How To Find A High Quality Used Piano

How To Find A High Quality Used Piano

Are you looking for a high quality used piano?

Have you been burned by finding one that wasn’t really that good?How To Find A High Quality Used Piano

Yes, there are too many pianos out there that need a lot of work to bring them into ready condition. Trying to weed through them can sometimes feel like a full time job.

But it’s not impossible, not if you know what to look for.

Don’t settle for an overused piano

The most frequent mistake I see people make is settling for an overused piano to “try it out.” They buy an old upright through a “great deal” and assume they can always upgrade down the road if their son or daughter really enjoys playing the piano. Don’t do it. Old uprights may have been high quality in the beginning, but if they’ve sat around for years – decades – without attention, you’re merely picking up someone else’s problem. And if it’s out of tune and can’t be brought into tune, if it’s not in good condition, your child will never pick up the joy of making beautiful music.

Get an education

A piano is a piano, right? Well… Like all things, choosing a piano brings lots of opportunities. Sure, you may know there’s a difference between an upright and a grand, but what’s the difference between a spinet, a console, and a studio? How many keys should you choose as a beginner? If you purchase a used piano from an individual, they will sell you on their piano. If you shop with a dealer, they will provide you with an education.

Set your budget

Like every activity, playing the piano requires an investment. You’ll have to pay for a piano. And music. And lessons. But the piano is the biggest outlay to get started. Yes, you can find a piano in almost any price range. But don’t forget moving costs – that falls on the buyer if you’re purchasing from an individual. And don’t forget tuning – that also falls on the buyer. And that’s when costs can quickly escalate if you don’t truly understand what you’re buying from the beginning.

Think long term

In some cases, pianos hold their value well. The piano you purchase today may have resell value in a few years when you’re ready to upgrade to a better piano. Because pianos have a long useful life, you should expect to recoup most of your purchase price somewhere down the road.

It all starts with making a wise choice in the beginning. If purchasing a high quality piano is on your to-do list this year, let us show you how easy it can be.