaks now and again, should you take a break from everything? In some cases, the answer may be no.

Freedom is a good thing. But an idle mind is not. While pushing math problems several hours a day might make them beg to go back to school, something fun like piano can actually make them enjoy music that much more.How To Motivate Your Child To Practice Piano Over Summer Break

To start, find a piano teacher that has a slightly different approach in the summer months. Because there may be weeks without lessons while you enjoy a family vacation, make the music about fun as well. See if your child can choose fun, modern day music rather than sticking with the classics.

In some cases, having a new selection may be all that it takes to motivate your child to sit down at the piano every day. If they enjoy it, they may play it without asking. If you find that two days turn into four, and your child is soon returning to piano lessons without practicing at all, it may be time to add a little structure to the day.

When is your child most likely to appreciate time at the piano? Every child is different. Some have a lot of energy first thing in the morning; some prefer around dinner time. Whatever works for your child and your schedule,

Rather than instilling a time limit, try and work your summer schedule around achievements.

  • Play this song three times every day.
  • Practice these scales four times each.
  • Play this section until you feel comfortable with it.

The problem with time limits is they are something to be endured. If a child knows she has to put in 30 minutes before she can go out and play, she’ll become a clock watcher. But if she can work on feeling comfortable with a certain selection of the song, she can adjust her time around her comfort level, and may wind up practicing longer because of her appreciation for what she is doing.

Above all, realize that she probably won’t accomplish as much in the summer as she does the rest of the year. And that’s okay. As long as she continues her appreciation for the art of piano, it will be instilled in her for the long term.

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